Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Inflation and Economic Growth in Uganda from 1976 to 2016

ABSTRACT The existence and nature of a link between inflation and Economic growth has been the subject of considerable interest and debate. High and sustainable Economic growth and low inflation are two of the main objectives of macroeconomic policy. Hence, if high inflation is harmful for an economy and low inflation is beneficial, then it is reasonable to ask, what is the optimal level of inflation for an economy? In general, is there any link between inflation and Economic growth? In this ...

Foreign Direct Investment and Unemployment Rate in Uganda (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda from 1991 -2017. It was driven by two major objectives, which are to investigate if there is casual relationship between foreign direct investment and unemployment rate in Uganda and to examine the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda. The study used time series data in between 1991 to 2017 from the World Bank and Uganda Bureau of stat...

The Role of United Nations Development Programme in Capacity Building in Southern Sudan Case Study of Juba, Central Equotoria State

ABSTRACT As for the capacity Building and Development, UNDP building the capacity of people in the institutions at the community, state, and GoSS level to bring about sustainable change in capacity development. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is one of those institutions benefitting from this kind of support. The Annual Report also calls attention to TJNDP’s geographical reach in southern Sudan. Their projects in the areas of governance, rule of law, crisis prevention, recover...

Utilisation Of Fiscal Resources In Health Sector In Somalia

ABSTRACT The study focused on utilization of fiscal resources in health sector in Somalia as the case study. The study objectively thought to; identity the forms fiscal resource utilization on health sector in Somalia, to establish whether normal procedures are used in fiscal resources utilization in the health sector in Somalia and to identify the challenges of fiscal resource utilization in the health sector in Somalia. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Descriptive was used b...

Human-Wildlife Conflict In Murchison Falls National Park In Uganda: A Proposed Management Development Programme

ABSTRACT The title of the research was ‘Human-wildlife conflict management in Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda: A proposed management development program’. The purpose of the research was help management of Murchison Falls National park to improve its performance in wildlife conflicts management and hence harmonize community —park relations. The overall objective of the research was to investigate the relationship between the extent of wildlife conflicts and the level of staff pe...

The Relationship Between Universal Primary Education Policy Implementation And Socio-Economic Development Of Rural Areas In Nyamagabe District Of Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study attempted to find out the relationship bet~veen the educational achievements of universal primary education (UPE) policy implementation and socio-economic development of rural areas in Rwanda. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the existing situation of Rwanda primary education system, determine the major educational achievements from UPE policy implementation and thus compare actual performance with the stated UPE goals and to identify the influence of ...

Clannism And Escalation Of Armed Conflicts In Somalia

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the extent to which clannism has contributed the escalation of armed conflicts in Somalia. The focused on three specific objectives aiming at investigating the existence of clannism in Somalia, finding out the role of clan based rebellion against Barre’s regime on escalating inter-clan and intra clan armed conflicts and examining the role of clan based politics and power sharing on the failure of reconciliation efforts and escalation of furthe...

Performance Contract Scenario In Socio-Economic Development Of Rwanda: A Case Study Of Gatsibo District

ABSTRACF The research was on performance contract scenario in socio-economic development ofRwanda. The research was conducted in Gatsibo District which is one of the seven Districts found in the Eastern province of Rwanda. Research was guided by the research questions of the study which were; to find out if performance contract is a prerequisite to socio-economic development, to examine the effects of performance contracts on the socio-economic development and to find out measures being used...

Budgeting Management And Financial Performance Of Selected Universities In Juba City, South Sudan

ABSTRACT Existing evidence indicate that there is difficulties in instituting and sustaining budget practices over time due to perceived low financial standing of the public sector. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of budget management to financial performance in public and private Universities in Juba city, South Sudan. Specifically, the study was set out to; find out the relationship between budget planning and financial performance in public and private Universities in...


ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of supplier relationship management on financial performance of organizations. The study objectives were to determine the effect of supplier development on financial performance of manufacturing firms Somalia, effect of supplier segmentation on financial performance in manufacturing firms in Somalia and to examine the effect of information sharing on financial performance in manufacturing firms in Somalia. The study was conducted in...

The Influence of Workplace Conflict on Staff Retention Case Study: International Medical Group

ABSTRACT: The study set out: “To establish the influence of Workplace Conflict on Staff Retention at the International Medical Group Limited. The sample respondent number was two hundred and five. The specific objectives were: To find out the level of employee-satisfaction as a pointer to staff retention; To establish the reasons why employees have left the workplace in the past five years; To find out the relationship between Staff Retention and Workplace Conflict and; To establish measure...

Ethical Practice and the Success of National Agricultural Advisory Services (Naads) Project in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing relationship between Ethical conducts and the success of NAADs Project in Mogadishu Somalia. The objectives of the study were to assess the effect of Ethical conducts on the success of NAADS Projects in Somalia, to asses level of stakeholder involvement in NAADS project in Somalia and to suggest strategies of improving Ethical conducts and the success of NAADs Project in Somalia. The study used a cross section survey which was carried out with the aim ...

School Dropout and Retention Strategies in Dadaab Refugee Camps, North Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This dissertation is entitled “school dropout and retention strategies in Dadaab Refugee Camp, North eastern Province, Kenya”. The study was carried out based on four specific objectives; establish demographic profiles of the respondent in terms of age, sex, education, enrollment, and retentions in Dadaab refugee camps, identify the causes of school dropout in Dadaab refugee camps, identify school retention strategies, and establish the relationship between school dropout and ret...

Human Resource Development and Employee Perfomance a Case of Canadian Forest Services, Ottawa, Canada

ABSTRACT The Canadian Forest Service (CFS) can only survive and compete effectively when it emphasizes human resource development in its strategic plan (Both, 2014). However, despite the emphasis in the Canadian Forest Service has put on its human resource development, the performance of employees is still wanting as evidences in employee’s failure to produce quality work, failure to write report, constant absenteeism, late coming and failure to address customer concerns (Human Resource Rep...

Implementation Of Non Governmental Organisation (Ngo) Bi-laws And Organisational Performance of Selected Ngos In Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study examined the effectiveness of implementation of national NGO bi-laws in Somaliland. The key objectives of the study were to determine the level of performance of selected NGOs in Somaliland before and after the implementation of NGO bi-laws of Somaliland; to determine if there is a significant relationship between National NGO bi-laws implementation and organisational performance of selected NGOs in Somaliland; to recommend ideas and strategies to policy makers in Somalilan...

1396 - 1410 Of 19638 Results