
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Selected Factors Affecting The Development Of Indigenous Poultry Value Chain In Vihiga District, Vihiga County

ABSTRACT The value chain approach embraces the full range of activities which are required to bring a product or service from conception, through the intermediary phases of production, delivery to final consumers, and final disposal after use. Traditionally extension agents have concentrated their efforts on technology transfer that targeted production aspects of a poultry and ignored other factors of the value chain. Most farmers specialize in production and may be excluded from decision ma...

Impact Of Farmer Groups On Crop Enterprise Productivity And Economic Welfare Of Smallholder Farmers In South Kivu Territories, Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT In spite of the efforts and the emergence of numerous group based interventions for technology dissemination, the productivity and technology uptake levels of smallholder farmers of South Kivu, democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) still remain low. The objectives of this study were therefore to describe the changes in input use, value of production and incomes, determine changes in institutional linkages resulting from group based interventions, quantify the economic gains from the gr...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Participation Of Rural Youth In Agriculture In Balaka District, Malawi

ABSTRACT Worldwide, young people and mainly the rural youth face challenges in trying to earn a livelihood, yet agriculture offers a lot of opportunities for investment and their livelihood. Malawi economy is predominantly agricultural. Young people form more than 50 per cent of the country’s population. Despite the Malawi government efforts to enhance youth participation in the agriculture sector through policy support, only few youths participate actively in this sector. This study sough...

Morphological And Genetic Characterization Of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.) Landraces In Kenya

ABSTRACT The existence of genetic diversity in germplasm collections is crucial for cultivar development. The objectives of this study were to determine genetic diversity of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.) landraces from Kenya using genetic markers and characterize bambara groundnut landraces from Kenya using morphological markers. Genetic and morphological relationships among bambara groundnuts accessions, were evaluated using morphological and microsatellite markers. Twelv...

Gender Perspectives In Economic Assessment Of East Coast Fever Vaccination On Household Welfare Among Smallholder Dairy Cattle Farmers In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT East Coast fever (ECF) is a current threat to smallholder cattle keepers in the eastern, central, and southern Africa regions; as it causes substantial economic losses. Infection and Treatment Method (ITM) is considered to be the best method for ECF control. ITM has potential benefits of improving the livelihood of cattle keepers; through improving cattle productivity and reducing cost of production. However, since its commercialization in 2010, not all the cattle keepers in the tar...

Evaluation Of Knowledge And Practices Of Managing Citrus Pests And Diseases And The Willingness To Pay For An Integrated Pest Management Strategy In Selected Counties In Kenya

ABSTRACT Citrus is a major source of income in Kenya for both large and small scale farmers. However, citrus productivity has been declining over the years mainly due to pests and diseases, particularly the African Citrus Trioza (ACT), Huanglongbing (HLB) and False Codling Moth (FCM). Management of pests and diseases is sorely dependent on synthetic pesticides, which not only increases production costs but also are associated with high health and environmental risks. Use of integrated pest m...

Effect Of Semi-Formal Credit Use On Rural Farm Household Income In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recently, there has been emergence in the use of semi-formal credit provided by devolved government in enhancing farm and off-farm enterprises. Despite the potential of the credit offered by devolved governments in terms of enhancing rural farm household welfare, little is known about the effect of this type of credit on household income. This study therefore, examined the effect of semi-formal credit use on household income in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study aimed to contribute ...

Managing Forest Wildlife For Human Livelihoods In The Korup-Oban Hills Region, West-Central Africa: A Multi-Agent Systems Model To Assess Socio-Economic And Ecological Sustainability

General Information Bushmeat consumption, the consumption of meat from wild forest animals, is an important part of livelihoods in rural West- and Central Africa. In the Congo Basin, bushmeat protein supply was estimated at 30 g person'1 day'1 (Democratic Republique of Congo) to 180 g person'1 day'1 (Gabon) (2002-2003). Based on extraction-production models it has been suggested that supply would drop by 81% by 2050 in a ‘no-change’ scenario of current extraction levels (Fa et al. 2003). ...

Effect Of Inclusion Of Ground Prosopis (Prosopis Juliflora) Pods On Performance Of Laying Improved Indigenous Chickens In Kenya

ABSTRACT Indigenous chicken contribute significantly as a source of animal protein but productivity in Kenya is low due to inadequate feed supply and high cost of commercial feed. Prosopis juliflora pods is an alternative local and nutritive feed resource that can be used as a feed ingredient in poultry to increase productivity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess performance of laying improved Indigenous Chicken (IC) fed on diets containing ground mature Prosopis juliflora pods (...

Conflicts of land tenure and tree tenure on land use and management among agro-based households in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Tenure issues in natural resources management and control limit agricultural enterprise and effective land use. Conflicts arising from land tenure and tree tenure were examined in eight (8) communities across Northern and Southern Nigeria. The research included preliminary surveys, interviews and questionnaires to obtain relevant information on tenure conflict history, agricultural enterprises, resource user groups and rights exercised in land use and management. Root cause analysis ...

Socio-Economic And Institutional Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers’ Participation In Cassava Production In Msambweni Sub-County, Kwale County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agriculture continues to be the key driver of the Kenyan economy. However, the sector faces challenges in production due to frequent and prolonged droughts. This calls for farmers to adopt more drought-tolerant crops like cassava. Cassava farmers face a number of socioeconomic and institutional factors that influence their production decisions. This study sought to contribute to improved food security of smallholder farmers in rural areas by improving production policies through det...

The Extension Needs Of Households Utilizing Riverine Wetlands And Their Contribution To Food Security In Nyamira Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance of 1971 brought out the importance of wetlands in the world and the threats they face. In Kenya various types of wetlands face varying challenges, the major one being conversion for agricultural use. The riverine wetlands in Nyamira Division of Nyamira District, Nyamira County face the same challenges because they have been converted for agricultural use, brick making and growing of woodlots due to declining land on the u...

Effects Of Selected Factors On Food Security Among Smallscale Farmers In Kakamega Central Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food security is the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) one which for Kenya is relevant for eradicating poverty and hunger. Increased agricultural productivity would be solution to the world’s 870 Million (M) food insecure people. Approximately 10M people in Kenya, 51.45% of Western Kenya population and 50-70% of households in Kakamega County suffer chronic food insecurity. Small farm sizes, low yields, production shift from food crops to cash crops and low levels of skills and t...

Effect Of Zai Pit And Half-Moon Technologies On Household Income Among Small-Scale Farmers In Kita Cercle, Mali

ABSTRACT Rain water harvesting technologies (RWHTs) known as Zai pit and Half-moon have been embraced by small-scale farmers as a solution to climate related shocks. However, little is known on the socio-economic, institutional and technological aspects affecting farmers demand for the technologies as well their effects on farmers’ income. This study was meant to fill this knowledge gap. The general objective was to contribute towards improved food security through enhanced use of Zai pit ...

Analysis Of Structure, Conduct And Performance Of Small Ruminant Stock Market Participants Of Isiolo –Nairobi Trading Market, Kenya

ABSTRACT The growing population in developing countries has necessitated a shift in preference for indigenous food. Small ruminant meat being one of the preferred indigenous products has registered huge increase in demand over the last few years. Therefore, demand for sheep and goat meat is predicted to rise predominantly in Arid and Semi- Arid Lands (ASAL), thereby creating new meat markets as well as expansion of the existing small ruminant value chain. Isiolo- Nairobi small ruminant value...

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