ABSTRACT A study was conducted at the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital to determine the constraints of maternity healthcare delivery. Sixty-two patients as well as professional and non professional staff were interviewed. The results indicate that 90.3% of patients who access maternity care at the hospital come from within Accra while 9.7% come from the immediate suburbs. An average of 167 patients attend antenatal clinic daily and most prefer KBTH to other hospitals because of the presence of exp...
ABSTRACT This research is a cross sectional study which assessed the follow-up appointment and visit system at the neurology clinic of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, from patients and health provider’s perspective. The specific objectives were; to explore how the perceived attributes of the follow-up appointment system affect clients adherence and use of the system, to determine client knowledge on the follow-up appointment system and how it affects their acceptance of the system and satisfac...
ABSTRACT As the political and media landscape become complex, political parties and candidates all over the world and for that matter Ghana keep exploring new ways and ideas to effectively communicate their political messages to the target audience. Social media tools nevertheless have unfolded new possibilities for politicians to engage with citizens. The primary objective of this study therefore is to examine the extent to which political message dissemination on social media by politician...
ABSTRACT Organizational justice is an essential component and predictor of successful organizations. Organization that is fair and just in its procedures, policies, interactions and distribution systems, employees of that organization give better response to the organization in terms of their positive behaviours and productivity thus the main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational justice on citizenship behaviour in Nigeria breweries. The study adopted th...
Abstract It is a clear and undisputable fact that savings is of great value to a nation’s growth and development. Mobilizing both domestic and international savings is necessary if any society can proceed into ‘self-sustaining economic growth’. Higher savings has been proven to precede economic growth. Therefore the analysis of saving is the analysis of issues of growth and development. This study therefore sought to examine the savings habit of households using the GLSS 5 data with mu...
ABSTRACT Organizational justice is an essential component and predictor of successful organizations. Organization that is fair and just in its procedures, policies, interactions and distribution systems, employees of that organization give better response to the organization in terms of their positive behaviours and productivity thus the main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational justice on citizenship behaviour in Nigeria breweries. The study adopted the...
ABSTRACT Pension funds act as an important stimulus to capital markets in most countries where they exist through financial intermediation. Pension funds complement, and hence stimulate the development of capital markets while acting as substitutes for banks as they generate returns themselves. The returns they realize depend on different factors that vary from country to country and from time to time. The purpose of this study was to establish the determinants of the financial performance o...
ABSTRACT Women in the Ghanaian society have always worked to support and take care of their families. Their work however mostly took place in the informal sector in recent times however; Ghanaian women have had to combine traditional roles with formal employment, a phenomenon which has dire implications on both the women and their families. The study investigated and sought to establish the relationship between multiple roles of working mothers and their family life satisfaction within the b...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Perceived Organizational Politics, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among 2 selected public sector organizations in Accra. A survey correlational research design was used in the collection of data from 160 participants from the Ghana Standards Authority, a regulatory body in Ghana and the West Africa Examination council an international body for examination in Ghana. Perceived orga...
ABSTRACT Despite the crucial role place of delivery plays in maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity of women in Ghana, there continue to exit a gap between women who also utilize antenatal care service but fail to deliver at the hospital (elsewhere). This study was conducted in Assin Fosu in the Assin North district to examine why women prefer to deliver elsewhere (not the hospital. The objectives the study sought to investigate were: where women prefer to deliver; the factors that i...
ABSTRACT This research study examined the determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria from 1980-2014. For this purpose, annual figures of interest rate, inflation and degree of trade openness at the economy were regressed on exchange rate in a framework of multiple models; ordinary least square (OLS) technique at estimation was employed. The result revealed that inflation rate was an insignificant determinant of exchange rate. Also interest rate was revealed to be insignificant determinant of e...
Abstract The issues of economic reforms, deregulation, 1 iberal isation or economic adjustment programme began in the early 80s, particularly i n the Afr i can c o n t i nent. Even though the terms are used synonymously, there are d iffe r i ng e m phasis and applications i n government pol icies, jou r nalistic and economic parlance. Whatever the case may be, the application of these terms began w ith the ac.loption, at least i n the Afric::in co11ti11e11t, or the Economic Structural Adjus...
ABSTRACT The quest to mobilize sustainable domestic revenues for financing development is a challenge for many countries, especially those in the developing world. Discovering non-renewable natural resources should therefore be good news. However, the notion of a natural resource curse suggests that countries that are rich in natural resources often perform poorly on several development outcomes. A related term, fiscal resource curse, has emerged. The fiscal resource curse is the inability o...
Abstract Incest has been described as an abuse which leaves victims with serious adverse effects such as poor psychological health and suicidal tendencies. To curb this menace, efforts need to be made to create positive environments for victims of incest to lessen the effect that the abuse has on the victims. This study thus aimed at exploring subjective experiences of incest victims and the support that key informants in the society could provide, and barriers that hinder the provision of t...
ABSTRACT Background: Irrespective of an individual’s race, sex, religion and finances, health must be rudimentary and an indispensable benefit to all, generally making healthcare supreme to every person. Nonetheless, for the reason that children are confronted with special health problems linked to the phases of their physical and mental development, which make them vulnerable to malnourishment and infectious diseases, health care is more critical for children. Objective: To assess the con...