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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Impact of Foreign Aid On Poverty Reduction In Ghana

ABSTRACT There have been various forms of foreign aid to developing countries of which Ghana is a beneficiary. Many theories have been attributed to the inception of foreign aid to less developed countries. In some researches, Foreign aid have been attributed to having a great impact on poverty reduction however, there are other studies which have come out with findings that show that foreign aid does not have an impact on poverty reduction. This research therefore seeks to examine the trends...

PSN Africa 90 PAGES (20851 WORDS) Finance Paper
Online Health Information: A Preference Model Analysis Among Social Media Users In Ghana

ABSTRACT With the explosion of information on the web, the internet has become the reserve for all kinds of information connecting individuals to health content, expertise and support. Majority of people are turning to social media and other internet platforms to seek for health information and experiences. However, anyone can post health content on the web regardless of their professional background or expertise, medical qualifications or intentions raising concerns about the quality of info...

Cybersecurity Practices Among Foreign Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to investigate the level of awareness, practices and compliance level to the cyber-security directive of the central bank among the foreign banks operating in Ghana. A multistage sampling technique was used to arrive at the final respondents for the study. The study had a total of 46 respondents from 13 foreign owned banks in Ghana. All respondents indicated they knew there was a policy on cybersecurity. To verify the knowledge of the respondents to thei...

An Analysis Of Loan Repayment Behaviour Among Students Loan Borrowers In Ghana

ABSTRACT The sustainability of the Student Loan Scheme in Ghana has been the downside of its operations since it was first introduced in 1971. The one major determinant of a successfully scheme is its ability to recover loans disbursed. In recent times, numerous government initiatives have resulted in the decline of government support to the scheme managers of the Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF). This has called for appropriate strategizing of recovery activities by the scheme Managers in ord...

Customer Value Anticipation, Satisfaction, And Loyalty: The Moderating Role Of Competition And Gender

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to assess how customer value anticipation (CVA) influences customers’ behavioural and attitudinal outcomes such as satisfaction and loyalty. The thesis also aims to examine the moderating effect of boundary conditions such as competition (as perceived by customers) and gender on the relationship customer value anticipation has with satisfaction and loyalty respectively. Data collected from a total of three hundred (300) MBA students who double as custome...

Credit Risk And Profitability Of Listed Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT This research assesses the relationship between credit risk and the performance of listed banks in Ghana. The data sample consisted 8 listed banks covering a 7-year period from 2010 to 2016. Findings from the study reveal that total assets and liabilities on average increased over the seven (7) years period. But this increase has been almost in the same proportion, leading to an almost constant leverage ratio over the period. On the average, the ROA of most of the banks increased ove...

The Impact of Foreign Banks on Economic Growth in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study takes the finance-growth nexus further by looking at the direct and indirect impact of foreign banks on economic growth in Ghana. Using annual time series data from 1960 to 2013, the study examined the relationship between the share of foreign banks, bank competition and economic growth. The relationship between the share of foreign banks, bank competition and economic growth was established through the framework of endogenous growth model. In addition, the study employed...

Pub Network 102 PAGES (25344 WORDS) Finance Thesis
The Impact of Marketting Activities on Repurchase Intention And The Meditation Role of Brand Equity in The Ghanaian Mobile Telecommunications Industry

ABSTRACT Over the years, the use of marketing activities has been seen as very essential to firms and has had a lot of attention not only from academic scholars but also industry experts as most firms seek to use it as a means of gaining brand equity and to get consumers to buy more of their products. This study therefore sought to find out the effects of marketing activities in gaining brand equity and in turn leading to a repurchase decision. Based on this, the study objectives were to det...

African Cultural Values And Personality Factors Among Rural And Urban Dwellers in Ghana

ABSTRACT The present study investigated factors and values that influence the development of personality in the Akan concept, the extent to which the Akan theory of day name determines personality of an individual. In addition, it sought to determine the relationship between the Big Five personality factors, the Africentric worldview and the Akan personality factors. The study is a mixed methods design. The first part is a qualitative study that involves an in-depth interview with eight part...

Enhancing The Effectiveness of The Oversight And Scrutiny of The Public Expenditure by The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament of Ghana

ABSTRACT Since the commencement of the fourth republic in 1992, Ghana has pursued an ambitious programme of public sector reforms, including initiatives aimed at putting limited public resource to optimal use and strengthening democratic political governance. This makes the financial oversight role of parliament exercised through its Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to minimise the potential for corruption by scrutinising government expenditure and making appropriate recommendations to govern...

Effects of Lecturers Mental Workload And Job Satisfaction on Work Life Balance

ABSTRACT Due to the nature of the work of University lecturers’ they are likely to experience high mental workload and varied behavioral outcomes such as job satisfaction. These conditions may invariably affect how well they will be able to balance their work and personal lives concurrently. Notwithstanding these causal relationships, the working conditions of lecturers’ can influence their work-life balance. As such, the purpose of this study was to assess the effect of University lectu...

Commodity Price Shocks And Fiscal Imbalance In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of commodity price shocks on fiscal imbalance in Ghana. The study covered the period of 1990 to 2013 where the country experienced high fiscal imbalance and external debt that led to the HIPC initiative to sustain the debt burden and macroeconomic stability. The Vector Error Correction approach to cointegrationwas used with quarterly data from Bank of Ghana, WDI and ADI. The Impulse Response Analysis from a Bayesian VAR was done to analyse shocks of...

Financial Literacy Of Small Business Owners, Financial Records Keeping And Enterprise Performance In The Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine financial literacy of small business owners, financial records keeping and enterprise performance in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of Ghana. Financial literacy level and operating performance of those enterprises as a measure of business economic performance was examined. In addition, the study examined financial records kept by small business owners. It was an explanatory study which employed quantitative methodology and survey strategy. Find...

Actualizing Sustainable Development Goal in Four Local Government in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study focused on actualizing Sustainable Development Goal 4 in Nanumba South District of Ghana. Ghana adopted the SDGs in 2015 and their implementation was launched in January, 2016. It is expected that both national and district level developmental plans are aligned to them. To achieve the research objectives, the study adopted the qualitative research approach and a case study research design to purposely interview officials of the Nanumba South District Directorate of Educat...

Hospital Solid Waste Management Practices In Eastern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examined hospital solid waste management practices the Eastern Region of Ghana. A total of 320 hospital staff from six selected hospitals were randomly selected for the study with 279 returned responses for the questionnaire used. Interviews were conducted among 15 purposively selected staff from the six selected hospitals, the private waste collecting company, the Municipal Assembly and the Environmental Protection Agency. SPSS Version 20 was used to analysed questionnaire...

11941 - 11955 Of 19638 Results