
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Credit Subsidy On Smallholders Maize Productivity And Farm Income In Chókwè District, Mozambique

ABSTRACT Credit constraints hinder development of agriculture in developing countries, yet access is mainly associated with increased farm productivity and crop incomes. For over a decade, Mozambican smallholders have accessed a decoupled credit subsidy under the seven million program for agricultural development. However, little is known about the influence of the program on crop productivity and farm incomes in rural areas. This study therefore, examined whether there are productivity and i...

Assessment Of The Quality And Effectiveness Of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria On Soybean (Glycine Max) And Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Growth

ABSTRACT The use of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria offers an alternative to the use of chemical fertilizers. The quality and efficacy of inoculants is critical to realize the benefits of inoculation. The objectives of this study were; 1) to test the quality of 3 inoculants (Legumefix, Biofix for soybean and Biofix for common bean) and evaluate the response of soybean and common bean to inoculation; 2) to test the effect of soil fertility on inoculation response of soybean and common bea...

Parameters of Trucks and Loads in the Transport of Scots Pine Wood Biomass Depending on the Season and Moisture Content of the Load

Abstract: Transport of wood biomass is one of the key operations in forestry and in the wood industry. An important part is the transport of shredded wood, where the most common forms are chips and sawdust. The aim of the research was to present the variability of the total weight of trucks (gross vehicle weight, GVW), the weight of the empty trucks (tare), and loads of chips and sawdust in different periods of the year. Changes in specific parameters were analyzed: GVW; tare weight; trailer...

Spatial Distribution of Forest Reserves and Sawmills in Oyo State, Nigeria

Abstract Geographic Information System (GIS) is a veritable tool for spatial analysis in forestry. The proximity to forest reserves has been considered one of the major factors affecting the spatial distribution of wood based industries. However, information on number of sawmills and spatial distribution of both the forest reserves and sawmill in Oyo Sate is lacking. Hence, this study employed GIS to develop spatial distribution map of forest reserves and sawmills in Oyo State, Nigeria. The ...

What are Forest Reserves and Why Are They Important

Forest reserves are portions of state lands where commercial harvesting of wood products is excluded in order to capture elements of biodiversity that can be missing from sustainably harvested sites. Small (patch) reserves will conserve sensitive, localized resources such as steep slopes, fragile soils, and habitat for certain rare species that benefit from intact forest canopies. Large (matrix) reserves will represent the diversity of relatively un-fragmented forest landscapes remaining in M...

Home Delivery And Risks Of Fistula In Mufindi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Few studies have been conducted on fistula in Tanzania and indeed on its relationship to home delivery. The general objective of this study was to examine the relationship between home delivery and fistula in Mufindi District. It also examined factors influencing home delivery and assessed women attitudes towards home delivery and also community awareness towards fistula.The study adopted cross-sectional research design where data were collected from 130 respondents through questio...

The Use Of Cellphones In Communication And Dissemination Of Market Information For Beef Cattle Smallholders In Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The traditional pathways used in the dissemination of information including that of the market for cattle remain one of the focal challenges for beef cattle smallholder in many rural areas. Although there is evidence in India, Africa and Tanzania distinctively on the expansion of social networking, micro-entrepreneurs growth and access to crops and fish marketing enhanced by cellphones, the use of cellphones in access to beef cattle market information is little in Tanzania particul...

Effects Of Mining On Food Security To Farming Communities Surrounding Nyamongo Gold Mine In Tarime District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Food availability and supply is essential requirement for people. Household food security is the availability of food to household level which will suffice the needs all times for an active, healthy life. The food will be either produced in farms by family or purchased from other places. The aim of this study was to assess effects of mining on food security to farming communities surrounding Nyamongo Gold Mine in Tarime District, Tanzania. Specific objectives were to: (i) determine ...

Factors Influencing Seda Agricultural Credit Rationing To Smallholder Farmers In Dodoma Municipality And Bahi District, Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted with the aim of assessing factors that influence SEDA agricultural credit rationing to smallholder farmers in Dodoma Municipality and Bahi District. Purposive and random sampling techniques were employed in selecting 200 smallholder farmers. Binary logistic and linear regressions models were used to analyse the influence of farmer’s socio-economic characteristics on credit demand and factors influencing SEDA agricultural credit rationing respectively. Desc...

Institutional And Economic Analysis Of Small Farmers’ Contract Farming: A Case Study Of Manyara Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT The rise of contract farming and vertically integrated firms of production and marketing is undoubtly one of the most important changes in Tanzania economy. The study examined new role of contract farming (CF) in Tanzania towards designing partnership model in the light of transformation and industrialization of agriculture. The specific objectives were (i) To describe contractual arrangement found in the study area (ii) To examine the role of contractual arrangement in reducing tra...

Natural Resources Use Conflicts And Their Socio-Economic And Ecological Implications In Mara River Basin, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Mara River Basin ecosystem is shared by Tarime, Serengeti and Musoma districts. While there is a great understanding on the availability of natural resources in the basin, less is known on the implications of natural resources use conflicts on the livelihoods and on the resource base. The overall objective of the study was to assess natural resources use conflicts and their socio-economic and ecological implications. Data were collected through PRA, discussions with key informants,...

Effects of lime and phosphorus on biological nitrogen fixation by soybeans (glycine max (l.) Merrill) in an ultisol, morogoro, tanzania

ABSTRACT Low soil pH and phosphorus are among the major soil constraints which limit BNF and soybean production in sub-Saharan Africa. Most Probable Number (MPN) plant infection technique and glasshouse pot experiment were conducted at SUA to estimate the population of native Bradyhizobium japonicum and determine the effect of lime and phosphorus on soil pH and BNF by soybean in an Ultisol. The pot experiment was a 33 factorial in a split plot experimental design replicated two times. The ma...

Gender Analysis In The Sunflower Value Chain: A Case Of Mvomero District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Gender inequalities are said to be a stumbling block to development efforts. Conversely inequalities are reported in many agricultural value chains. Therefore, understanding of gender participation differences within Sunflower Value Chain (SVC) is important in promoting sustainable and equitable opportunities in the agricultural value chain. This study was set to map the sunflower value chain and analyse the levels and determinants of gender participation along the chain. ...

Response Of Improved Cowpea Genotypes To Alectra Vogelii Strains From Selected Areas Of Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Copwpea, (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), belonging to the family Fabaceae, is one of the most important food legumes in semi-arid areas. It is a multipurpose crop with immense nutritional value and has significant potential to address malnutrition. However, the parasitic weed Alectra vogelii poses major threat to cowpea productivity throughout tropical and sub-tropical Africa. A. vogelii has developed strains specific to cowpea. Effective control of damage caused by A. vogell...

Socio - Economic Factors Influencing Primary School Education Attainment In Kisarawe District

ABSTRACT This study was done in Kisarawe District to examine socio-economic factors influencing primary school education attainment. The study concentrated in five villages of Mwanzomgumu, Vikumburu, Marui Mipera, Kauzeni and Sangwe. The study was based on a literature review, focus group discussions and interviews. Data were collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaires plus open and closed questions. A cross-sectional survey method was employed for the study. Five wards wer...

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