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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Assessment of Factors Influencing Low Contraceptive Use Among Adolescent in the Kintampo North Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the factors influencing low contraceptive use among adolescents in the Kintampo north municipality. Cross-sectional study design was used for the study using a sample size of 100 adolescents in the municipality. A questionnaire was used for the data collection. Results of the study showed that, there was a high (79%) knowledge of contraceptives among respondents. Some health system factors that influenced the use of contraceptives among adolescents...

Sustaining The Use Of The Insecticide Treated Bed Nets In The Upper East Region Of Ghana: Factors Militating Against Continuous Usage.

ABSTRACT The control of the spread of endemic malaria is incumbent on the prevention of many mortalities and morbidities that are associated with the disease in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The insecticide treated bed nets are the most reliable and cost effective tools to use in the prevention of malaria. This study explored the usage patterns and decision making processes, level of knowledge on the risk of the non-use of the Insecticide Treated Net (ITN), barriers to sustained usage and ...

Evaluating The Trend Of Caesarean Section From (2011 - 2016) In The Kasena Nankana Municipality, Ghana

ABSTRACT The trend of caesarean section (CS) rate continues to increase worldwide. This trend of increasing CS has raised a lot of concerns among health professionals and countries world over. The World Health Organisation in 2007 reached a consensus around the world with the recommendation of an acceptable Caesarean Section rate of 10---15% among countries. This study evaluated the trend of Caesarean Section in the KassenaNankana Municipal of the Upper East Region, Ghana. The study evaluated...

Assessing The Knowledge, Access And Utilization Of Adolescent Friendly Health Services In Kumbungu District, Ghana

ABSTRACT The period of adolescence is a critical one where adolescents are vulnerable to many health risks including those related to their sexual and reproductive life. With the availability of adolescent friendly health services (AFHS), it is expected that adolescents will go through their developmental stages with minimal or no health challenges. However, health challenges of adolescents rather seem to be on the increase and this may be attributed to many factors. The purpose of this study...

The Community-Based Management Of Acute Malnutrition (Cmam) Programme: Implementation Realities In The Savelugu Nanton Municipality Of Northern Ghana.

ABSTRACT Child survival remains one of the most important public health challenges in Ghana. The implementation of Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) is one of the key strategies to improve child survival. The aim of this study was to assess the implementation realities of Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition programme on child survival in Savelugu/Nanton Municipal of the Northern Region of Ghana. The specific objectives are: 1. Assessing the CMAM service pr...

Awareness Of Cervical Cancer And Willingness To Screen Among Young Female Adults In Madina Zongo, Accra.

ABSTRACT Background: Cervical cancer is the commonest gynaecological cancer in women worldwide with more than 85% of the global burden occurring in developing countries where it accounts for 13% of all female cancers and a major cause of cancer-related deaths. It has a long latency period and it is one of the few cancers that are preventable through regular screening. Objective: This study aimed to assess the awareness of cervical cancer among young female adults and their willingness to scre...

Exploring Pain Management By Nurses Among Road Traffic Accident Casualties At A Military Hospital In Ghana

ABSTRACT The quest for pain relief has been the reason why casualties visit the emergency department to seek appropriate intervention. The aim of the study was to explore pain management by nurses among Road Traffic Accident casualties at the 37 Military Hospital. A qualitative descriptive design guided by the caregiver aspect of the Social Communication Model of Pain (Craig, 2009) was used in the study. Purposive sampling technique was employed to recruit thirteen nurses from the trauma surg...

The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment And The Occurrence Of Respiratory Diseases: A Case Study Of Small-Scale Miners In Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Small-Scale mining which feature large rudimentary, unmonitored and uncontrolled practices had been vulnerable to miners due to the use of labour-intensive and crude methods of extracting the ore which tend to produce lots of dust and fumes. Objective: To determine the effect of personal protective equipment use and occurrence of respiratory diseases among small-scale miners in Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality. Methods: A cross sectional study was performed among small-scale mi...

Knowledge And Perception Of Risk Of Anaemia During Pregnancy Among Pregnant Women In Ablekuma South

ABSTRACT Introduction: Worldwide it is estimated that about half of all pregnant women are anaemic. In Ghana, the incidence of pregnant women with anaemia has increased and this accounts for about 20% of maternal mortality. This study therefore sought to investigate the knowledge and perception of the risk of anaemia during pregnancy and adherence to iron supplements among pregnant women in Ablekuma South. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 384 pregnant women i...

Chronic Pain Experiences Among Advanced Cancer Patients In The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Chronic pain among advanced cancer patients (ACP) has several devastating effects on the patient’s quality of life and need to be understood for effective pain management. However, there is lack of literature on chronic pain experiences among ACP in Ghana. This study aimed to explore and describe chronic pain experiences among ACP in the Accra Metropolis. A qualitative approach with exploratory-descriptive design was used for this study. The Multidimensional Model of Cancer Pain wa...

A Comparative Study Of Human Landing Catches And Pyrethrum Spray Catches Used In Malaria Vector Studies In The Kasena Nankana District (Knd) Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The most direct and reliable method for estimating the man-biting rate is the human landing catches (HLC). It is considered the most representative and usually considered as the “Gold standard”, for determining human biting activity of mosquitoes. However, of recent there has been concerns about the ethics of using humans as baits to collect mosquitoes and therefore there is the need for an alternative method. This study compared Human Landing and Pyrethrum Spray methods in estim...

Psychosocial Factors Affecting Families With Hospitalized Children And Their Coping Strategies At The University Hospital -Legon

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: This is an exploratory qualitative study to determine the psychosocial factors affecting families with hospitalized children and their coping strategies at the University Hospital – Legon. Children in some cases of reporting to the hospital will need to be admitted during their recovery period for a short or long period. In such cases, a family member can be on the ward with the child to keep them company and also make them feel secured in the unfamiliar environment. ...

Assessment By Dietary Intake And Haemogram Of Iron Levels Of Vegetarians In A Selected Community In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Anaemia is a condition where the number of red blood cell (RBC) is reduced below the recommended value. It is diagnosed when a blood test shows haemoglobin concentrations below established levels. Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common type of anaemia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as many as 30% of the people in the world have anaemia due to prolonged iron deficiency. A good source of iron (haem iron) is meat and non-haem iron from plant sources. ...

Managing Malaria In The Chps Compounds In Under Five Children In The Brim Central Municipality Of The Eastern Region

ABSTRACT Background: Malaria remains one of the major public health burdens in Africa in that it is one of the common diagnosis made by prescribers in all out patient departments across the African continent. The infection affects about 3.4 billion people worldwide and accounted for the deaths of 1.2 billion people across the world. The worrying situation about the infection is that of the over-diagnosis of the disease and over prescription of antimalarial to persons who have not been tested ...

Providing Mental Health Care To Patients: Emotional, Social And Economic Consequences On Caregivers

ABSTRACT Background: Mental illness is debilitating both to immediate families and the society at large. In Ghana, mental illness is not treated as a priority in healthcare. Persons caring for their mentally-ill relatives often feel burdened, helpless and sometimes ignored by other family members and the society. The main objective of this study is to examine the social, economic and emotional consequences on families as a result of taking care of mentally-ill relatives attending the OPD of t...

3871 - 3885 Of 6406 Results