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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Measurement of Normal Spleen in Pediatrics Using Ultrasonography

Abstract This was a cross-sectional descriptive study counted out at Omdurman pediatric Hospital from January to July 2019, which aims to evaluate the spleen size in pediatric. 70 subjects were enrolled in the study; persons who referred to ultrasound department for abdomen ultrasound were included. Any person suspected with abnormal splenic measurement by ultrasound examination was excluded .The population of this study includes (35 males and 35 females) aged (1 – 16 years) Trans- abdomin...

Measurement of Portal Tract Blood Vessels Among Youth Sudanese Using Duplex Ultrasonography

Abstract: This is a cross sectional descriptive study carried out in Ribat teaching hospital Khartoum state - Sudan from June to August 2018 was done to investigate the utility of Doppler ultrasound in detecting the range of spectrum of the portal vein and hepatic artery of the healthy patient. A sample of 50 young patients of different gender and age group were selected, their age range (16-30 years) Male 24 (48%) Females 26 (52%). The resistive index (RI), velocity and diameter of portal v...

Antibacterial Activity of Nigella Sativa Extract against Pathogenic Bacterial Isolate

Abstract There are many reports about usage medicinal plants and their potential as possible therapeutic agent against human pathogens. The aim of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of different concentrations of petroleum ether, methanol and aqueous extracts of the medicinal plant Nigella sativa (seeds) using disc diffusion method on reference standard and selected pathogenic isolates of bacteria. The study was conducted in Khartoum state, Sudan, during the period from M...

Detection Of Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Health Care Workers In Aldamer Locality, River Nile State, Sudan

Abstract Hepatitis B infection is one of the world’s major infection diseases .This across-sectional studyaimed to determine sero-prevalence of Hepatitis B virus and to determine the possible association between Hepatitis B virus and some risk factor among health care workers in Aldamer Locality River Nile state during a period from July to November 2019. Structured questionnaire was used to collect both demographic and clinical data,Venus blood (3 ml) was taken from each participantby sta...

Characterization of Signs for Rejection of Transplanted Kidneys in Sudanese Patients using Ultrasonography

ABSTRACT A retrospective study was conducted in Khartoum State from July 2015 to April 2017. A total of 115 cases of transplanted kidneys were retrospectively analyzed. There were missing cases. A designed data collection sheet was used to collect the sonographic findings, clinical and demographic data. The renal cortex, corticomedullary differentiation and ratio (CMD & CMR) and graft size were evaluated and analyzed using software statistical program (SPSS). Assessment of morphology and hem...

Impact Of Hypertension On Heart Using Echocardiography

Abstract This is descriptive study cross-sectional study aim to study the impact of hypertension in heart, using Vivid 3 General Electric USA with probe 3s in Asia hospital, the study had 60 hypertension patients aged between 35-85 years old, affected age between 68-78, all subject are examined in transthoracic echocardiography and pulsed Doppler through apical 4 chamber to assess the flow pattern through mitral valve. The study found that male 35 percentage 58.3% more affected than female 25...

Detection of Human Papilloma Virus Gentotype -68 Among Cervical Cancer Patients UsingPCR Technique in Khartoum State

Abstract This is a descriptive, retrospective case study conducted at research lab inSudan University of Science and Technology,department of histopathology during the period from January to September 2017The study aimed to assess the association between HPV-68 infection and cervical cancer among Sudanese patients through detection viral DNA using PCR technique, there by 40 formalin fixed embed tissue blocks of different cervical cancer type were collected. The tissue blockswere cut byRotary ...

Study Of The Internal Derangement Of The Knee Using Ultrasound And MRI

Abstract   Musculoskeletal sonography is rapidly evolving modality which is gaining popularity for the evaluation and management of joint and soft tissue disorder the purpose of this exhibit was to study the internal derangement of the knee using ultrasound and MRI. All patients (50 patients) were scanned by MRI 1.5 Tesla as standard and by ultrasound using high linear frequency transducer. The study took place in Sudan Khartoum 2014-2015. The part examined in the knee include meniscuses (La...

Molecular Detection of Metronidazole Resistant Genes (RdxA and FrxA) of Helicobacter pylori Isolated from Stool Specimen at Alinjaz Diagnostic Center in Khartoum State

Abstract The bacterium H.pylori is a fastidious, microaerophilic spiral Gram negative microorganism. This study aimed for molecular detection of metronidazole resistance genes (RdxA and FrxA) inH. pylori isolated from stool specimens in Elinjaz Diagnostic Center, in Khartoum State. A total of 65 samples were collected in this study, and bacteria were identified by the immune chromatography test (ICT), chemical method (Guanidine) was used for DNA extraction, and multiplex PCR was conducted to...

Effect Of Acidosis On Uropathogenic Bacterial Growth Among Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients In East Nile Locality, Khartoum State

Abstract Diabetes is a group of metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetic ketoacidosis ( DKA) is a type of diabetes complication lead to coma and death, the main characteristic of Diabetic ketoacidosis ( DKA) are: hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. Urinary tract infection is the most type of infection in diabetic patients especially in females more than males. This study aimed to detect bacterial growth in diabet...

A Study of Normal Renal Blood Perfusion Using Ultrasonography

Abstract: This is a cross sectional descriptive study was done to investigate the utility of Doppler ultrasound in detecting the range of spectrum of the renal arteries of the healthy kidneys. A sample of 50 patients of different gender and age group were selected, Their age range (19-80 years) Male 26 (52%) Females 24 (48%) the study was carried out at Ibn Elhaitham diagnostic centre, during the period of three months. The resistive index (RI), peak systolic velocity (PSV) and pulstality in...

Evaluation Of Prothrombin Time, INR And Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients In Khartoum State

Abstract This was case control study, conducted in Khartoum state at Aboanga hospital during the period from January to April 2017. The study aimed to evaluate some coagulation parameter (PT,INR andAPTT) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Study include 50 active TB patients (cases) and 50 non TB patients (control), all subject were informed verbally about the study and approved for participation. from each participant 1.8ml of venous blood collected in tri sodium citrate anticoagulant conta...

Diagnosis of Renal Infection using Ultrasonography

Abstract The objective of this study was to characterize the kidney’s appearance in patients with uncountable pus cells in the laboratory test. This study was done on 50 patients suffering from symptoms of renal infection with positive laboratory findings..The study was obtained at ElmickNimirUniversity Hospital during the period between 3-12-2016 to29-1 2017. All patients with uncountable puss cells were included in the study and those with normal laboratory tests were excluded. All patie...

Assessment Of Haemodynamic Changes Of Intrarenal Arteries In Sudanese Diabetic Patients

Abstract Diabetes is worldwide in distribution and the incidence of both types of primary diabetes is rising due to genetic and environmental factors. Diabetes may cause life- threatening metabolic complications associated with permanent and irreversible functional and structural cells changes. Diagnostic ultrasound has become one of the most important investigations used in the assessment of vascular disease as it provides accurate information on the flow of blood in the arteries and veins....

Study of Endemic goiter of Children in Eastern Sudan Using Ultrasonographyand ELISA

Abstract The diagnosis of goiter used to be based on palpation, but now it is based on volume measurement using ultrasonography. Volume measurement of the thyroid gland is especially easy to obtain because the gland has a different echogenicity compared with adjacent soft tissues. The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemic endemic goiter and to estimate the measurement of normal thyroid gland dimensions and thyroid hormones level in school-aged children Using Ultrasonography and ELISA in ...

2356 - 2370 Of 6406 Results