
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Assessment of community participation in solid waste management: The case of Mbeya city council Tanzania.

ABSTRACT  A study was conducted to assess the extent of community participation in solid waste management (SWM) in Mbeya City, Tanzania. Data were collected using both structured and non-structured interviews. Field observations and secondary data supplemented the data collected using questionnaires. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain three representative wards. At ward level, 60 respondents each from different households were picked at random for the study leading to a sample...

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Infant Mortality In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on socio economic factors affecting infant mortality was conducted in Morogoro District. In spite of measures taken by key stakeholders including the government, UNICEF, WHO, health initiatives in Tanzania infant deaths are increasing in rural populations. Socio economic factors are said to be main courses. A cross sectional study to observe the influence of socio economic factors affecting infant mortality was, therefore, conducted in Morogoro district. The ultimate objec...

Effect Of Sequential Planting On Occurrence And Population Dynamics Of Sweet Potato Weevils On Selected Varieties In Central Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is one of the most important food crops in Africa and the world that is in Tanzania produced in largest quantities in the central Regions where, however, yields are very low due to abiotic and biotic constraints. One of the most serious biotic constraints is the sweet potato weevil, an insect whose cryptic feeding nature of the very destructive larval stages makes chemical control often not effective. A survey was conducted in two Dist...

The Role Of Networks In Information Dissemination In Tanzania: The Case Of Selected Communities In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT  The study on the role of farmers’ networks in information dissemination in Tanzania was carried out in Mgeta Division in Mvomero District. Interest in this study was prompted by the recognition that farmers’ networking was used as the best tool for communication compared to conventional assumptions of extension communication which was blamed to be the cause of low adoption and diffusion of extension messages. But the extent to which information concerning agricultural innovatio...

Gendered Analysis Of The Determinants Of Adaptive Capacity To Climate Change Among Smallholder Farmers In Meatu And Iramba Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to examine determinants of adaptive capacity to climate change among men, women and other vulnerable groups of smallholder farmers in Meatu and Iramba districts, Tanzania. Purposively the study intended to analyze community perception to climate change; analyze adaptation practices developed and used by farmers for livelihood; examine elements of adaptive capacity including institutions and knowledge; and determine factors responsible for adaptive capacity. ...

Effectiveness Of Communication Channels And Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption Of Improved Legume Technologies: A Case Of Morogoro Region, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Legume crops play important roles economically, socially and environmentally by providing jobs, being a cheap source of protein, improving health and nutrition, improving soil fertility, weed suppression and nitrogen fixation. However, it is yet to be clearly determined as to which approach or a combination of approaches that are effective in ensuring legume technologies are disseminated across the various farming groups. The current study aimed at assessing the effectivene...

A Comparative Assesment Of Performance Of Private And Cooperative Institutional Arrangements Of Irrigation Schemes: Case Study Of Mbarali District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study to compare performance of private and cooperative institutional arrangements of irrigation schemes was conducted in Mbarali District. Two irrigation schemes; Igomero cooperative institution scheme and Mbarali Estate private institution scheme were compared. The study was directed by a hypothesis that there is no difference in performance of irrigation schemes under each institutional arrangement. Both primary and secondary data were collected and then analysed using regre...

Factors Influencing Multi-Stakeholder Linkages For Innovative Agricultural Development In The Gadam Sorghum Growing Semi-Arid Areas Of Kitui, Machakos And Makueni Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers in Kenya’s semi-arid areas of Kitui, Machakos and Makueni Counties experience food insecurity due to challenges of low, erratic and poorly distributed rainfall and poor infrastructure. To address these challenges, leaders in the region have seen the need to involve local actors in sustainable development activities. Poor performance of Multi-Stakeholder Linkages for Innovative Agricultural Development (MSLIAD) in development initiatives in the region inhibits f...

The Effects Of Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed With Or Without A Commercial Binder On Broiler Performance

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................... ii COPYRIGHT ..................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iv SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... v ...

Upland Rice Growth And Yield Response To Weed Management Practices Under Rainfed Conditions

ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted in two seasons at Sokoine University of Agriculture farm in Morogoro, Tanzania (6.850 S; 37.640 E and 568 m.a.s.l.) during the short rain (November 2014 to January 2015) and the long rain (March to June 2015). The experiment was a split plot in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 replications. Weed management practices (pre-emergence (ULTRA 2, 4-D), postemergence (Hansunil), hoe weeding (3x) and weedy) were the main plot treatments and f...

Projection Of Sorghum Production Response Through Multiple Uses Promotion Strategies In Selected Districts Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study intended to assess sorghum production responses through multiple uses promotion strategies. The inspiration of this study was inadequately information on how much sorghum can be put into multiple uses thus can be used as a pull factor in increasing smallholder’s production. Specific objectives were (i) examine multiple uses of sorghum in each district, (ii) determine the influence of sorghum multiple uses on sorghum production and (iii) predict future production of sorgh...

Socio-Economic Constraints Among Local Artisanal Miners In Simanjiro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing the socio-economic constraints facing small scale miners in their effort to reduce income poverty. Specifically, the study identified activities performed by local miners; assessed socio-economic challenges faced by local artisan miners in their daily activities and assessed socio-economic challenges that faced Local Artisanal Miners (LAMs) towards poverty reduction. The study was done at Mererani in Simanjiro District whereby data were collected fro...

The Impact Of A Dairy Cattle Project On Households’ Livelihoods In Kasulu District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study was conducted in Kasulu district with the aim of assessing the impact of a dairy cattle project on the households’ livelihoods. Muzye and Mnanila wards were surveyed. Purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to obtain the desired sample. Data were collected through a cross sectional survey from a sample of 120 respondents, 60 of whom had received dairy cattle and 60 without dairy cattle. Questionnaires for respondents with and without d...

Effects Of Membership Homogeneity On The Performance Of Agricultural Micro-Credit Groups In Enugu State, Nigeria

Abstract The study was conducted in nine Local Government Areas selected from Enugu State. Six five micro Credit Groups from each Area were randomly selected. This gave a total of forty-five (45) micro-credit groups. This was done using multi-stage sampling techniques. Sources of data were primary and secondary. Structured questioners were used to interview respondents to generate primary data while secondary data were sourced from relevant publications. Descriptive statistics and Ordinary L...

Cost Efficiency Of Small Scale Sunflower Processors In Dodoma Region In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to analyse the cost efficiency of sunflower processing firms in Dodoma Region. The specific objectives were to: (i) analyse the level of cost efficiency, and (ii) determine the factors affecting the cost efficiency in small scale sunflower processors. Simple random sampling was employed to select 70 sunflower processors from Kongwa and Dodoma urban districts in Dodoma Region who were then interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data analysis tech...

2146 - 2160 Of 4596 Results