ABSTRACT This study looked into the impact of government agricultural expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria. Time series data were gathered from secondary sources on real GDP, government agricultural expenditure, agricultural output and agricultural credit from the CBN statistical bulletin covering the period between 1981 and 2019. Econometric methods such as Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test, Johansen Co-integration test, Ordinary Least Squares method and Granger Causality tests wer...
ABSTRACT In almost every developing country Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) are treated as the engine for economic growth and the availability of external finance for them is a topic of significant research interest to academics and policy makers around the globe. SMEs need improved access to finance especially for acquiring capital equipment and applications of new technology for operations. However, their access to finance is restricted because they do not have reliable credit histori...
ABSTRACT This thesis is on ((Human Resource Development and performance in an organization: A case study of FCT ADP Ahuja" My choice of Federal Capital Territory Agricultural Development project Ahuja} is informed by its significance to the development of Ahuja and the Nation at Large. The researcher } s desires to critically and elaborately uncover the problems caused by neglecting the human side of organizations} explore the relationship between · Human resource development and performanc...
ABSTRACT This study is mainly concerned with examination of the role of government's policy on the creation of Abuja as the Federal Capital of Nigeria. Generally speaking, we examined the philosophy that governed the policy for the development of Abuja. Creating new towns and especially capital cities is not new in history. f n fact, quite a number of countries in the world have had cause to change their capital cities. Be that as it may, the research had essentially focused at investigating...
Abstract Changes in gender roles and relations and environment are intricately related. Rapid increase in human population brings about massive exploitation of natural resources which in turn leads to observable effects like poor crop yield from degrading lands, water pollution, and extinction of forests. This is therefore a study of the effects of environmental degradation in agrarian communities and changing gender roles and relations. Both qualitative and quantitative instruments were use...
Abstract VISIONING UGANDA FOREIGN POLICY 1.1 INTRODUCTION The emerging state of interdependency in the region follows from the intertwined nature of security political, social and developmental problems. This in part creates mutual vulnerability and heavy costs of maintaining and protecting one's sovereignty. Yet with increasing interactions due to advanced transportation and communication and the slowly increasin·g economic exchanges it becomes imperative that the peace and prosperity that ...
ABSTRACT The Nigerian federation which is made up of thirty-six states and 774 local government councils has since its gradual evolution as a colonial federal state in 1954 been contending with issues of revenue generation and allocation. Various efforts were made through Commissions, Decrees and Committees to address the fiscal dimensions of the Nigerian federal system. However, the issues remained controversial, contentious, conflictual, and threatening to the foundation and survival ...
ABSTRACT Today, Nigeria is becoming an attractive market for international students and this trend is rapidly growing as a result of the competition in the marketplace and its overall benefit, both to the university and the host country. According to UNESCO 2013/2014 report, about 36,260 Nigerian students traveled to the United Kingdom, Ghana and United States of America and in 2015 alone, about 9,494 Nigerian students traveled to the United States of America in search for hig...
ABSTRACT This research topic is on risk analysis and financial management in commercial banks, the case study being an Islamic bank, Islamic banks are well known for interest free banking, as a result of this interest free banking, most Islamic banks resort to asset lending or business financing. This project aims to assess the type of risks that affect Islamic banks, types of facilities available to their customers, the type of risks associated with each facility, mitigation techniques or p...
BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The concept of capacity building has become a buzz word in education reform discourse internationally both in developed and emerging economies. However, despite its wide usage, it is an often misunderstood social construct. For conceptual clarity then, capacity building has to do with the allocation of, and investment in resourcesphysical, intellectual or human especially when other intervening variables have failed within a given institutional or social context
Background to the Study The disappointing performance of the agricultural sector in many developing countries of the world is receiving increasing attention of the monetary and exchange rate policy makers. This intervention in agricultural markets is widespread and is practiced in rich and poor countries alike. The policies on money supply, nominal exchange rates, interest rates income, international capital flows, fiscal and trade directed at macroeconomics sector of the economy are of utmo...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to examine the Federal Character Principle and Quota System in Nigeria and its relationship with the recruitment exercise in the public service. This was prompted by the fact that there is growing disenchantment in some quarters about the implementation of the federal character principle and quota system, which they believe leads to the violation of the merit principle and lowering of standards in the recruitment of personnel into the publi...
ABSTRACT It is true that The use of Information and Communication Technology is a veritable tool in tax administration. However the purpose of this research work is to contribute some thoughts to how the use of ICT in taxation can be effectualized. In exploring the subject matter, he first looked at the overall essence if information and communication technology and how it can serve as a veritable tool in tax administration using kaduna state board of internal revenue as a case study. The pr...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to examine building professional administration and achieving improve service delivery in sokoto south local government; an appraisal of man power development polices and practice this was prompted by the fact that there are no better ways of delivering service to the local government level which is believed to be lead by the poor professional administration and man power. This shows that there is close link between staff development, profe...
ABSTRACT Accounts receivable of a firm is a legally enforceable claim for payment from a business to its customers/clients for goods supplied and/or services rendered in execution of the customer’s order.