ABSTRACT This thesis examines the relationship between financial sector development and international trade in Africa. Specifically, the study investigates (i) the direct and indirect effects of finance on trade via economic growth (ii) threshold effects of finance–trade nexus mediated by the levels of finance as well as (iii) sectoral effects and transmission channels of finance on international trade. It employs standard approaches namely the generalized method of moments (GMM), threshold...
ABSTRACT Like the national level, the dominant political parties in the Northern Region are the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP). The two dominant Islamic sects in the Tamale Metropolis in the Northern Region are the Ahlu-sunnas and the Tijaniyyas. Interestingly, under the Fourth Republic, most Ahlu-sunnas have aligned themselves with NDC whiles most Tijaniyyas have been affiliated with the NPP. This study sets out to investigate both the historical and con...
ABSTRACT The Department of Social Welfare (DSW) is an institution responsible for the provision of social welfare services in Ghana. An institution such as this is expected to have skilled employees, resources, among others, to facilitate the provision of quality services. However, the DSW is reported to be facing several challenges including the lack of infrastructure and adequate staff. Given the increasing challenges confronting the DSW, this study investigated clients’ experiences of se...
ABSTRACT Purpose – This research is to identify the determinants of credit risk of banks in Africa and examine the impact of credit risk on banks’ lending rates and banks’ stability. Design/methodology/approach – This study considers 197 banks across 29 countries in Africa over the period 2008-2012. Africa was divided into three income brackets according to the 2010 World Bank classification. A large sample of 197 banks was used in order to have enough banks in each income bracket. Sa...
ABSTRACT Concerns about currency fluctuations are becoming increasingly prominent in both advanced and emerging countries, including Ghana because they affect imports and exports directly. The main aim of the study is to assess the impact of the Central Bank intervention on Exchange rates in Ghana, using Société Générale Ghana as a case study. This study used secondary data mainly drawn from the Bank of Ghana Data base. The study covers a time period of 4 years (2014-2018) which captures ...
ABSTRACT Urbanism carries within itself a complex web of social experiences and systems which rewards creativity and innovation other than a routine repetitive lifestyle. Social change remains a constant encounter in all human settlements but appears to be most visible in the urban social space. Change in itself is the hegemony between existing and new social ideas which is measured by how these ideas improve social lives. People in urban areas are bound to encounter temptations to alter th...
ABSTRACT Fiscal decentralisation has gain prominence over the last three decades. Proponents of fiscal decentralisation believe that, devolving government tax and expenditure responsibilities to lower tiers of governments will lead to the efficiency of governments and ultimately enhance economic growth. On the other hand, those who oppose fiscal decentralisation argue that fiscal decentralisation will result in ruins and wrecks. However, it is disappointing to note that upon all the controver...
ABSTRACT The role of the banking sector in promoting economic growth cannot be underestimated. In view of this, the assessment of the performance of the banking industry is very important. Increasingly, a number of methods have been used to effectively account for the total factor productivity of banks. This study employed the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) cost Malmquist productivity analysis to assess the productivity of banks in Ghana. This is a technique that has strong roots in optimiza...
ABSTRACT This thesis examines how socio-cultural factors influence body dissatisfaction, body image, self-esteem and psychological distress among adolescents in Accra, Ghana. Mixed-method approach was used to gather data through cross-sectional survey and focused group discussions. Sample for the survey and the focused group discussions consisted of 358 and 62 adolescents respectively. They were conveniently sampled from selected districts in the Greater Accra region. The quantitative data wa...
Abstract Homosexuality has been a topic for debate for quite some time in Ghana and a lot of negative sentiments have been expressed publicly about it. This study therefore examined the structure of prejudicial attitudes toward homosexuals and the extent to which these attitudes are moderated by religious commitment and morality. It also examined the role of attributions in determining attitudes toward homosexuals and how homosexuals in turn view societal attitudes toward themselves. To achie...
ABSTRACT Juvenile delinquency is a global phenomenon that has affected the individual culprits’ moral standings and also the general morality of the society. Though a global issue, its effects are felt more in developing countries such as Nigeria where there is less attention paid to the measures that are necessary for attending to the issue. It is based on this neglect that, this study was carried out to discover the predisposing factors to juvenile delinquency, the challenges of rehabil...
ABSTRACT One of the world’s problems in the 21st century has been high population growth which slackens economic growth and development of many developing countries. This is fueled by high fertility rates especially in the rural areas. The era between 1960 and now has seen unprecedented development in the area of birth control mechanisms but with very little decrease in human population particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. With the proliferation of modern contraceptives and Ghana’s enunc...
ABSTRACT The case of non-performing loans has gained increased attention in recent years because of its adverse effects on banking and non-banking financial institutions and the country’s economy as a whole. Despite the various interventions implemented by the central bank to reduce this phenomenon, non-performing loans continue to grow in the books of financial institutions. The study therefore, seeks to examine credit officers’ perspectives on the causes of non-performing loans in comm...
ABSTRACT Local Economic Development (LED) is increasingly gaining the attention of governments especially in developing countries. In Ghana, LED has been adopted as a development strategy to enable local governments in partnership with community groups and private sector create employment and boost local development using the resources available. The study has investigated the degree to which Fiscal Decentralization (FD) has contributed to LED at the district level. Using qualitative resear...
ABSTRACT Ghana experienced its worst cholera outbreak in the last three decades in 2014. However, evidence of the economic costs of the disease on the health system and affected households has not been fully documented. This study therefore sought to determine economic cost associated with recent outbreak the disease. Two districts which were high and low incidence areas (HIA and LIA) were selected for comparative cost studies. A total of 418 (282 HIA and 136 LIA) households which experience...