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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Subgranting And Effectiveness of Health Projects; A case Of Aids Relief Services-Nsambya in Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between Sub-Granting and Effectiveness of Health Projects; the case of Aids Relief Services in Kampala, Uganda. The study was guided by the four objectives which included determining;- the demographic profile of the respondents ; level of successful Subgranting management; Level of effectiveness of health projects and significant relationship between level of successful subgranting and level of effectiveness of Health projects in Kampa...

Income Generating Projects for Persons Living with Hiv and Aids in Kampala District, Uganda~

ABSTRUCr According to Ministry of health report 2005 and the 1st joint monitoring and evaluation exercise that was conducted in 2007 by Kawempe home care; the implementation of Income generating projects are still constrained by inadequate funds to meet the increasing numbers of people living with HIV and AIDS, The study also highlighted that Most of the PLWHA are extremely poor and lack basic necessities (KHC report 2009). Their financial stability would therefore enable them to buy the medi...

Tax Policy and Performance of Small and Meduim Enterprises in Juba City, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT Tax policy refers to what taxes governments choose to levy, in what amounts, and on whom. It concerns broad issues such as how much tax the government needs to collect in order to pay for expenditures and the effect that taxes can have on overall economic activity. It also concerns issues of fairness -who should pay taxes, and how much - and efficiency, or whether taxes will have a distortive effect on performance of SMEs in Juba City, Central Equatoria state, south Sudan.Arelatioshi...

Quality Of Work-life Balance and Employee Performance in Kigali Independent University

ABSTRACf In this study the researcher discussed about Quality of work —life and employee performance, case of Kigali Independent University and researcher attempted to assess the effect of quality of work-life balance on employee performance in that university, and this was verify true analysing the effects of flexible working hours on employee performance, to analyse the effect of dependent care initiatives on employee performance, to assess the influence of wellness program on employee pe...

Commercial Bank Services and Growth of Small Scale Enterprises in Bujumbura, Burundi

ABSTRACT The importance of commercial banks to eradication of poverty cannot be overemphasized. Commercial banks offer financial services to active poor who were traditionally neglected by conventional banks with a view towards lifting them out of poverty. Hence, this study sought to establish the effect that commercial bank services have on the growth of small scale enterprises in Bujumbura- Burundi. Even if it is a government policy to ensure that all people have access to financial service...

The Cultural Practices and Women in Decision Making Process in Somali Land

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify the role of cultural practices which is based on Somali pastoral norms and Islamic religion on the political participation of women in Somaliland. The methodology used was descriptive correlation design. Data collected included; demographic characteristics of the respondents, the effect of religion (Islam) on the political participation of women and the role of Somali pastoral norms on the political participation of women in Somaliland. However, ...

Communication And Employee Performance Of Moyo District Administration Headquarters Of West Nile Region Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of communication on employee performance of Moyo district administration headquarters West Nile region of Northern Uganda. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; · identifying the effect of downward, Upward, Horizontal communication and their relationships on employee performance in Moyo district. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design and with both quantitative and qualitative research paradi...

Staff Training and Employee Performance in Tanzania Leaf Tobacco Company Tabora Region

ABSTRACT The quality of Human Resource is an asset to any organization and as a result Training has become an issue that has to be faced by every organization. The amount;, and quality of training carried out varies enormously from organization to organization due to factors such as the degree of external change, for instance, new markets or new processes, the adaptability of exLsting workforce and importantly the extent to which the organization supports the idea of internal career developme...

Microfinance Institutions and Rural Social Economic Development in Rusizi District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The major objective of study was to identify and bring awareness on the role of microfinance institutions to the Rural Socio economic development in Rusizi District Rwanda. By conducting an assessment one can determine the social economic impacts of MFI’s interventions in the area then propose solutions to increasing economic growth, promotion of self dependency, helping the unemployed to generate additional jobs for themselves, This study used correlation analysis. The target popu...

Stress Levels, Health Seeking Behaviors and Academic Performance Among Students of Kampala International University (Kiu), Uganda.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between stress levels, health seeking behaviors and academic performance among students of Kampala International University (KIU) Kampala, Uganda. The study was guided by three stated objectives: To determine the relationship between stress levels and academic performance among students; To examine the difference between the levels of stress experienced among male and female students; To establish relationship between health...

Training/Development and Workers Efficiency in Some Selected Civil Servant of Kaduna State Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between training I development and work efficiency in some selected civil servants of Kaduna state, Nigeria. In fulfilling the purpose of the study, the study determined the profile of the respondents, extent of training and development of the Kaduna state civil servant, level of work efficiency of the civil servant and lastly, relationship between the extent of training and development and workers efficiency in the Kaduna S...


Introduction TheUKisanimportanttradepartnerformanycountriesthatseektoboost theireconomiesthroughtradeandinvestment.TheUK’sproximitytotheEU makesitanaturalchoiceformanycountriesseekingtostrengthenEuropean ties.However,somechallengesmustbeconsideredifacountryisconsidering enteringabilateraltradeagreementwiththeUK.Firstofall,theUK’seconomic performancehasbeenlacklusterinrecentyears.Thismeanstheymaybeless incentivetoagreewithyou,especiallyiftheywantyourcountrytojointheir free-tradezone.Second...

Impact of Government Health and Education Expenditure on Economic Growth in Nigeria: Econometric Approach of Autoregressive Distributive Lag Model (ARDL)

The study examined the impact of the impact of government health and education expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: (i) determine the impact of government health expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria; (ii) ascertain the impact of government education expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria and (iii) evaluate the impact of Primary school enrolment rate on economic growth in Nigeria. This study made use of ex post-facto research design. The data anal...

Impact of Non-Oil tax revenue on economic growth in West Africa: Multivariate panel data approach

This study examined the impact of non-oil tax revenue on economic growth in West African Countries. Specifically, the study sought to: investigate the impact of value added tax on economic growth in West Africa; examine the impact of company tax revenue on economic growth in West Africa; determine the impact of personal tax revenue on economic growth in West Africa. The variables used in the study were value added tax (VAT), company tax revenue (CIT), personal tax revenue (PIT) and real GDP g...

Determinants of Software as a Service (SaaS) Adoption By Nairobi Securities Exchange Listed Companies

Software as a Services (SaaS) is a revolutionary licensing and distribution model used to deliver software applications over the Internet. It is a compelling value proposition for customers who are keen to avoid tying high capital expenditure that characterizes implementation of on-premise business applications, as it presents customers with the option of pay-as-you-go operating expenditure model as opposed to large upfront capital expenditure. Despite the economics and other adoption facilit...

1186 - 1200 Of 19638 Results