
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Mechanism Of Inheritance Of Resistance To Pythium Root Rot Disease And Traits For Tolerance To Low Soil Fertility In Common Bean

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  The bean root rot disease mainly Pythium spp. is a major problem affecting bean production especially in the major bean producing areas of the Great lakes region including southwestern Uganda, Rwanda, western Kenya, northern and the southern highlands of Tanzania. The problem of Pythium bean root rot appears to be made worse by declining soil fertility, resulting from intensive land cultivation by the small holder farmers. Probably for a more sustainable farming system, br...

Farmers Practice Versus Recommended Pesticides Spray Programmes In Tomato And African Eggplant Production: Acase Of Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to analyze the gap between the recommended pesticides spray programmes and the actual farmers’ practices in the production of tomato and African eggplant among farmers in Mvomero District, Morogoro Region, Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: (i) Identify the pesticide use recommendations for tomato and African eggplant production (ii) assess the level of farmers awareness on recommended pesticide spray programmes (iii) compare the recomm...

Pedological Characterisation Of Soils Developed On Gneissic - Granites In Congo Nile Watershed Divide And Central Plateau Zones Of Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study examined morphology, physico-chemical characteristics, classification, potentials and limitations of soils developed on gneissic-granites of Rwanda. Three pedons (GSK-P1, GSK-P2 and TMB-P1) were studied and 19 soil samples analysed. All pedons were very deep, well drained, with loamy to clayey topsoils overlying dominantly clayey subsoils. Pedons GSK-P1 and GSK-P2 depicted eluviation-illuviation as dominant pedogenetic process. All topsoils had low bulk and particle densi...

Financing Agricultural Marketing In Tanzania: Acase Study Ofsmall Scale Millers In Dar Es Salaam And Morogoro Regions

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the sources of finance available to small scale maize and paddy millers in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro regions. Specifically the study aimed at identifying different sources of finance to small scale millers and describing the mode of financial arrangements, analyze the main factors that influence small scale millers access to credit and compare their performance. Structured questionnaire was used to collect information from the sampled mille...

Assessment Of Sheep Production Status In Nkasi District, Rukwa Region

ABSTRACT  This study was conducted in two divisions namely Namanyere and Mkwamba of Nkasi district in Rukwa region in order to assess sheep production status for smallholder farmers. Eight wards namely Namanyere, Mtenga, Chala, Swaila, Kipande, Sintali, Kate and Isale were surveyed from November 2010 to April 2011. The random sampling technique was adopted to get 20 respondents from each of the selected wards. This means two villages from each ward were chosen randomly whereby in each villag...

Assessment Of Efficiency In Livestock Markets In Tanzania: The Case Of Primary Livestock Markets In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT This study assesses the marketing efficiency of primary livestock markets in Morogoro Region. A market survey of 120 livestock farmers and traders (wholesalers and butchers) from Nanenane, Mkongeni, Melela, Parakuyo and Chakwale markets in Morogoro Region was conducted to evaluate the structure, conduct and performance of the markets. Two types of structured questionnaires one for the farmers and the other for the traders were used to collect data. Informal interview of the key inf...

Role Of Quality Obstetric Care Services On Reducing Maternal Mortality In Mvomero District, Morogoro Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mvomero district is among the six districts in Morogoro region. This study was carried out to investigate the role of quality obstetric care services on reducing maternal mortality that affect the performance of health facilities which can reduce maternal mortality in rural areas. The research has show that there has been improvement in accessibility of communication network in quality obstetric care services in the district level, such as to reduce maternal mortality. However, esta...

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Adolescent Mothers’ Struggles To Revive Their Aspirations In Makete District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Few studies have been conducted on adolescent mothers in Tanzania and indeed about their aspirations revival struggle while taking into consideration that adolescent mothers are in a marginalized group. The general objective of this study was to determine the linkage between socio-economic factors and aspiration revival for adolescent mothers in Makete District, Tanzania. Specific objectives were determination of aspirations of adolescent mothers, examination of actions taken by ado...

Assessment Of The Potential Of Siam Weed (Chromolaena Odorata) In Enhancing Soil Fertility Status In Serengeti District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) is a plant that has infested a large area of agricultural land in Serengeti district and has adversely reduced cropland and crop yields. It is encroaching land and especially in the famous Serengeti National Park. The weed has been reported to contain high amount of plant nutrients in its tissue, hence its probable use as an organic soil amendment, with aspect to soil fertility improvement. A study was, therefore, conducted to address the Sia...

Determinants Of Poor Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Sumbawanga District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to assess factors that influence the academic performance of students of selected secondary schools in Sumbawanga District, Tanzania. Purposive sampling was used to select the District, Heads of schools and District Secondary Educational officers. Systematic Random Sampling procedures were used to select students while simple random sampling was employed in selecting teachers as well as parents. In this study the questionnaire, physical interviews and obser...

Prevalence And Management Of Tomato Bacterial Wilt Using Selected Resistant Varieties In Morogoro Region, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Bacterial wilt disease is a very serious problem for Tomato growers of the Morogoro region. The objective of this study was to identify the status and pathogenicity of Ralstonia solanacearum causing Tomato bacterial wilt disease in the Morogoro region. Most of the farmers 71.7% had a farm of less than 1 ha. The majority of the farmers 32% were growing both hybrid and OPV while the reasons for variety preference differed across the villages. Most of respondents 79% were know...

Religious Institutions And Environmental Conservation: A Case Of Northern Diocese Of The Evangelical Lutheran Church In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Environmental issues are outspoken worldwide due to the effects of environmental degradation. Faith-based institutions possess unique persuading and mobilizing power and authority over their believers but this has not yet been utilized in environmental conservation. Often, areas owned and developed by religious institutions have a well-conserved environment, while in the neighbouring communities the environment is quite the opposite. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Eva...

The Contribution Of Dairy Cattle To Poverty Reduction In Igunga District Of Tabora Region

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of dairy cattle to poverty reduction in Igunga District of Tabora region. The study focused on exploring milk marketing, determining dairy cattle performance, assessing different sources of income and assessing dairy-crop integration. Primary data were collected using a semi structured interviewing schedule from 51 dairy cattle owners, and 53 farmers without dairy cattle. The study was carried out using a cross sectional research...

Economic analysis of organic farming in Tanzania: A case study of smallholder coffee production in muleba district.

ABSTRACT This study analysed the economics of smallholder organic farmers in the Muleba district. Specifically, the study was conducted to identify the costs associated with organic and conventional coffee production, to assess the profitability of the two farming system and to determine the effect of premium price in compensation of yield in organic coffee. The study also addressed the coffee organic standard demanded by importers. Multistage, purposive and simple random sampling procedures...

Effect Of Water Management Systems With Different Nutrient Combinations On Performance Of Rice On Soils Of Mvumi, Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A comprehensive study was conducted on soils of Mvumi Village, Kilosa District, Tanzania to investigate the effect of water and nutrients on the growth and yield of rice so as to improve rice production by manipulating water and nutrients. Soil characterization, fertility evaluation and pot experiment were conducted. The soils of the study area were classified respectively as Ustic Endoaquerts and Haplic Vertisols in the USDA Soil Taxonomy, and World Reference Base for Soil Resource...

2281 - 2295 Of 4596 Results