
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

The Role Of Butterfly Farming As An Economic Incentive To Forest Conservation In The East Usambara Mountain Forests

ABSTRACT Economic represents a dangerous direct and indirect threat to forests, though many people in the world understand that forests are threatened, factors in society sometimes override conservation. Subsistence communities need to find fuel, income, food and on the other hand, industries want to continually grow and to do so they often find these things in the forest. Butterfly farming demonstrates that natural resources can be used profitably in a way that protects the environment as i...

Agricultural Services Support Programme And Socioeconomic Empowerment Of Rural Women In Zanzibar, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Women in Zanzibar are socially and economically disadvantaged in many aspects. In view of this, the government made efforts to ensure women empowerment through development programmes such as Agriculture Services Support Programme (ASSP). However, the extent of socio-economic empowerment on women in rural areas is scanty. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the contribution of ASSP intervention to socioeconomic empowerment of rural women in Zanzibar. Specifically, the study asse...

Effectiveness Of Extension Methods For Scaling Up Improved Common Bean Technologies Among Small-Scale Farmers In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Scaling up of Improved Legume Technologies (SILT) project had being promoting adoption of the improved common bean technologies (ICT1 ) among the farmers in Babati District, Tanzania. Yet it’s not well known on its effectiveness of achieving its objectives of disseminating ICT1 . Thus, this study determined the effectiveness of different extension methods used by SILT project in scaling up ICT1 in Babati District. In this study adoption was conceptualized as an act in which farmer...

Response of tomato (lycoperscon esculentum m.) To coffee pulp compost, minjingu phosphate rock and coffee pulp - minjingu phosphate rock compost applied to a chromic acrisol

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in a glasshouse at Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro, Tanzania to investigate the effect of coffee pulp compost (CP), Minjingu phosphate rock (MPR) and coffee pulp composted with Minjingu phosphate rock (CPMPR) on phosphorus availability and response of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum M.) var. Carl J in 3x8 completely randomized block design experiment. The P sources were applied on a P deficient Chromic Acrisol at eight equivalent rates of 0, 40, 80, ...

Adoption Of Soil Conservation Technologies And Crop Productivity In West Usambara Highlands, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Soil erosion has continued to be an alarming problem in the West Usambara Highlands, Tanzania. This study was conducted to investigate the level of adoption of Soil Conservation Technologies and crop productivity in the West Usambara highlands following intensive campaigns on SWC from the early 1980s. A sample of 98 randomly selected households from four villages responded to the survey. During data collection, a structured questionnaire survey, interviews, focus group discussions a...

Trends In The Activities Of The Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development Anambra State, Nigeria, 1991-2013

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the impact of the extension services of Green River Project (GRP) on fish farmers in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Specifically, it sought to ascertain fishery technologies received by GRP fish farmers; determine adoption of fish farming technologies by fish farmers; determine impact of extension services of GRP on socioeconomic condition of the fish farmers as at the year 2012; ascertain farmers’ perceived constraints to adoption of GRP fish farming technologies; asc...

Awareness Of Hiv/Aids And Sexual Behaviour Among Secondary School Students In Njombe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite several campaigns that have been conducted for HIV/AIDS reduction and the knowledge about HIV/AIDS people have from campaigns and seminars, the rate of HIV infection is still high due to risky sexual behaviour among sexually active adults who include secondary school students. Therefore, the broad objective of this study was to determine the level of awareness of HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour among secondary school students in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to assess...

Community Participation In Implementation Of District Agriculture Sector Investment Project (Dasip) In Shinyanga District Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Community participation in development projects is currently more emphasized by the Government of Tanzania in order to enable local people participate in all project stages. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the community participation in implementation of the District Agriculture Sector Investment Project (DASIP) in Shinyanga District Council. Specifically, the study sought to: (a) identify socioeconomic characteristics of households associated with community partici...

Competence Needs Of Extension Agents For Agricultural Adaptation To Climate Change In Anambra State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The overall purpose of the study was to determine the competence needs of extension agents for agricultural adaptation to climate change. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain the knowledge level of extension personnel on climate change; ascertain perceived roles of extension in agricultural adaptation; identify perceived competence needs of extension agents for agricultural adaptation; determine factors militating against competence building of extension agents for agricultur...

Evaluation Of Soil Fertility Status And Response Of Maize To Different Nutrients In Selected Soils Of Tabora District

ABSTRACT A study was undertaken to assess the soil nutrients status on selected maize growing areas and determine combinations of nutrients to optimize yield. Soil samples were collected from10 villages where maize is the main food and cash crop. These areas were; Kipera, Lolanguru, Itema, Nyangahe, Farmnyamwezi, Malolo, Mpenge, Mawiti, Lyaudusi and Msange. Two composite samples were made from each village resulting to 20 samples. Field experiment was conducted at two villages (Kipera and Ny...

Sustainability Of Donor-Funded Community Development Projects In Tanzania: A Case Of Farmer Groups Investment Sub-Projects In Morogoro District

ABSTRACT  International donors have played a significant role in development projects in Tanzania; they have assisted community/government to implement sectoral system reform. The purpose of this study was to assess sustainability of Farmer Groups Investment SubProjects in Morogoro District, Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: examine selected farmer groups investment sub-projects sustainability initiative process, assess the extent of stakeholders’ participation in different stages...

The Role Of Private Vernacular Radio Programmes In Disseminating Agricultural Messages To Small-Scale Farmers In Kericho West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Radio is an important extension tool that can be used in sharing agricultural information with smallholder farmers in rural areas inexpensively. The use of vernacular in radio broadcasts makes programmes more acceptable to rural farmers and may be used to supplement public extension. However, the role of private vernacular radio stations in disseminating agricultural messages, the approaches they use, the challenges they face and the opportunities they offer farmers in Kericho West S...

Timber Potential Value In The Eastern-Arc Mountains, Tanzania: Nyanganje Forest Reserve

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the quantity of timber and extent of illegal timber harvesting in Eastern Arc Mountains. Data were collected using three techniques: desktop review which was used to collect information on timber stocks from two studies in EAMs while socio-economic and ecological surveys were employed to collect information on timber disturbances and timber stocks harvested illegally in NFR. Data analysis involved use of Microsoft excel and Statistical Package fo...

Economic Analysis Of Soil Conservation Practices Among Crop Farmers In Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of the study was to analyze the economics of soil conservation practices in Enugu State. This study employed multistage random sampling technique for selecting the respondents. First stage involved simple random selection of one local government area from each of the three (3) agricultural zones. Then three (3) farming communities were selected from each of the three selected local government areas. This gave a total of nine (9) communities for the study. Secondl...

An Evaluation Of Impact And Challenges Of Tissue Culture Banana Technology In Kenya

ABSTRACT Tissue culture technology was developed, and disseminated to farmers with active participation of actors along the value chain. However, the potential benefits of the technology are yet to be achieved. This is attributed to diverse challenges that have not been addressed. This study was designed to contribute to this information gap. Primary farm household and trader data were collected through a survey carried out in 2012. Multistage sampling approach was used to select counties, su...

2251 - 2265 Of 4596 Results