
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Use Of Biofertilizer Produced From Fermented Organic Wastes In The Production Of Okra

ABSTRACT The experiments were conducted at the Department of Crop Science Analytical Laboratory and green house of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Experiment one was an analysis of the nutrient contents of fermented and unfermented plant waste materials using the official method of analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Experiment two was on assessment of the effects of plant wastes and different forms of organic manure fermented for one or two...

Consumption In Urban And Rural Areas Of Enugu State, Nigeria.

PATTERNS AND DETERMINANTS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to evaluate the patterns and determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption in urban and rural areas of Enugu State, Nigeria. The study was articulated based on the fact that despite the relatively cheap and abundant sources of micro nutrients found in fruits and vegetables, there abound wide spread cases of micro nutrient deficiencies. The data was collected from primary sources through a set of...

Comparative Analysis Of Resource Use Efficiency In Rice Production Among Fadama Iii And Non-Fadama Iii Beneficiary Rice Farmers In Niger State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated resource use efficiency of Fadama III and non-Fadama III beneficiary rice farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using questionnaire/interview schedule administered to a sample of one hundred and twenty rice farmers, selected using multistage sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, stochastic frontier production function, return to scale analysis, gross margin analysis, net farm income analysis and likert sca...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Youth Participation In Agriculture In Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT About 60% of the Kenyan population is comprised of youth. Agriculture provides over 80% of employment opportunities and livelihood to Kenyans. However, while youth unemployment is rising, youth engagement in agriculture is declining. Kenya‟s service and industrial sectors have not created enough jobs for the youthful labour force. Declining youth engagement in agriculture has implications on household and national food and nutritional security, unemployment and underemployment whic...

Nutritional Interventions On Dairy Performance And Profitability In Kenya

ABSTRACT Use of conserved forages and proper ration formulation have great potential to bridge the gap in dairy nutrition and reduce seasonal variations in feed availability and milk yield. This study aimed at determining effects of various fodder conservation and ration formulation interventions on dairy performance in North rift, Central and Eastern regions of Kenya. Twelve farms from each intervention i.e. use of maize train and baled silage, production of silage with support from Service ...

Management Of Root-Knot Nematodes And Weeds Using Different Amendments In Greenhouse Grown Asclepias (Asclepias Tuberosa L.)

ABSTRACT The research tested the potential of Tagetes patula, Lantana camara, Tephrosia vogelii and Azadirachta indica to manage root knot nematodes and weeds on greenhouse grown Asclepias tuberosa. Field trials were conducted at James Finlay’s (K) Flowers-Kericho for two seasons under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was laid in Complete Randomised Block Design replicated three times. Chopped plant materials were applied singly as soil amendment or in combination with nemacur. T....

Effect Of Coptis (Coptis Chinensis, Franch.) Extract On Calla Lily (Zantedeschia Sp.) Soft Rot, Growth, Yield And Quality

ABSTRACT Calla lily (Zantedeschia sp.) is cultivated as a cut flower, pot plant or garden ornamental throughout the world and contributes to horticultural revenue for many countries including America, Holland, New Zealand and Kenya. However, bacterial soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum affects the commercial viability of this crop in Kenya. The disease infects calla lily at all stages of growth resulting in death of plants and decay of tubers. Bactericidal formul...

Effects Of Climate Change On Household Water Sources In Benue State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of the study was to assess the effects of climate change on household water sources in Benue State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study was designed to: identify the sources of water for households in the area, ascertain the perceived effects of climate change on water resources; identify the intra-household role in water provision for different household need; determine the household water demand management strategies occasioned by climate change; ascertain the...

Growth And Quality Of Rose (Rosa Hybrida L.) Cultivars As Influenced By Poly Film Covers And Different Concentrations Of Calcium Foliar Feed

ABSTRACT Rose cut flower production contributes significantly to Kenya’s economy and its quality is therefore paramount for sustainability on the export market. Despite the tremendous contribution, profitable production of cut rose flower is limited by unsuitable growth conditions which lead to low quality produce. A study was set up at Egerton University to investigate sustainable ways to improve growth and quality of rose cultivars through integration of greenhouse growth conditions and c...

Diversity And Local Uses Of Woody Vegetation In Mined Arid And Semi Arid Lands Of Kimwarer, Kerio Valley, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Despite Ethiopia possessing the highest number of livestock in Africa, its benefit to the country and smallholder farmers is small. This is to a large extent attributed to the dominance of low producing local cattle breeds. Though the government introduced Artificial Insemination (AI) technology to improve this condition, the adoption rate by smallholder farmers is still low. The main objective of this study was, therefore, to examine the adoption of AI technology by smallholder dair...

Determinants Of Artificial Insemination Use By Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Lemu-Bilbilo District, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Despite Ethiopia possessing the highest number of livestock in Africa, its benefit to the country and smallholder farmers is small. This is to a large extent attributed to the dominance of low producing local cattle breeds. Though the government introduced Artificial Insemination (AI) technology to improve this condition, the adoption rate by smallholder farmers is still low. The main objective of this study was, therefore, to examine the adoption of AI technology by smallholder dair...

Effectiveness Of Farmer Field Schools In Promoting Adoption Of Best Agricultural Practices By Smallholder Coffee Farmers In Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, there are gaps on the availability of studies of the specific extension approaches and their effectiveness on the adoption of technologies. This study sought to determine the effectiveness of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in promoting adoption of best agricultural practices (BAP) by smallholder coffee farmers in Kenya. The target population was the smallholder coffee farmers in the CRI’s FFS pilot project numbering 4802. All the 117 farmers who trained and graduated in FFS w...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Rabbit Production Among Smallholder Farmers In Subukia, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main producers of rabbits in the world are Italy, Russia, Ukraine, France, China, Spain, Southeast Asia, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. In Kenya, farmers have made an effort towards food self sufficiency by raising various livestock breeds such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry, but the country remains food insecure. Rabbits are nonconventional source of protein and are increasingly being kept in Kenya to enhance household food security and income. However, despite the advanta...

Determinants Of Pesticide Use And Uptake Of Alternative Pest Control Methods Among Small Scale Tomato Farmers In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Increasing demand for food and the diminishing agricultural land has resulted in farmers putting great efforts to increase crop yields by using more fertilizer and pesticides. Pesticide use in agricultural production has, however, produced undesirable effects on human health and the environment. Thus, the study aimed at contributing to sustainable agricultural intensification through safe pesticide use and uptake of alternative pest control methods among small-scale tomato farmers in...

Modeling Associations Between Intensification Interventions And Sustainability In Smallholder Dairy Farms In The Kenyan Highlands

ABSTRACT Increased herd productivity and incomes can be obtained with the intensification of smallholder dairy production when applying genetics, ecological and socio-economic interventions. However, intensification can also result in negative externalities including depletion of natural resources, land use changes and human health risks. This study evaluated the association of intensification interventions with herd productivity, natural resource depletion and human health risks using a set ...

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