
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Evaluation Of Factors Influencing Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Decision To Deliver Milk To Cooling Plants In Sotik Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenyan dairy sub-sector has been undergoing many changes since the collapse of Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) in 1992. There have been developments in establishment of milk cooling plants which are thought to reduce milk losses and benefit the smallholder dairy farmers besides bulking milk at one point for the processing firms. However, there is evidence of underutilization of the cooling plants and the reasons that inform farmers’ decision to use the cooling plants as milk ma...

Effects Of Dairy Cooperatives On Incomes Of Smallholder Dairy Farmers: A Case Study Of Mkulima Bora Dairy Cooperative In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers produce the bulk of total milk marketed in the country. Despite this, they face high transaction costs in marketing their milk. Theory and empirical evidence indicate that cooperatives can minimize transaction costs. This study assessed how effective cooperatives were in increasing smallholder dairy farmers’ incomes through the minimization of transaction costs. The objectives of this study were to determine socioeconomic factors influencing smallholder farmers...

Impact Of Soil And Crop Management Technologies Promoted Through Farmer Field Schools On Farming Systems And Productivity Among Smallholder Farmers In North Rift Valley, Kenya

ABSTRACT Conventional Extension Approaches used over decades achieved minimal successes in creating impact in terms of agricultural production and improved livelihood of smallholder farmers in Kenya. The Participatory Extension Approaches, in particularly the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach have been tried widely and created positive impact in Asian countries. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) introduced FFS approach in 2001 as an alternative to conventional approach to promote...

Quantifying Production Losses Associated With Foot And Mouth Disease Outbreaks On Large Scale Dairy Farms In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a contagious viral disease to which dairy cattle are highly susceptible. An outbreak of FMD in a dairy herd can cause drop in milk yield, increase mastitis infections, force culling, and impair fertility. These production losses can be substantial, but farmers undervalue the magnitude of the loss that they incur. To fill this knowledge gap, the study quantified the association of FMD outbreak with milk yield, mastitis incidences, culling rates and fer...

Effects of Contract Farming Scheme on Cassava Production Enterprise in Oyo State, Nigeria

Abstract     There are indications that the domestic demand for cassava particularly as staple food may in no time outweigh that of the industrial sector, except contract and non-contract farming entrepreneurs operate within the framework of sustainable agriculture. The study thus examines the effects of contract farming scheme on cassava production in Oyo State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used. Oyo and Ibadan/Ibarapa zones were randomly selected from the four Agricultura...

Influence Of Microfinance Participation And Socio-Economic Factors On Dairy Commercialization: The Case Of Smallholder Farmers In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Dairy commercialization is constrained by several factors including lack of funds. Access to financial services such as credit and savings were identified as important instruments to curb these financial challenges. Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have been found to play a critical role amongst smallholder farmers in enhancing their access to finance. This study sought to investigate factors influencing credit access and the extent of credit access and how microfinance participatio...

Gender Food Insecurity Perceptions And Effect Of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices On Household Vulnerability To Poverty In Western And Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT While number of studies focusing on the effect of technology adoption on alleviating rural poverty is increasing, much remains unclear about effects of shocks and Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices (SAIPs) on household vulnerability to poverty. Furthermore, most literature focuses on household food security without adequately capturing determinants of gender perceptions of food insecurity. Therefore, the study estimated the effects of shocks and SAIPs on household vu...

Effect Of Prosopis Juliflora Pods-Based Diets On The Performance And Carcass Quality Of Improved Growing Indigenous Chicken In Kenya

ABSTRACT Chicken production faces unsustainable supply of quality and affordable feeds. Prosopis pods could be used as an alternative livestock feed ingredient. A study was designed to evaluate the inclusion of prosopis pods in improved grower indigenous chickens diets in Kenya. The objectives were to determine effects of prosopis pods-based diets in indigenous chicken on performance and meat quality. In experiment 1, diets were formulated by substituting growers‟ rations with prosopis at ...

Selected Factors Affecting Adoption Of Improved Finger Millet Varieties Among Small-Scale Farmers In Mogotio Subcounty, Baringo County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Finger millet is one of the important traditional, nutritious and drought tolerant food crop grown by small scale farmers in most arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of the world. In the ASALs of Kenya, finger millet is grown by small scale farmers who mainly grow low yielding unimproved varieties. Improved high yielding and recommended varieties are available but the farmers’ adoption is very low contributing to persistent food insecurity in these areas. The purpose of this study wa...

Evaluation Of Forage Sweet Potato Cultivars As Feed For Ruminants

ABSTRACT There is potential in Kenya to utilize forage sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam) cultivars as livestock feed. There are many cultivars of forage sweet potato in Kenya whose feeding values have not been evaluated. The objectives of the current study were: 1) evaluate forage sweet potato cultivars for crude protein (CP) yield and digestibility at different harvesting ages, 2) evaluate their conservation potential as silage or hay and 3) determine sheep growth performance and goat ...

The Role of Traditional Laws and Taboos in Wildlife Conservation in the Oban Hill Sector of Cross River National Park (CRNP), Nigeria

ABSTRACT Efforts to integrate rural people into biodiversity conservation through community-based conservation programs is an old tradition. These efforts were largely based on economic incentives, with little or no attention given to the role of culture and traditions in building support for conservation. Although these strategies are useful in promoting conservation and local empowerment, they are still fragile. Scholars suggest that incorporation of traditional values which reflect locall...

Effect Of Aloe (Aloe Vera) Leaf Extract Coating On Quality And Shelf Life Of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Fruits At Two Controlled Temperature Levels

ABSTRACT Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a popular and economically important tropical fruit throughout the world due to its excellent visual and eating qualities and nutritional composition. But the fruit is highly perishable and utmost care is required in handling to reduce postharvest losses. Trade in mangoes has been limited because of its highly perishable nature and its susceptibility to low temperature injury, physical injury and post-harvest diseases. Approaches to extending fresh fru...

Effect Of Transaction Costs On Choice Of Mango Marketing Channel And Income Of Small-Scale Farmers In Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Makueni County in Kenya is one of the leading producers of mango fruits. The County experiences surplus mango production that ends up being wasted or sold at throw away prices due to imperfect marketing. The marketing of fruits is liberalized giving rise to multiple channels. Given the freedom to select a channel, different transaction costs such as information cost, negotiation and contract enforcement have not been evaluated in relation to farmer‟s choice of marketing channel. T...

Assessment of Genetic Structure of Clarias Gariepinus, Burchell, 1822 Population in Asejire Lake

Abstract Wild brood-stock is a major genetic reservoir for sustainable culture of Clarias gariepinus. This has been observed to be declining in major freshwater dams in Nigeria. There is inadequate information on factors responsible for this decline and their effects on genetic structuring of the fish resources in these dams. This study therefore investigated genetic structure of C. gariepinus in relation to environmental condition of Asejire Dam.    The Dam was spatially divided into Oyo...

Response Of Agricultural Exports To Fluctuation In Exchange Rate In Rwanda: Case Of Coffee And Tea Between Years 2001-2016

ABSTRACT The agriculture sector is the backbone of Rwandan economy with tea and coffee as the major source of export earnings. However, between years 2001 and 2016, the share of agriculture exports to the GDP has been fluctuating considerably, and yet it has not been established if this is due to exchange rate volatility. The overall effects of these fluctuations are not obvious and empirical literature is not conclusive on the overall impact of real exchange rate fluctuations on agriculture...

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