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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Bridging the Gap: An Analysis of the Food Safety and Hygienic Culture of International Fast Food Franchises and Local Fast Food Restaurants in Georgetown, Guyana

CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION.. 3 Title of Study. 3 Project Supervisor. 3 Principal Investigator. 3 PROJECT DEFINITION.. 4 Definition of Terms. 4 Project Summary. 4 Research Question. 5 Objectives. 5 Anticipated ethical issues. 5 Rationale. 6 FINAL PROJECT OVERVIEW... 10 Food Safety. 10 The Codex Alimentarius. 11 Restaurant Food Safety. 12 UPDATED RESEARCH SUMMARY.. 14 Participating Businesses. 14 Demographics. 14 Food Safety Knowledge Test and Attitudes. 16       ...

Investigation of Hypoglycemic Effects of Sonchus oleraceus (Moleta) in Normal Albino Rats

Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the hypoglycemic effects of ethanolic and hexane extracts of Sonchus oleraceus in normal albino rats using fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance tests. About 200 g leaves of S. oleraceus were macerated in 2 liters of hexane for two days, filtered and evaporated to dryness. Sixty albino rats were divided into six groups. Negative control group received water (5ml) and the positive control group administered by glibenclamide (5 mg/kg) w...

Assessment of the Diagnostic Performance of HIV Rapid Test Kits in Ghana

ABSTRACT Rapid diagnostic test kits are a crucial component of HIV diagnosis in resource limited settings. HIV RDTs are recommended because they are less expensive, require little expertise, require little sample volume and generate results in less than 20 minutes. The WHO, CDC, and UNAIDS recommend countries to undertake pre and post market evaluations of HIV RDTs used for HIV testing in that particular country. Little is known about post market evaluations of test used in Ghana. Most of th...


ABSTRACT The prevalence of childhood anaemia remains high in the Kintampo district despite various intervention programs adopted in the past to reduce it. A cross-sectional study investigating knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices was carried out among seventy randomly selected mothers to find out why childhood anaemia is still a major problem in the district. Data were also collected from six traditional healers who specialize in treating childhood diseases including anaemia. Analysis ...


ABSTRACT  Background: Honey and table sugar are commonly used sweeteners by many consumers. These sweeteners are examples of disaccharide sugar which forms part of the complex macromolecule, carbohydrate. Excessive consumption of dietary sugars including table sugar and honey is associated with several metabolic abnormalities and adverse health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. There is a general debate by many researchers and consumers that honey is better t...

Condom Use By Senior High Technical School Students In Sandema, Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT For over a decade now, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and more especially condom use, has increasingly been on national agendas. In many countries especially in Sub Saharan Africa, this concern has been driven by the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS among young people. Other driving forces of comparable magnitude have been the following;   - 800 women died every day in 2013 due to pregnancy related causes. A chunk of it occurred in Sub – Saharan Africa (SSA). - One i...

Implementation Challenges Of The Millennium Development Goal To Improve Maternal Health By Health Care Providers In The Tamale Metropolis Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examined the implementation challenges of the Millennium Development Goal to improve maternal health in the Tamale Metropolis. The study used a qualitative descriptive study. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of participants for the study. The methods for data collection included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and a review of documents. The study participants included midwives and health managers at the facility level. The study revealed that the ...

Determinants Of Preterm Delivery In Ridge Regional Hospital, Greater Accra

ABSTRACT Introduction: Globally, prematurity is a major determinant of neonatal morbidity and mortality contributing about 30%-40% of neonatal mortality and 20% to 30% of infant and under-five mortality. The world‟s preterm birth rate keeps rising since the last two decades with an increase of 20% since 1990 in high-income countries. Major risk factors remain unknown. The consequences are enormous with developmental and childhood complications as well as high economic and psycho-social bu...

Management Of Childhood Burns And Fall-Related Injuries In The New Juaben Municipality Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  The study explored how childhood burns and falls are managed in the New Juaben Municipality in the Eastern Region of Ghana. This was against the background that childhood burns and fall-related injuries are major public health concerns that manifest in frequent hospitalization, high treatment cost, long period of recovery, pain, scar and disabilities. To address these concerns, the study set out to determine the risk factors for these childhood mishaps, to explore the treatment pra...

Male Partner Involvement In Maternal Health Care In The Effutu Municipality Of The Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Globally, men play critical role in women‘s ability to seek health care, including maternal health care. Male partner involvement is a key factor that cannot be ignored in the quest for improvement in maternal health. Male participation has been shown to yield substantial influence in decisions and health outcomes in several other areas of maternal health care, including antenatal, labour and delivery and postnatal care. However, male involvement has been found to be a...

Factors Affecting Patient Waiting Time in the Out Patient Department in Health Care Delivery in Mokwa

ABSTRACT Patient waiting time is the time interval between when a patient presents him/herself for health care services and when he/she finally leaves the health facilities. This project work examined the causes of patient waiting time in the outpatient department at the General Hospital Mokwa. Using simple random of twenty one questionnaires to elicit information from health record officer, physician and patient attending consultative outpatient department. The results obtained indicated t...

Prevalence Of Schistosomiasis In Children Under Six Years In Two Endemic Communities Along The Weija Lake

ABSTRACT Introduction: Schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease, often endemic in areas with poor sanitation, is known to cause physical and mental defects in children and adults alike. Consequently, a number of strategies with much emphasis on drug administration for morbidity control have been put in place to combat schistosomiasis in Ghana and the world at large. Unfortunately, children under six years have been excluded from chemotherapy for several years and it is in recent times t...

Performance of Community Health Workers in the Community Health Worker Programme in Upper Manya Krobo Distrct of Ghana: Role of Health Sector and Community

ABSTRACT Background: The Alma-Ata declaration of 1978 promoted broader use of Community Health Workers (CHWs) to provide certain interventions and promote health behaviours at the community level. The Government of Ghana in 2016 launched the new Community Health Worker Program (CHWP). This was followed by recruitment, training and deployment of 20000 CHW to Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) zones. Since the programme inception, the performance of CHWs and the possibility of...

Surviving Cervical Cancer: Experiences Of Women In The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Studies from other countries have provided evidence that women with cervical cancer encounter physical, psychological and social consequences. However, in Ghana, not much is known about the experiences of such women. Thus, the study explored the physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being of women with cervical cancer in the Accra Metropolis, using the Quality of Life Model Applied to Cancer Survivors as an organising framework to understand their survival experiences. ...

An Exploratory Study Into The Usefulness Of The District Health Annual Report To The Dhmt* In The Management Of The District Health System

INTRODUCTION For a developing country like Ghana, which has chosen the PHC strategy to achieve health for all by 2000 AD, the management of the district health system is understandably of vital importance. The government's support of its health policy is shown in its decentralization moves on the past few years. In 1995, not only personnel, but now, the financial administration has been brought to the district level. Health managers and teams therefore now bear the responsibility of managing ...

1546 - 1560 Of 6406 Results