
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Contribution Of Sorghum Production Towards Household Food Security In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Singida Region

ABSTRACT Sorghum is one of the most drought tolerant cereal crops currently under cultivation. Semi-arid regions in Tanzania are among of the areas cultivating sorghum to a large extent, and these regions are most vulnerable to food insecurity. Despite the assumption that sorghum has contribution on household food security, a wide assessment has not been done in Tanzania to examine the extent of its contribution. The study intended to: determine the quantity of sorghum and other grains produ...

Effectiveness Of Exit Strategies On Sustainability Of Development Projects In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Selected World Vision Tanzania Projects

ABSTRACT  This study assessed the effectiveness of exit strategies in development projects in Tanzania through two selected projects in Bahi District. These are the Agriculture and Food Security and Leadership Development projects intervened by World Vision Tanzania through Chipanga Area Development Programme. The study, therefore, analysed the design and implementation of exit strategies adopted; evaluated their success and finally, examined challenges experienced in the course of implement...

Analysis Of Production And Marketing Potential For Paprika As An Alternative Crop To Tobacco In Urambo District,Tabora Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tobacco has been the most important traditional cash crop in Urambo district since. But 1960s, the production of tobacco in the district has been declining due to world market price. Due to this price decline, farmers have now shifted to paprika production. The economic benefit of tobacco vis a vis paprika production in Urambo district has not yet been exploited. This study describes and analyses two crop production systems namely tobacco and paprika growers. Specifically, the objec...

Effectiveness Of Cultural Practices And Sweet Potato Varieties (Ipomoea Batatas Lam) In Managing Sweet Potato Weevil (Cylas Spp) In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted simultaneously from April to July 2012 at agroecologies; Bambi (Latitude 06o 09’S, Longitude 039o 16’E; and Altitude 20m above sea level) Central District and Kizimbani (Latitude 05o 54’S, Longitude 039o 16’E; and Altitude 20 m above sea level) Western Unguja district. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of selected cultural practices (weeding and hilling-up once, twice and thrice), vine portions (apical, middle and basal) and variet...

Screening of farmer preferred tomato lines (solanum lycopersicon l.) For resistance against begomoviruses along the coastal belt of tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT A study was done to enhance the understanding of the diversity of begomoviruses and to identify tomato varieties resistant to Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) that can be used by farmers in the coastal belt of Tanzania. Twenty four out of 225 diseased leaf samples collected tested positive for DNA-A component for primer pairs VD360/CD1266 and VD360/AC1048. No DNA-B or satellites were detected. Their phylogenetic tree constructed with other closely related sequences f...

Economic Evaluation Of Existing And Potential Market Opportunities For Quality Beef In Tanzania: A Case Of Dar Es Salaam And Arusha Cities

ABSTRACT Despite potential contribution livestock marketing has in Tanzania to national economy, quality beef marketing has received less priority in national investments, research and export development. This study attempts to bridge the gap by assessing beef marketing efficiency focusing on Dar es Salaam and Arusha. The general objective of the study was to evaluate the relative efficiency of existing beef marketing system and explore potential market opportunities for quality beef in Tanz...

Phenotypic And Moleculer Characterization Of Recombinant Inbred Groundnut Lines For Resistance To Groundnut Rosette Disease

ABSTRACT Groundnut rosette disease is the most constraint to the production of groundnut causing annual economic loss of US $156 millions in sub-Saharan African countries. The present study evaluated 220 (F5) Recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from 12991 X ICGV 86124 resistant and susceptible parents respectively, for resistance to groundnut rosette disease so as to identify resistant Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL) and markers linked to Groundnut Rosette Disease resistance. The RIL were ...

Perceptions Of Enhanced Freshness Formulation Technologies And Adoption Decisions Among Smallholder Banana Farmers In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study identifies the perceptions and adoption decisions of Enhanced Freshness Formulation (EFF) technologies among potentially banana growers in Morogoro, Tanzania. The study establishes whether men and women are likely to have equal preferences in adoption of new technologies and explores whether women who are able and those who are unable to adopt technologies face similar adoption challenges. The present study revealed that, potential adopters of EFF technologies seem to att...

Evaluation Of Microbial Quality And Safety Of Milk In Smallholder Dairy Production System In Mbeya And Mbozi Districts, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Smallholder dairy farmers produce about 70% of cow milk in Tanzania. As the dairy industry grows, it is increasingly becoming important to focus on milk quality and safety in order to produce and retain the existing markets. This study was conducted in order to assess the milk quality and safety in smallholder dairy farming systems in Mbeya rural and Mbozi districts. A cross sectional study was conducted using a structured questionnaire, observation as well as collection of...

Demand, Supply Response and Preference Switch for Rice in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The phenomenon of increasing rice importation defying several policy interventions has been of great concern in Nigeria. This rising importation is however driven by increasing demand, shortage in domestic supply and consumers’ preference for imported rice. Yet, comprehensive national studies on determinants of demand, supply response and preference switch for rice are scarce. Thus, the determinants of demand, supply response and preference switch for rice were investigated. Seco...

Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Reduction Among Smallholder Farmers: Case Of Selected Saccos In Dodoma Urban And Kongwa Districts

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Dodoma Rural and Kongwa districts both from Dodoma region in 2007 and the number of respondents was 160. This study aimed at examining the impact of micro finance institutions on poverty reduction among smallholder farmers. The paper focused on SACCOS’ beneficiaries to know whether the credit provided have helped them to move out of poverty and the extent to which that has been done. This is because many have hailed microfinance as an effective means of ...

Response of Yam (Dioscorea Spp.) Accessions to Drought and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi

ABSTRACT  Moisture deficit limits yam production. Availability of drought tolerant yam will improve yield and expand area of production. Soil inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) improves tolerance of plants to drought. However, there is limited information on the response of yam to drought and AMF inoculum. This study was conducted to identify drought tolerant yam accessions and determine the effects of AMF. Two glasshouse and one field experiments were conducted, each in ...

Pub Network 155 PAGES (37054 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Co-Operative Members’ Decisions On Coffee Marketing Channels And Factors Influencing Their Choices In Rombo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Although Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies (AMCOS) play a major role in coffee marketing, not all members seem to use them effectively since some of them are using private traders as their coffee marketing channel. The question now is what influences their choices on which channel to use on coffee marketing. The main objective of this study was to analyze co-operative members’ decisions on coffee marketing channels and factors influencing their choices in Rombo distric...

Effects Of Rural-Urban Linkages On Markets Access In Kibaigwa Emerging Urban Centre, Kongwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the effects of rural-urban linkages on markets access in Kibaigwa Emerging Urban Centre (EUC), in Kongwa District. Specifically, the study aimed at characterizing the agricultural markets; examining factors affecting market accessibility to smallholder farmers; determining the contribution of rural-urban linkages on expansion of markets, market networks, and access to market and livelihood strategies in Kongwa District. A total of 202 respondents were randomly se...

Perceived Impact Of Climate Variability On Availability And Utilisation Of Non-Wood Forest Products Among Rural Households In Bahi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Climate variability is currently one of the greatest environmental challenges facing humankind, whereby increased temperature and changing rainfall patterns are predicted to impact upon livelihoods in Tanzania. This study highlights the perceived impact of climate variability on availability and utilization of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) among rural households around the East Chenene Forest Reserve in Bahi District, Dodoma Region. The main objective of the study was to examine ...

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