ABSTRACT The study examined the role of materialism, work-family conflict and age in marital satisfaction. Three hundred and eighteen (150 married men and 168 married women) academic and non-academic staff of Meteorological Training Institute, Obosi, aged between 20 and 70 years with mean age of 45 participated in the study. Marital satisfaction was measured using Index of Marital Satisfaction Scale. Richins and Darwson’s Materialism Scale and Carlson, Kacmar and William Work- family Confli...
Abstract Every organization whether public or private, at every instance desires to satisfy the needs of its clients, this will only be possible with an enlightened and well trained staff therefore, the role played by staff training cannot be over-emphasized as many have come to recognize that training offers a way of developing skill, enhancing productivity, guaranteeing quality of work and build worker’s loyalty to the firm. The work was guided by the following research questions What ar...
ABSTRACT The study examined the climate change (climate change extreme events and household climate change adaptation practice) effects on the food security status of the households in Taraba State Nigeria. The primary data used in this work was collected using a random sampling selection of three (3) agricultural zones, 5 local government areas, 10 communities, and 120 respondents from the sample frame. The 3 agricultural zones selected were zing, Bali, and Wukari. Five (5) local government ...
ABSTRACT This study examined the problems and prospects of community development in Ebonyi State. Community development is a positive improvement in socio-cultural, economic, political and physical structures within the environments, which enhances man’s standard of living. It is a process of education by which people of all ages and all interests in the community, learn to share their thoughts, their ideals, their participation, their joys and their sorrows and in a large measure to mould ...
ABSTRACT 6 The study has as its objectives, to examine the twin issue of Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Nigeria. In addition, to deepen our understanding of how Poverty Alleviation Programmes had been implemented overtime and the effect of those strategies and programmes on food security in Abia State. The study applied the chi-square (X2 ) techniques to test the hypotheses on Abia ADP Programme on Food Security vis: the impact of Abia ADP Programme on Food Security, food sufficienc...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page……………………………………………………………………………… i Approval page………………………………………………………….......................... ii Certification…………………………………………………………………………… iii Dedication…………………………………………………………................................ iv Acknowledgement……………………………�...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the Local Government Legislative Council and Accountability in Nigeria’s local Government system with focus on Imo state. It utilized the qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection and analysis; with the theory of post-colonial state serving as the theoretical framework of analysis. The findings indicate that poor oversight functions of the local government legislative council over budget implementation, investigation of the executive, use of im...
Abstract Nigeria as a heterogeneous society consists of different people with various ancestral origins, languages, and cultures. It is therefore imperative to guarantee equity, justice and fairness in the allocation and distribution of resources, wealth and positions to the various ethnic groups in order to keep Nigeria as a single entity. There had been conflicts among different ethnic groups as a result of marginalization in resource sharing. This study therefore investigated the effect of...
ABSTRACT This study looked at terrorist bombing in Nigeria: A critical Analysis of its socio-political roots since 2000 – 2011. If focuses on two main research questions: (i), Is there a positive relationship between religious fundamentalism and terrorist bombing in Nigeria? (ii); Does the presidential power shift to the south account for terrorist bombings in Nigeria. The study adopted frustration-aggression theory as theoretical framework of analysis, secondary sources of data which was g...
ABSTRACT Every time the economy recesses the role of government intervention as proposed by Keynes again reiterates. However the nature and magnitude of these policies are important to note. It is on this premise that this study examines the impact of oil revenue fluctuations and fiscal policy response on economic growth in Nigeria. The study used data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Annual Reports and Statistical Bulletin, the World Bank Indicators and National Bureau of Statistics. T...
ABSTRACT This study attempts to investigate the problems of internal revenue generation in the local government system in Nigeria, using Aninri local government council of Enugu State as a case study. In doing this, we were able to determine whether Paucity of trained and skilled revenue collectors constrain Aninri Local Government council from generating enough internal revenue and to investigate whether corruption among revenue collectors hinders Aninri Local Government council from generat...
ABSTRACT This project report studied community participation and rural development in Nigeria, from 2012- 2014. The study has both broad and specific objectives. The broad objective is to determine whether communities in Nsukka local government area participated effectively in community rural development. The specific objectives are as follows: (i) To ascertain the extent of community participation in community development in Ihe-Owere. (ii) To determine whether the problem of inadequate fund...
ABSTRACT A number of oil-producing countries in the World (Norway, Britain, Venezuela, Canada, Brazil, etc) have successfully implemented regulatory policies and put in place gas reinjection technologies to curb gas flaring and venting in their offshore/onshore oil fields. Conversely, since 1969 Nigeria has been battling with same gas flaring and venting regulatory regimes without success. This study therefore examines the adequacy of consultancy and utilization of indigenous science and tech...
ABSTRACT Public expenditure1 is not only used for stimulation of aggregate demand, it is also a useful tool for redistribution of wealth and provision of public goods. Consequently, the size and object of government expenditure becomes a leading policy issue of general concern in most national and international gathering. To proffer the much needed professional guidance on such occasion at the local level, this study therefore carried out economic analysis of public expenditure growth and opt...
ABSTRACT The study of investigated Influence of Family Socio-Economic Status, Gender and school location on students’ perception of examination malpractices. Three hindered and frothy-six secondary school (ss1) students participated in the study. Participants were within the age range of 14 and 18 years with a mean age of sixteen years. Three hypotheses were tested. Hypothesis 1 states that there will be no statistically significant difference in perception of examination malpractices betwe...