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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Impact of National Health Insurance Payment Delays of The Service Delivery of Private Hospitals

ABSTRACT The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was introduced in Ghana in 2004. The scheme was brought on board a substitute for the then out-of-pocket system, popularly identified as the dreaded ‘cash and carry system’. This system required that clients pay healthcare service at the point of service. The reimbursement of claims by the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has not been regular as it ought to be. This study assessed whether delays in claim payment by the NHIA a...

Electoral Commission And Election Management In Ghana (1993-2008)

ABSTRACT This study examined the three levels of electoral governance and the extent to which they have contributed to the elections that Ghana‟s Electoral Commission has managed under the Fourth Republic. The practical initiatives undertaken by the Electoral Commission in the area of rule making, rule application and rule adjudication in managing elections in Ghana, were the central issues that the study addressed. The study argued that the constitutional leverage granted to the EC to make...

The Impact of The Ssnit Pension Scheme on Retired Workers in Accra

ABSTRACT The SSNIT Pension scheme was instituted (coverted from Provident Fund) in 1991 with the promulgation of PNDC Law 247 to pay benefits in the event of some specified contingencies namely: old age, death and invalidity. The study focused on the old age benefits paid to retired workers (contributors) which is deemed as a replacement of their lost income. Benefits paid range between fifty and eighty percent of ones best three years' salary. Though the system has been in operation for some...

Psychological Determinants of Farmers Intention To Adopt Improved Agricultural Innovations; A Study Among Small Holder Farmers in The Gushegu District of Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT The extent and speed to which farmers adopt available innovations/technologies can significantly improve crop production and promote food security locally, nationally and globally. However, there is evidence that farmers do not easily adopt farming innovations. In an attempt to understand and predict farmers’ innovation adoption behaviour, recent studies have focused on farmers’ background and economic factors with little attention to psychological factors, particularly within t...

The Effects Of Work- Family Conflict On The Academic Performance Of Children; Using Smart Kids School As A Case..

ABSTRACT People cannot fully enjoy their personal lives whiles achieving all their job related goals. In many situations, people are forced to make compromises; conflict between their work and family are no exception. Work-family conflict is a determinant in maximizing productivity in every industry and in fulfilling the duties in respective homes. Parents are saddled with a lot of work and they are again demanded to care for their children. The inter-role conflict that occurs when engaging i...

Financial Inclusion, Monetary Policy, Financial Sector Development And Financial Regulation In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT This thesis is made up of three stand-alone empirical chapters that examine the relationship among financial inclusion, monetary policy, financial sector development and financial regulation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter two presents an overview of financial inclusion, monetary policy, financial sector development and financial regulation in Sub-Sahara Africa. The overview show that Sub-Saharan Africa stock markets are comparatively young undercapitalized and they are not liquid. Ne...

Local Content Policy And Value Creation; The Case of The Upstream Oil And Gas Extraction Industry In Ghana

ABSTRACT Ghana upon the oil discovery developed the local content policy to guide upstream oil exploration and production in 2011 with the passage of Petroleum Commission (PC) Act, 2011 (Act 821). Subsequently, the government developed a legislative instrument (L.I. 2204) in 2013 to support the regulation to promote local content. This study sought to examine the impact of the local content policy and value creation in the upstream oil and gas sector in Ghana. This objective was achieved usi...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A Study Of Ghana’s Banking Industry

The customer has become the centrepiece of business strategy due to the growing realization of the importance of the customer to businesses. The principal driving force behind this trend is competition. The present competitive landscape in Ghana’s, banking industry has accentuated the need for effective management of relationships as a customer retention strategy. The major focus of this study was to explore the relationship between CRM practice and customer loyalty and also examine the eff...

Investment Behaviour Of Informal Sector Workers In Ghana

ABSTRACT Studies on individual investments have not received much attention in Ghana. It is in the back drop of this the study was conducted to assess the investment behavior of informal sector workers in Ghana. The study was conducted through a survey of 200 informal sector workers. The study finds out that the informal sector workers prefer to invest in Thrift/Cooperative unions, mutual funds, treasury bills, fixed deposits, stocks and the last one being government bonds. The informal secto...

Participation In Urban Community Development: Case Study Of Ga East Municipality

ABSTRACT Increasing population growth and rapid urbanization over the years have outpaced socioeconomic infrastructures needed to give communities a minimum standard of living. Bridging the gap therefore requires the active participation of communities in social development projects. Unfortunately, previous studies have found that communities are not adequately involved in the decision-making process of projects that affect their lives, thereby raising the questions about project sustainabili...

Family Planning Decisions Among Northern Women in Madina

ABSTRACT Even though, family planning is a reproductive health right to which every individual is entitled, for migrant women, family planning decisions are likely to be shrouded by many factors which may impede their right to decide. This study therefore explored family planning decision making among northern migrant women in Madina, Accra. The objectives of the study were to (a) explore how northern migrant women‘s migration status influence their family planning decisions and uptake, (b...

The Causal Relationship that exist between Financial Sectors Development And Economic Growth in Ghana

ABSTRACT This research examines empirically the causal relationship between the development of the financial sector and Ghana's economic growth. In this research findings, data from the Global Financial Development Database (GFDD) and World Development Indicators (WDI) were used. The research employs information from time series data and utilizes a bound test strategy to cointegration within the context of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ADRL) to determine the short-term and long-term li...

The Influence of Personality Traits and Organisational Culture on Proactive Behaviour among Aviation Security Personnel at The Kotoka International Airport, Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Threats to security at airports have become a serious global menace affecting various economies around the world. Ghana will be no exception if measures are not taken to avert such threats. This research assesses proactive behaviour among security personnel in the aviation industry in Ghana. The study also sought to assess the role personality traits and organisational culture play in predicting proactive behaviour among the study participants.  Participants for this study were secu...


ABSTRACT The current challenge to the democratization process of emerging democracies is disputed presidential elections. A number of disputed presidential elections have been experienced in many African countries lately. Disputed presidential elections have led to political instability in many African countries. Owing to electoral violence which arose out of disputed presidential elections, Zimbabwe recorded 86 death in its elections in 2008, 247 deaths in Cote d‘Ivoire 2010 and 1300 death...

Impact of Foreign Aid On Poverty Reduction In Ghana.

ABSTRACT There have been various forms of foreign aid to developing countries of which Ghana is a beneficiary. Many theories have been attributed to the inception of foreign aid to less developed countries. In some researches, Foreign aid have been attributed to having a great impact on poverty reduction however, there are other studies which have come out with findings that show that foreign aid does not have an impact on poverty reduction. This research therefore seeks to examine the trends...

PSN Africa 90 PAGES (20851 WORDS) Finance Paper

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