
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Intercropping Cowpeas With Maize And Phosphorous Levels On Growth And Yields Of Cowpeas In Meru County

ABSTRACT Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a legume that is grown for various uses. It is consumed as grain, leaf for humans and as fodder by livestock with high nutritive value and high palatability. It is widely produced in sub-Saharan Africa as a source of income. It is drought tolerant and can suitably be used as an intercrop in an intercropping system. The attendant low yield of cowpea among smallholder farmers due to declining soil fertility has increased the need for site specific...

Land Lease Market And Its Effects On Crop Production In Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study empirically assessed the effects of land lease market on crop production in Enugu State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of crop farmers; identify the land tenure systems available in the study area; identify and describe the structure and conducts of land lease market; ascertain factors influencing land lease market; determine the influence of land lease forms and practices adopted by farmers on their net farm income;...

Structure And Operation Of Rural Interest Rates In Savings Mobilization And Extension Of Credit In The Cross River State

ABSTRACT This study has provided information on the structure and operation of rural interest rates in savings mobilisation and extension of credit in the Cross River State. A historical survey of interest rate in the Christian religion showed that the Church prohibited interest rates and established laws to discourage the giving and taking of interest, In the 11th Century however, there was a change in attitude towards charging interest when commerce began finding new channels and the proble...

Effect Of Selenium And Vitamin E On The Reproductive Performance Of Rabbit Does And Kits

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation of Vitamin E and Selenium on the reproductive performance of rabbit Does and Kits. Four groups of mixed breeds of rabbits (Newzealand white, Dutch black, and Chinchilla) 8-9 months old with an average body weight of 1.98±0.6kg were considered in the experiment. Each group was made up of 3does and a buck to serve them. All the bucks were fed the basal diet during the study alongside group 1 Does which served ...

Economic Analysis Of Cassava Processing And Marketing Kogi State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This research work examined the economics of processed cassava products and marketing in Kogi East of Kogi State, Nigeria. Among other objectives the study sorts to: identify and describe different processing/marketing channels of selected the value added chain in cassava processing, and describe the constraints’ seriousness in cassava processing/marketing in the study area. A multistage purposive and random sampling technique was used to select 120 cassava processors/marketers wh...

Livestock-Based Risk Management And Coping Mechanism To Drought Among Pastoralists: A Case Study Of Handeni District, Tanga

ABSTRACT A case study on Livestock-based risk management and coping mechanism to drought among pastoralists in Handeni District was conducted to determine how pastoralist cope with drought in the study area. Drought is a major problem and threat to pastoral livelihoods globally. This study aimed at assessing and documenting information on Livestock based risk management and coping mechanims in reducing drought effects. Despite the assumption that livelihood of pastoralists depends on livesto...

Participatory Approach And Development Planning Process In Maswa District, Shinyanga - Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study on participatory approach and development planning process was conducted at Maswa District in Shinyanga Region. Overall objective of the study was to assess participatory planning process for development; specifically the study assessed the extent to which development stakeholders are informed about participatory planning approach concept. Secondly, the study assessed the extent at which stakeholders participate in the process and thirdly it assessed constraints that are bei...

Impact of credit on the development of micro enterprise. A comparative study of pride and finca

ABSTRACT Demand for credit to finance micro enterprises is increasing throughout the world especially in least developed countries including Tanzania. Many entrepreneurs are emerging nowadays in different areas of the country especially Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Mbeya, and Mwanza. So far, small enterprises have become the main source of income to many peoples in the country. Apart from the efforts made to the financial institutions, there is little empirical evidence to show that, ...

Efficacy of Two Plant Extracts Againts The Spiny Boll Worm Earias insulana (Boisd) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Laboratory experiments were conducted in the Department of Plant protection, College of Agricultural Studies- Shambat, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST). The objectives of the study were to evaluate the lethal effects of the aqueous extracts and powders of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) seeds, and Argel (Solenostemma argel (Del.) leaves, against the 3rd larval instars of the spiny boll worm, Earias insulana (Boisd), to test their effects on the rate of egg hatchability ...

Assessment Of Utilization Of Client Service Charter In Local Government Authorities: A Case Of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Client Service Charter (CSC) has been introduced in Tanzania with the view of improving the quality of governmental service delivery, increasing the level of citizens’ satisfaction and enhancing efficiency of bureaucratic apparatus. This study aimed at assessing utilization of this tool at Morogoro Municipal Council. The study focused on assessing disposition (cognition and reaction) of officials on CSC; examine the awareness level of customers on CSC with their demographic charac...

Contribution Of Entrepreneurship On Women’s Well-Being In Tanzania: A Case Of Arumeru District

ABSTRACT  Women entrepreneurs are increasingly becoming one of the development determinants particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. However, the contribution which entrepreneurship has on women’s well-being is not adequately explored. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to determine contribution of entrepreneurship on women’s personal well-being. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through individual survey ...

Analysis Of Cocoyam (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium And Colocasia Esculenta) Marketing In Rivers State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined cocoyam marketing in Rivers State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to describe the systems of cocoyam marketing in the area; identify the market structure and conduct for cocoyam; determine marketing margin along with the profit efficiencies of cocoyam middlemen; determine the influence of socio-economic attributes of cocoyam marketers on their profit efficiencies; assess the effects of marketing costs and other factors on price of cocoyam at the wholesale a...

Quality And Genetic Evaluation Of Some Genotypes Of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using Diallel Method.

ABSTRACT The patterns of gene effects on agronomic and some quality traits of eight genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and their progenies were studied using Diallel analysis method 1 involving parents, F1 hybrids and their reciprocals. The eight genotypes studied were selected for their agronomic performance and protein content from thirty genotypes evaluated in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University of Tech...

Probiotic Effects Of Saccharomyces Cerevisia On Laying Chicken Fed Palm Kernel Cake-Based Diets.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the probiotic effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on pullets development and hen-day egg performance of the layers. A total of 120 chicks were brooded for 4 weeks, after which 100 pullets were randomly selected and placed in 4 groups (A-D) of 25 birds each. Groups A, B and C had their feed supplemented with S. cerevisiae at graded levels of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 g/kg of feed respectively. Group D diet did not contain S. cerevisiae (control). The diets for all the g...

Effect Of Dietary Supplementation With Vitamins E And C On The Productive Performance Of Pigs

Abstract Two experiments were conducted at the piggery unit of the Department of Animal Science Farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka from June 2010 – September 2011, to determine the effect of dietary supplementation with vitamins E and C on the productive performance of pigs. The first experiment assessed the effect of dietary combinations of different levels of vitamins E and C on the growth performance of weaner pigs. Thirty six, Eight weeks old weaner gilts were used for this trial. The...

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