
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Supressing Populations Of Tomato Leaf Miner (Tuta Absoluta) In The Agro-Ecological Zones Of Morogoro

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta is a destructive and highly invasive insect pest of tomato and other solanaceous plants including plants in the family Fabaceae like beans. The range of host for the moth is extensive requiring in-depth surveys on both solanaceous and Fabaceae crops along with weeds to fully understand it. This study was aimed at understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of the moth along the Uluguru Mountains in Morogoro. The moth preference to alternati...

The House Hold Income Status And Malaria Control Measures And Practices In Bagamoyo District

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between household income and malaria control measures and practices in Bagamoyo District. It specifically aimed at: examining the extent to which households use their income in preventive measures and practices; determining the extent to which malaria is an income problem. The study used a cross-sectional research design, and data were collected using structured questionnaires and standardised interview guides as well as personal observation. Data...

Socio-Economic Analysis Of Production Options Of The Buffer Zone (Half-Mile Forest Strip) Around Mount Kilimanjaro Catchment Forest Reserve, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT The Half Mile Forest Strip (HMFS) around Mt Kilimanjaro has for a long time been the most important buffer zone to Mt Kilimanjaro ecosystem. The strip was set aside in 1941 with emphasis on production of wood and non wood forest products for local use. Rising demands for these products from the forest called for socio-economic analysis and review of the production options on the strip. The aerial survey done in year 2001 revealed that the strip was not managed effectively to the ext...

Performance Of Cotton Smallholder Farmers Under Contract Farming In Bariadi District

ABSTRACT Agriculture sustains the livelihoods of about 80% of Tanzanian households. Cotton is amongst the two most important export cash crops in Tanzania and the first for the Western cotton-producing zone. Although Tanzania’s cotton output has increased, average cotton yields in the country reported being only 760 kg /ha though yields of about 1200 kg/ha can be realized. The objective of this study was to measure the performance of cotton smallholder farmers. Technical factors that affec...

Detection Of Pathological Isolates Of Stem Rust From Selected Wheat Fields And Varieties’ Reactions In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine status of wheat stem rust disease in Tanzania and how the available wheat varieties react to the prevailing isolates of this disease. The study aimed at identifying isolates groups and resistant varieties, and draw implications for farmers, research and extension. Wheat stem rust disease survey was conducted in twenty fields from Manyara, Mbeya, Iringa Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions. Of all the fields surveyed 60% were infected by stem rust dise...

Assessment Of The Performance In Revenue Collection From Fresh Water Fishes At Nyamagana Municipal Council In Mwanza, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to assess performance in revenue collection from fresh water fishes at Nyamagana Municipal Council. Specifically the study aimed at identifying sources of revenue from fishery sub sector at the Municipality; determining revenue collection gap between 2000 and 2010; as well as determining administrative factors that influence revenue collection performance and assessing extent sub sectoral factors influence revenue collection in the fishery sub sector...

Producer Organizations And Access To Agricultural Markets: The Case Of Mwanza Region In Tanzania

ABSTRACT In this study, the factors that influence rural producer organizations in facilitating smallholder farmers to access to agricultural markets were studied. The study used survey data from 120 smallholder farmers (86 members and 34 non-members of smallholder farmer organizations). The study sample was selected using a stratified random sampling technique based on a number of farmer organisations. The study employed a triangulation of data from both primary and secondary data sources. ...

Effects Of Host Availability On Seasonal Abundance Of The Fruit Fly Bactrocera Invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White In Morogoro

ABSTRACT Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are listed among the major fruit pests distributed in all fruit growing areas of the world. Fruit flies compete with human beings for food resources by causing direct damage to fruits and vegetables. The damage they cause brings about negative economic and social impacts to man since he depends on fruits for important food nutrients, employment and income. The fruit fly problem in Tanzania and Africa has been aggravated since the invasion of the ne...

Members’ Participation And Financial Performance Of Wheat Producers’ Cooperative Societies In Southern Ethiopia

ABSTRACT  Currently, cooperative enterprises in Ethiopia are growing in terms of numbers and membership. However, despite growing policy attention and researchers‟ interest in cooperatives, the issue of members‟ participation, in relation to the performance of cooperatives has not been adequately addressed. The overall objective of this study was to determine the influence of members‟ participation in their cooperative financial performance of cooperatives. The study used a cross-secti...

The Contribution Of Village Community Banks To Income Poverty Alleviation In Rufiji Delta

ABSTRACT Village Community Banks (VICOBA) play an important role of enabling the poor save and access credit. Specifically, the current study aimed at identifying factors influencing VICOBA activities in alleviation of income poverty; identifying major challenges facing community participation in VICOBA activities; examining the effectiveness of VICOBA in alleviation of income poverty and determination of the community‟s attitude towards VICOBA. The study used a cross-sectional research de...

Phosphorus Retention And The Interactive Effects Of Phosphorus, Lime And Tillage On Maize In Acid Soils Of The Kenya Highlands

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Maize (Zea mays) is the most important food crop in Kenya. However, its productivity is greately constrained across the Kenya highlands. Soil acidity and low available phosphorus (P) are among the major hindrances to maize production in acid soils of the Kenya highlands. A survey, greenhouse experiment and field trials were carried out to assess the extent of soil acidity, soil nutrient levels and common soil management practices by farmers that contribute to the poor growt...

Effect Of Domestic Water Supply On Poverty In Kilolo District, Iringa Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study on “Effect of Domestic Water Supply on Poverty” was conducted in four villages of Kilolo District in the Iringa Region. The overall objective of the study was to determine the effect of domestic water supply on poverty in Kilolo District. A cross-sectional design was adopted whereby purposive and simple random sampling methods were used to obtain 120 respondents, sixty each from water-rich and water-scarce villages. A structured questionnaire was used in data collecti...

Altitudinal Distribution And Damage Of Cypress Aphid (Cinara Cupressivora; Homoptera: Aphidae) On Cupressus Lusitanica (Pinales: Cupressaceae) In Sua Training Forest, Olmotonyi, Arusha

ABSTRACT Altitudinal distribution and damage intensity of Cypress aphid on Cupressuslusitanicaof different age classes were investigated at SUA Training Forest. The abundance of natural enemies of Cypress aphid different age classes (young 1-10years, middle 11-25 and old >25years) and altitudinal ranges (lower 1700-1930 m.a.s.l, middle 1931-2125 m.a.s.l and upper 2126-2300 m.a.s.l) was also determined. Systematic sampling was used, whereby every 5th tree along the row of the study plot/block...

Effect of dietary supplementation of Coriandrum Sativum (Kuzbara) Powder on the performance and dressing percentage of broiler chickens

This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of adding different levels of coriander sativum in broiler diets on the production performance and dressing percentage. One hundred and twenty 9 day old unsexed broiler chicks (Hubbard F15) with average weight 135g were divided into three groups (40chicks/group). Each group was sub-divided into (4) replicates (10 chicks/replicate), in a completely randomized design. Three experimental diets were formulated twice to meet the nutrient req...

Evaluation Of Plant And Animal Products / By Products As Alternative Protein Sources To Fish Meal In Tilapia Diets

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to develop practical diets in Tanzania for Nile tilapia using fish meal (FM), soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal (CSM), sunflower seed meal (SFSM), freshwater shrimp meal (FSM) and blood meal (BM). Eleven isonitrogenous (30g 100g-1 ), isolipidic (10g 100g-1 ) and isoenergetic (18 kJg-1 ) test diets were prepared; the control diet (FM) used FM (22%) and SBM (30%) as the major sources of protein. In the test diets, FM was fixed at 5%, while the inclusion of SB...

2431 - 2445 Of 4596 Results