
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Modelling Herbivore Feeding Effects on Vegetables and peppers

ABSTRACT The study modelled the effects of different feeding effects of herbivores on Corchorus olitorius and Capsicum annum. Thirty polyethylene pots were set up for each crop in the screen house of the Botanical Garden, University of ilorin. Each crop plant were sown using seeds. Three weeks after planting (3 WAP), the defoliation patterns of all  leaf removal (ALR), Half leaf removal (HLR) and perforation of all leaves (PFL) were made for Corchorus olitorius with the aid of scissors and p...

Improving Poultry Production in Ethiopia Through Production System Studies, Breed Characterization and Implementation of Improved Practices

Although, there are different poultry production systems in Ethiopia, the backyard productionsystem is the predominant oneandit is characterized bysmall flocksize, poor management, and not effective in terms of production and productivity. The demand of thecountry for egg production has not been achieved yet. Thus, there is a need to introduce an environmentally friendly, productive and sustainable production system that can better profit the producers and satisfy egg demand of the country. T...

Improving Ethiopian dairy sector through characterization of the production system, adopting Brazilian technologies, capacity building & farm data management

 Crossbreeding of temperate breeds with local cattle has been practiced for several decades in the country to improve the production and productivity of local animals. However, the interventions made so far were limited to highland agro-ecologies and partly in midlands. There is no improved dairy cattle technological options in Ethiopia for lowland agro-ecologies particularly for heat stress zones. Thus, this project was initiated between the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBR...

Swine Improvement in Ethiopia through Socio-Economic and Production Characterization and Development of a Production System

Although swine production has great potential to alleviate poverty in Ethiopia, little attention has been given to the sub-sector. Swine production and marketing has not been characterized until recently in the country. Therefore, there was a big information gap in the area. To fill this gap and improve the system, a collaborative research was initiated between EIAR and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA). Brazil is one of the top swine producers and exporters in the wor...

Characterization of Pork Consumers and Preference for Quality Traits in Ethiopia

This study was carried out to characterize the socio-economic features of pork consumers, their preference for pork quality traits and motivational drivers to eat pork. Purposive and random sampling methods were used to select sampling areas and supermarkets. As it was difficult to find pork consumers in person, pork retailers at supermarkets were interviewed to describe their customers' (pork consumers') socio-economic features, volume of pork purchase and preference for different pork quali...

Production System, Feeding and Slurry Management of Swine in Ethiopia

The study was carried out to characterize the production systems, feeding & slurry management, herd administration, cost determinants and constraints of Ethiopian swine farming. A total of 66 swine farms were selected in six major towns to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the studied parameters. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select sampling areas and respondents. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data using person to person interview. Data wer...

Ethiopian Native Chicken Productivity, Aims of Production and Breeding Practices Across Agro-climatic Zones

This study was conducted to characterize flock size, composition, productivity, motivational drivers, and breed selection criteria in village chicken production systems of lowlands, midlands, and highlands of Ethiopia. Data were collected at 360 rural households of which 120 were from lowland, 160 midland, and 80 highlands. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data using person to person interview method. Data were analyzed using the various statistical procedures of statistic...

Characterization of Village Chicken Production Systems and Challenges across Agro-climatic Zones in Ethiopia

The aims of the study were to characterize the socio-economic features of village chicken producers, types of chicken production systems, flock management practices, family task sharing and production constraints in lowland, midland and highland of Ethiopia. Data were collected at 360 rural households of which 120 were from lowland, 160 midland and 80 highlands. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data using person to person interview method. The extensive chicken management ...

Swine Production in Ethiopia: I. Socio-economic Characteristics of Producers and Motivational Drivers

The study was conducted to characterize the socio-economic features and motivational drivers of swine producers in Ethiopia. A total of 66 swine farms were selected in six major towns to collect quantitative and qualitative data on socio-economic characteristics of swine production in the country. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select sampling areas and respondents. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data using person to person interview. Data were analyzed...

Swine Production, Productivity and Breeding Practices in Ethiopia

The study was undertaken to characterize breed features, reproductive performance, breeding practice, breed selection criteria and herd replacement in Ethiopian swine production systems. A total of 66 swine farms were selected in six major towns to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the studied parameters. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select sampling areas and respondents. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data using person to person interview....

Live Pigs Marketing and Buyers’ Characteristics in Ethiopia

The study presented valuable information on live pigs’ marketing, buyers’ characteristics, purpose of buying pigs, partnerships among market actors, trend of swine business and motivational drivers in swine sector of Ethiopia. A total of 66 swine farms were selected in six major towns to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the studied parameters. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select sampling areas and respondents. A standardized questionnaire was used to collec...

Quantitative Trait Loci Segregating in Crosses Between New Hampshire and White Leghorn Chicken Lines: Egg Production Traits

A genome scan was performed to detect chromosomal regions that affect egg production traits in reciprocal crosses between two genetically and phenotypically extreme chicken lines: the partially inbred line New Hampshire (NHI) and the inbred line White Leghorn (WL77). The NHI line had been selected for high growth and WL77 for low egg weight before inbreeding. The result showed a highly significant region on chromosome 4 with multiple QTL for egg production traits between 19.2 and 82.1 Mb. Th...

Phenotypic Characterization of Chicken Inbred Lines that Differ Extremely in Growth, Body Composition and Egg Production Traits

The development of phenotypically and genetically divergent inbred chicken lines as simplified genetic models facilitates the identification of genes and contributes to the elucidation of gene functions. In this study, we characterized a New Hampshire (NH) population with its partial inbred derivative, New Hampshire inbred (NHI), and a White Leghorn inbred line (WL77). Both NHI and WL77 lines were inbred after selection for high meat yield or low egg weight, respectively. The inbreeding level...


ABSTRACT The study examined the participation of women in transformation of agricultural development programme of Bauchi local government area of Bauchi state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 60 respondents in the study area using structured questionnaire.The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The results shows that 61.7% of the respondents were female, 70% of the respondents were within the age range of (35-45) years and married (78.3%), and (3...

Early Growth of Selected Indigenous Tree Species in Response to Water Quality

Abstract Introduction  Materials and method           Study area           Data collection            Evaluation of physiological parameters          Assessment of biomass           Land area         Leaf area Result and Discussion  Conclusion  Recommendation  References

4396 - 4410 Of 4613 Results