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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

The Influence Of Graded Dietary Energy On Dynamics Of Trypanosoma Congolense Infection In West African Dwarf Goats

ABSTRACT Malnutrition increases goats’ susceptibility to diseases thereby hindering their profitable production. Low calorie diet and infection have impact on health and survival of livestock. The influence of Graded Dietary Energy (GDE) on dynamics of Trypanosoma congolense (Tc) infection in goats is not fully elucidated. The influence of GDE levels on Tc infection in West African Dwarf (WAD) goats was therefore investigated. A preliminary survey for trypanosomes involving 675 goats was c...

Sexual Harassment and Coping Strategies among Students of the School of Nursing, University College Hospital, Ibadan

ABSTRACT Sexual Harassment (SH) which covers a continuum of behavioural patterns ranging from unwanted verbal advances to physical assault constitutes a major reproductive health concern worldwide. In Nigeria, studies have shown that students in institutions of higher learning are vulnerable to SH. However, its prevalence among student nurses has not been adequately explored. This study therefore determined the prevalence of SH among students of School of Nursing, University College Hospital...

HW-1 Drug Resistant Mutations In Chronically Infected -Treatment Naive Individuals in The Pre-ARV Era in Nigeria

Abstract In Nigeria the Federal Government rolled out antiretroviral drugs for the management of HW infection in year 2002. This study was carried out to determine the circulating antiviral drug mutations amrmg ARV naive patients with chronic HIV infection durillg the pre-ARV roll out era in &e country. DNA was extracted from scored whole blood samples collected from 75 HlV positive patients attending the Medical outpatient clinic between December 19% and November 2001. The Reverse mscriptas...

Pub Network 3 PAGES (1948 WORDS) Virology Paper
A Comparative Study of Two Surgical Management Methods for Cervical Incompetence at University College Hospital, Ibadan

ABSTRACT Background Incompetence of the internal uterine cervical os is associated with recurrent pregnancy loss. Different surgical techniques are in practice to correct the defect. Objective The objective of this study therefore was to review the outcome of pregnancies following cervical using either of the two procedure among patients diagnosed as having incompetence of the cervix. Methods A comparative study of 2 standard methods of cerclage used in our hospital, McDonald & Shirodkar, i...

Effect of Hemodialysis on the Hearing Function of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

SUMMARY Sensorineural hearing impairment (SIll) has been reported in chronic renal failure (CRF) patients with a prevalence of 20-40%. The aetiopathogenetic mechanisms reported included osmotic alteration resulting in loss of hair cells and in some, complications of haemodialysis have been hypothesized' We have in the past reported 2 cases of CRF patients who developed acute SHL following hemodialysis. This is a report of investigation of the effect of hemodialysis on the hearing function of...

Serovars and Renal Pathology of Leptospirosis in Dogs, Cattle and Wild Rats, and its Pathogenesis in A Guinea Pig Model

ABSTRACT In recent years, mortality due to leptospirosis in dogs has been of major concern in Southwestern Nigeria, but the prevalent serovars, pathology and pathogenesis have not been fully documented. The purpose of this study was to investigate the disease in the dog and reservoir hosts (cattle and wild rats), and its pathogenesis and pathology in a guinea pig model. Between 2003 and 2010, 44 fresh and 60 formalin-fixed kidneys of tentatively diagnosed cases of canine leptospirosis obtain...

Preparing Nurses for the 21st Century: Re-envisioning Nursing Education and Practice in Nigeria

Abstract The paper explores the current situation and future development of nursing education and practice in Nigeria and their influence on health care. This is necessitated due to the significant advances in biomedical science and in the complexity of health care, coupled with observed shortage of nurses and the numerous reports of unsafe and poor quality of patient care, which have served as precursors to the concerns about nursing education and nursing practice in developed parts of the w...

Factors Affecting Efficiency Of Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Case Study Of Njoro Industrial Sewage Works, Nakuru County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The efficiency of the sewage works depends on the quality and quantity of the influent and the design of the sewage works. Inefficiency of the sewage work has adverse health impact to the aquatic ecosystem. Pollutants can bio-accumulate and bio-magnify in the food chain causing health impact to both human being and wildlife. The main objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of wastewater management system of Njoro industrial sewage works. This study used descriptive re...

Assessment Of The Occurence Of Viable Helminthes Ova In Faecal Sludge And Pit Desludging Practices In Nakuru County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The use of pit latrines, their eventual fill up and need to desludge them expose humans and the environment to diseases associated with untreated excreta. Based on this, a study was done in Nakuru County to assess prescence of viable parasitic helminthes ova in faecal sludge and pit desludging and disposal practices used. Thirty five pit latrines were sampled and the prescence of parasitic helminthes ova determined at varius pit depths. Pit desludging and disposal practices was also ...

The Development 1 Implementation And Evaluation Of A Training Programme In Rape Crisis Intervention For Lay Therapists: A Community Psychology Approach

ABSTRACT A conceptual framework was developed in the context of community psychology for the development of a training programme in rape crisis intervention for lay therapists who were members of the Rape Crisis Organisation in Cape Town, South Africa. This framework was structured around the use of lay therapists, crisis intervention (including crisis intervention with rape victims) and consultation. The interrelationships of these three ·aspects were explored. The programme consi...

From Salisbury To Harare : The Geography Of Public Authority Finance And Practice Under Changing Ideological Circumstances

ABSTRACT FROM SALISBURY TO HARARE : THE GEOGRAPHY OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY FINANCE UNDER CHANGING IDEOLOGICAL CIRCUMSTANCES This study is based on the assumption that money 'powers the urban system'. Its focus is the geography of public finance in Harare and ideologically inspired change in urban management. The context is the changing circumstances attendant upon the transfer of power from minority White settler colonial rule to Black majority rule in Zimbabwe. The ruling ZANU-PF party professed ...

An Exploration Of Clinical Governance Interventions In The Western Cape Department Of Health Over The Past Twenty Years

Abstract The tension between the increasing cost of healthcare provision and the need to provide a quality level of care to a rising number of people is a global phenomenon. A focus on one over the other could result in a rise in adverse patient outcomes, or a health system too costly to be sustainable. Clinical governance is an approach policymakers can use to walk the middle line of creating a healthcare service that meets quality of care standards in a cost-effective manner, as has been d...

Implementation Of Hadamard Encoding And Reconstruction Of MEGA-Edited Spectroscopy (HERMES) For Quantification Of Ɣ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) And Glutathione (GSH

Abstract The present study aimed to accelerate and improve accuracy of ɣ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutathione (GSH) quantification. These metabolites, present at low concentrations in the brain, are challenging to detect using MR spectroscopy due to the fact that their resonance frequencies overlap with those of other more abundant metabolites. The advanced spectral editing techniques involving J-difference editing that are required to resolve the overlapping signals of these low concen...

Impact Of Long-Acting Contraceptives On Female Genital Tract Cytokine Profiles In A Randomised Controlled Trial Nina Radzey (Rdznin001)

List of abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 5 List of figures ................................................................................................................................................... 7 List of tables .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Sum...

Outcomes Following Admission To Paediatric Intensive Care: A Systematic Review

ABSTRACT Introduction Paediatric Intensive Care has developed rapidly in recent years with a dramatic increase in survival rates. However, there are increasing concerns regarding the impact that admission to a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) has on both the child and their family. Following discharge from PICU, children may be living with complex medical problems as well as dealing with the psychosocial impact that their illness has had on them and their family. Objectives To describ...

SSA Research 111 PAGES (38031 WORDS) Pediatrics Thesis

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