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Research Papers/Topics Medical & Health Sciences

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Exclusive Breast Feeding Among Prim Parous Lactating Mothers Attending Kyabugimbi Health Centre Iv, Bushenyi District, Western Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .........................................................................................................................................ISUPERVISOR`S APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................IIDEDICATION.......................................................................................................................................... IIIACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................

Prevalence and Correlates of Malaria in Pregnancy Among Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinic of Fort Portal Region Referral Hospital, Kabarole District (U)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ....................................................................................................................iAPPROVAL......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................................................................ivDEDICATION...........................................................................................

The Perception, Attitude and Frequency Towards Condom Use Among Students in Kampala International University -Western Campus, Bushenyi District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .....................................................................................................................................iSUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL................................................................................................................ iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION...................................................

Factors Influencing Neonatal Sepsis in Neonates in Kyabugimbi Hc1v Bushenyi, Western Uganda

This study was conducted in Bushenyi western Uganda at Kyabugimbi HCIV to determine the risk factors of neonatal sepsis in, so as to recommend interventions for the DHT to improve neonatal health. A questionnaire consisting of both closed and open ended questions was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. SPSS was used for data entry and analysis and data was presented in tables. Majority were Banyankole accounting to 60.5% of the respondents. Of these majority of the respond...

Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Caesarian Section Among Mothers Attending Maternal And Child Health Services at Rwekubo Hc Iv Isingiro District

This research was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of mothers towards caesarian section among mothers attending MCH clinics at Rwekubo HCIV Isingiro District. The study was conducted from 60 respondents using a descriptive cross sectional study design in which the quantitative data was collected for assessing the knowledge and attitudes of mothers towards CS. From the study, a majority 55 (91.7%) of the mothers had knowledge about caesarian section and 40 (66.7%) had ever undergone the o...

A Study of Assessment of Contraceptives Underutilization Among Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Kiu-Th, Bushenyi District

This was a cross sectional descriptive study carried out to determine the factors leading to under utilization of modern contraceptive a mong women attending antenatal clinic in KIU-TH, Ishaka, Bushenyi district in South-Western Uganda. The specific objectives of the study was to determine the knowledge of mothers in child bearing age on contraceptive use, to determine the attitude of mothers in child bearing age towards contraceptive use, to assess mothers accessibility to modern contracepti...

Evaluation of The Approach of Kiryandongo District Hospital Health Workers Towards Adolescent Contraception to Combat Teenage Pregnancies in Kiryandongos

The study sought to assess the attitudes of healthcare providers in KDH towards providing contraceptives for teenagers in Kiryandongo, as one of the areas to combat teenage pregnancies. Materials and methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 73 healthcare providers in KDH, using self-administered, pretested questionnaires. Results More than half (57.6%) of the respondents perceived the provision of contraceptives for adolescents as promoting sexual promiscuity, while 32....

Factors Contributing to Non-Adherence to Anti-Tb Medication Among Tb Patients at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Ishakabushenyi

TB is still a major global health burden with sub-Saharan Africa being worst hit. Non-compliance to treatment, contributed upon by so many factors, have increased the danger of development of TB strains that are resistant to treatment. Development of drug resistance puts into jeopardy the global efforts of eradicating TB from the face of the earth. With the increase in treatment defaulters, and the risk of MDR-and XDR-TB, the study aimed to look into the factors contributing to this non-adher...

Factors Hindering Men Involvement in Antenatal Care Services at Ishaka Adventist Hospital, Bushenyi District

Globally, it is estimated that nearly 500,000 women die annually from causes related to pregnancy and child birth and 99% of these deaths occur in developing countries. Male involvement in the antenatal care services clearly goes against prevailing gender norms in many places in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite instituting programme targeted at encouraging male partner participation in antenatal programmes. The purpose of the study was to investigate factors hindering Men involvement in Antenatal ...


Abstract According MDG 4: the mortality rate among children under five was to be reduced by two-thirds by 2015. Unfortunately; it has remained a daydream up to today. A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study employed convenient purposive sampling was carried in Kampala international university teaching hospital to assess factors associated to neonatal mortality among mothers that had lost a neonate during time of data collection. Young age mothers 19-24 and Prime-parity were associate...


ABSTRACTIntroduction: Globally, about 90% of children get HIV from their mothers during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding. For a long time in Uganda vertical HIV transmission ranked second only to sexual transmission as the predominant mode of HIV infection in the country accounting for about 18% of new infections. In poor countries, HIV positive mothers are faced with the dilemma of either to breastfeed their children and increase the risk of transmitting HIV or not breastfeed and risk ...

Efficacy of Tiptop® Yogurt as A Source of Probiotics Against Enteric Pathogens Isolated From KIU-TH Microbiology Laboratory

The study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of tiptop yogurt as a some of probiotics against enteric pathogens isolated at KIU-TH. It was conducted to isolate and identify any probiotics available in yogurt, obtain cell free supernatants (bacteriocins) and expose them to 0 selected enteric pathogens, evaluate the effect of bacteriocins from individual isolates and the combination of the bacteriocins on the pathogens. Ciprofloxacin 50mg/ml was used as a positive control. It was hypothesiz...

Factors Contributing to underutilization of Artificial Contraceptive Methods Among Female Nursing Students of Kampala International University

Abstract Introduction Family planning is a basic human right for an individual / couple to exercise control over their fertility, make informed decision on the number of children they want to have. The purpose of the study was to assess the factors contributing to underutilization of artificial contraceptive methods among female nursing students of KIU Ishaka-Bushenyi. Methodology. The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional design, a simple random sampling technique was used to get a to...

Predisposing Factors to Anemia Among Children Under 5 Years Seeking Treatment at Kiryandongo General Hospital in Kiryandongo District

Abstract Anemia is a condition of low level of hemoglobin less than 7.0g/dl in children and 5g/dl in adults. Anemia has remained a common childhood problem associated with various degrees of mortality and morbidity especially in children less than five years of age; the major cause in developing countries like Uganda being low intake of iron and limited use of iron-fortified infant foods and cereals (MOH, 1997) plus other diseases such as HIV/AIDS, parasites such as plasmodium species and hoo...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Self Breast Examination Among Women Aged 18-45 Years in Gynecological Ward at Kiu-Teaching Hospital

Abstract The study determined the knowledge, attitude, and practices on SBE among women aged 18-45 years in gynecological ward at KIU-teaching Hospital The Specific objectives of the study were; to determine the knowledge, to identify the attitude and determining practices of SBE among women aged 18-45 years in gynecological ward at KIU-teaching Hospital. The study was conducted through a descriptive cross sectional study design qualitative in nature. The findings showed how lack of knowledge...

1381 - 1395 Of 6406 Results