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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Impact of Healthcare Delivery on Agricultural Sector Output in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work is an empirical effort attempting to examine the impact of healthcare delivery on agricultural sector output using the ordinary least squares (OLS) with annual secondary data from 1980 to 2016 sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and Index Mundi Database. The co integration and regression analysis of the variables were used to analyze the data .The result of this study shows the independent variables (life expectancy and mortality rate) have s...

Impact of External Debt on The Economic Growth of Nigeria (2001-2016)

ABSTRACT The study aims to ascertain the impact of external debt on the economic growth of Nigeria. The specific objectives are to ascertain the impact of external debt and external debt servicing on gross domestic product with equivalent research questions and research hypotheses. The research design used is the ex-post-facto research design, secondary data were collected from the CBN statistical bulletin. The method of data analysis is ordinary least squares statistical technique with the a...

Impact of Exchange Rate on The Nigeria's Balance of Payment

ABSTRACT The study investigates empirically the impact of Exchange Rate on Balance of Payment in Nigeria. The broad objective of this study is; to determine the impact of exchange rate on Balance of Payment in Nigeria within the periods of 1981 to 2015. Annual time series data on Exchange Rate, Trade Openness, Import, Export and Balance of Payment from the Central Bank of Nigeria covering the period 1981 – 2015 were utilized. A model was constructed to incorporate Balance of Payment as th...

Impact of Deposit Money Bank Credits on Economic Growth of Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work is based on the impact of deposit money bank credits on Nigeria economic growth. The main objective of this study is; to ascertain the impact of deposit money bank credits on economic growth of Nigeria (1981-2016). A model was constructed to incorporate real gross domestic product (RGDP) as the dependent variable proxy of economic growth, commercial bank credit (CBC) and interest rate (INTR) as the independent variables and tested using the ordinary least-square (OLS) tech...

State Institutions And Political Party Vigilantism: The Cases Of The National Health Insurance Authority (Nhia) And The Youth Employment Agency (Yea), In The Northern Region From 2009 - 2017

ABSTRACT Political Party Vigilantism (PPV) has become not only a feature but also a menace in the politics of Ghana’s Fourth Republic. In Ghana, starting with the presidency of Jerry John Rawlings, PPV has expressed itself in inter-party rivalry between the two leading political parties – the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP). The use of propaganda to discredit rival parties and in extreme cases the forceful take-overs of state institutions (SIs) by poli...

Impact of Agricultural Financing on The Agricultural Output in Nigeria

ABSRACT This study examined the effect of agriculturalfinancing on agricultural output in Nigeria.This study is necessitated by the fact that agricultural practices have not been given full attention they deserve in Nigeria knowing truly that the country by nature is gifted in agriculture and its neglect is our bane in terms of food production and revenue yield. The research relied on secondary data that was used, which concentrated on banks credit and Government funding of the agricultur...

Corruption And Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria

Abstract This study was embarked on to evaluate corruption and sustainable development in Nigeria. In the process of this study three specific objectives were formulated and three research questions were poses to guide the research. The major limitation was the inability of the researcher to retrieve some relevant materials for the study from internet sources and the management of time to produce the needed result. The literature review was organized in themes which directly look into the ...

Entrepreneurship Financing Amongst Female Smes In Accra: The Enablers And Challenges

ABSTRACT The main aim of this research work was to examine entrepreneurship financing among females in Accra focusing on the enabling and challenging factors. The study employed qualitative research approach using exploratory and descriptive methods to achieve the objectives set out for the study. The main instrument employed was semi-structured interviews with twenty (20) respondent size being owners of female run SMEs in different fields ranging from food and beverages, water, clothing and ...

Good Governace And Poverty Alleviation; A Case Study of Selected Local Government in Benue State

ABSTRACT For the purpose of clarity and operational reasons, this study was undertaken to investigate good governance and poverty alleviation programme in Benue State with a focus to six selected local government. Three specific objectives were formulated and three research questions were set to guide the study. The major limitation of the study was that the research was formally intended to study the whole local governments in Benue State because of the cost of covering the whole local gove...

Corruption And Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Evidence From West Africa

ABSTRACT The significance of foreign capital inflows to West Africa cannot be underestimated, more so when almost all the countries in the sub-region are virtually aid-dependent. One way to access this muchneeded resource can be through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). This rationalization has ignited a stiff competition for FDI among nations, sub-region and regions. However, FDI inflows to West Africa have been dwindling over the years, which may impede efforts to achieve the Sustainable Dev...

The Effects Of Motivation On Employee Morale At Mass Telecom Innovation (Mti) Ghana Limited

ABSTRACT Organizations are employing various strategies to increase the motivation and morale levels of their human capital at their disposal to enhance their work experience. This study assessed the effects of motivation on employee morale at Mass Telecom Innovation (MTI) Ghana limited, a technology infrastructure management firm in Ghana. The study specifically examined the levels of employee morale in the company, the factors that influence employee morale and the relationship between moti...

Foreign Direct Investment And The Development of Small And Medium Enterprises in Enugu State(2007 -2017)

ABSTRACT The issue of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been an age long issue for quite some decades especially in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Enugu state, Nigeria. However, little or no attention has been given to the importance of foreign direct investment to the development of SMEs in the state. SMEs are the major drivers of employment in Enugu state and Nigeria at large, because statistics has it that 60% of Nigeria’s workforce comes through small and medium scale enterpr...

Challenges Of Implementing The Free Maternal Healthcare Policy In Ghana: Experiences From The New Juabeng Municipality

Abstract This study investigated the implementation of the free maternal healthcare policy in Ghana with a focus on the constraints that impede the attainment of the policy’s goals. Using the qualitative approach, the case study strategy was deployed, with the New Juabeng Municipal as the case. Data was derived from multiple sources (interviews, focus group discussions and documentary reviews) and from different categories of persons (staff of health care facilities, service providers and d...

Compensation Management

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1           Background of the Study Compensation Management is one of the most complex and dynamic issues in organizational performance. For an organization to achieve its stated objectives, there is the need to effectively manage compensation, taken into cognizance one of the core aspect of resource management known as compensation management (Anyebe, 2003). The ability of a manager to achieve its stated objectives to a large extent depends on the effe...

An Examination Of Students’ Attitude Towards Female Senior Members’ Job Performance In Higher Educational Institutions In Ghana: The Influence Of Social Dominance Orientation

ABSTRACT This study examined students’ attitudes towards female senior members in Ghanaian Universities. The study also considered whether Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) will moderate the relationship between students’ attitude and female senior members’ job performance. The study employed mixed method approach. Ghanaian graduate students and female senior members were sampled for the study. A total of 330 valid questionnaires was used for the quantitative survey analysis and 12 rec...

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