ABSTRACT Entrepreneurial cognitions is gradually receiving attention in Ghana in recent times. The decisions people make concerning the development of entrepreneurial businesses are key in the performance of the business. The present study conducted a two-fold study using mixed methods, to examine the relationship between analytical and intuitive cognitive styles and entrepreneurial decision making approaches amongst community participants. Study one which was quantitative in nature administe...
ABSTRACT This thesis examines the means and ways in which rural tourism contributes to the enhancement of rural livelihoods at Paga. To date little is known about the empirical evidence linking rural tourism and livelihood enhancement at Paga. In order to gain better understanding of relevant issues in the context of the study, the sustainable livelihood framework which addresses livelihood assets, transforming structures and processes, vulnerability context, and livelihood strategies in orde...
Abstract The study investigated the relationship between demographic variables (educational qualification, income level, and work experience) and financial literacy on one hand, and the relationship between financial behavior and financial literacy on the other hand. The study draws on a sample of 103 respondents who are employed in the financial sector of Ghana. The study made use of One –Way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Univariate regression in testing the hypotheses formulated. The r...
ABSTRACT One of the hallmarks of our rapidly evolving democratic culture as a nation has been the relentlessness with which we have subjected every social institution to scrutiny through open debate and discussion. Consistent with this culture of debate, there has been a flurry of criticisms and commentaries about the institution of Chieftaincy. Not surprisingly, no consensus on the relevance of the institution in the midst of a modern nation-state has so far been achieved. One side of the de...
ABSTRACT Domestic violence is a universal problem found in all societies around the world. Victims feel reluctant to speak of it in public. This is because of the shame and stigmatization associated with it. The focus of this study was to investigate women’s socio-demographic characteristics and their experience of domestic violence using Awutu Senya East District as a case study. The research employed a quantitative approach which administered close ended questionnaire to 120 women above ...
Evans and Stoddart (1990,1994) provide a clear model for describing disease, health and well-being and their determinants. In their model, disease influences health that functions to influence well-being, of these three medical care is related most naturally, only to disease. Other variables considered were economic prosperity, individual behaviour, biology and genetic endowment as well as the physical and social environments. Frank (1995, 233-237) asserted that medical care is not necessaril...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social media self-control failure on the online purchasing behaviour of college students. The role of time spent in this relationship was also addressed. The study was designed to explain the cause and effect relationship between social media self-control failure and the constituents of online purchasing behaviour using an analytical research purpose, namely, attitude towards online purchasing, compulsive buying, conspicuous cons...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study to investigate, explore and understand the motivations of franchising and some of the challenges, franchisees are likely to face in emerging markets like Ghana. The study employed qualitative approach specifically, a case study research strategy is used to investigate the problem. Purposive and Snowball sampling techniques are used for choosing the unit of analysis which resulted in 4 firms (4 managers). Also, data was collected through an in-depth interview...
ABSTRACT The study aims to explore the factors that drive panic withdrawal, the reasons for withdrawals and the further actions that bank clients take after withdrawing their deposits during the collapse of banks from an individual customer perspective. A cross-sectional data set was collected from 80 customers of banks in Ghana using a survey instrument. In total, 44 percent of respondents have accounts with at last one of the failed or collapsed banks. Overall, half of the respondents withd...
ABSTRACT This study set out to explore and ascertain the increasing use of plastic bags and the environmental effects they have on people. It was also to recommend possible approaches that can be adopted to reduce the environmental impact of the plastic bag waste. The aim of the research was to investigate consumers’ attitudes towards the use of plastic bags, their level of awareness of the environmental hazards posed by the indiscriminate disposal and lack of management of the plastic bag ...
ABSTRACT Until recently, fertility and family planning research in developing countries, as well as policy and programme formulation, has generally relied on data collected from women. Increasingly, however, attention is being paid to the inclusion of men. Although women bear children and most modern contraceptives are female cantered, childbearing has an impact on men's lives too. This impact may be felt financially, if men accept the responsibility of supporting their children, and in a ran...
ABSTRACT The developing world is challenged with a large number of persons involved in less productive and vulnerable employment. Ghana is not an exemption. This limits the country’s effort towards a successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, particularly Goals 1, 8 and 10 which relate to ‘no poverty’, ‘decent work and economic growth’ and ‘lower inequality’, respectively. This study broadly examines the role of employment in explaining welfare in Ghan...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the influence of thin media and personality dimensions on body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem. Two-hundred undergraduate students from University of Ghana were conveniently sampled for this study. These participants filled Multidimensional Body Self-Relations Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Media Influence Questionnaire and The Big Five Inventory (BFI). Results of the study indicated that there was a significant negative relationshi...
ABSTRACT One of the most critical impediments MSMEs face is the access to finance. This is largely due to the problem of information asymmetry associated with MSMEs. Financing decision is a vital issue for every small business, as its absence often leads to bankruptcy and failure of the business. Extant literature suggests that business owners often finance their firms with different debt-equity ratios. A practical question could be asked as to what factors influence such financing decisions?...
ABSTRACT This thesis sought to investigate the Practice Methodologies of Accra Regional DOVVSU in Addressing Domestic Violence Cases. This was done through examining the procedures used in handling reported cases at the Unit, extent to which the Unit meets the needs of victims of domestic violence who are clients, skills/ training/capacity building/enhancement programmes for the Unit’s personnel and factors affecting the quality of service delivery of the Unit. The thesis adopted qualitativ...