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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Physico-Chemical Studies Of The Lower River Niger,

AB ST R ACT Physico-chcmical analyses of t h e surface waters of the lower reaches of the River Niger were carried out for a per iod of one year ( ~ p r i l1 988 - March 1989) covering both t h e rainy and dry seasons t o e ; t a b l i s h Levels of various pollutants and t o study t h t , contribut ions made by the major t r i b u t a r i e s ~ n udrb an a c t i v i t i e s to the gross pollution level. Cerzain physico-chemical properties such as BOD, COD, o i l and grease, conductiv...

Evaluation of Fibrinogen Level among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type2

Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characteriezed by chronic hyperglycemia and relative insulin deficiency, resistance, or both. Its complication result in major health costs. These include macrovascular disease, leading to coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke; microvascular damage causing diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy, and contributing to diabetic neuropathy. Haemostatic factors especially hyperfibrinogenemia is implicated as a source of these complic...

Antimicrobial And Wound Healing Properties Of Leaf Extracts, Fractions And Ointment Formulations Of Spermacoce Verticillata Linn (Family: Rubiaceae)

ABSTRACT This study investigated the antimicrobial and wound healing properties of leaf extracts and ointment formulations of Spermacoce verticillata Linn (Family: Rubiaceae). Three different solvents: acetone, ethanol and water were used in the extraction of phytochemicals from the leaves of Spermacoce verticillata. The bioactive constituents of acetone, aqueous and ethanol extracts were determined using standard phytochemical analytical methods. The cup plate agar diffusion method was ...

Determination of ABO Blood Groups and Rhesus Factor in Sudanese Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases

Abstract This is analytical case control study aimed to determine the frequency of blood group and Rhesus factor of patients with cardiovascular disease attended Sudan heart center during the period from February to August 2016. Two hundred patients with different types of cardiovascular disease attend to Sudan Heart Center were enrolled in this study as a case and one hundred subject without cardiovascular disease were taken as control. A questionnaire comprising gender, Type of cardiovascu...

Estimation of Gestational Age by Measuring Bi-parietal Diameter and Femur length In Second Trimester

ABSTRACT This study was done in Khartoum North Teaching Hospital in the period first of April 2016 to September 2016 . The study was aprospective cross_ sectional research . The aim of the study to determine which is the better estimator of gestational age in the second trimester between femur length and bi-parietal diameter , The study population consisted of 50 normal pregnant women they were randomly selected in second trimester and Scan by real time ultrasound machine. The data were anal...

Study of post menopausal vaginal bleeding in Sudanese women by using Ultrasonography

ABSTRACT This is a scientific and practical study which was done during September -2015 to march 2016 and was carried out in Sudan-Khartoum state( Khartoum, Omdurman teaching hospitals ). The study discusses the evaluation of U/S Scanning in diagnosing of post menopausal vaginal bleeding . A total of “50” patients were selected randomly; all those patients have age above forty years, have signs of post menopausal vaginal bleeding and referred by physician. All patients were subjected to ...

Sero- Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Toxoplasma gondii in Cattle in Sharg Elnil and Omdurman Localities, Khartoum State, Sudan

Abstract Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis caused by an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii. The disease is distributed worldwide and can affect all warm-blooded vertebrates, including humans. To determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of Toxoplasma gondii infection in cattle, a cross-sectional study was conducted between June and September 2019 from Sharqelnile and Omdurman localities in Khartoum state, Sudan. Serum samples were collected from cat...

Knowledge And Utilization Of Post Abortion Care Services Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Obanliku Local Government Area Of Cross River State

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and utilization of post abortion care among women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years) in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The research utilized a descriptive survey design and a sample size of 350 women of reproductive age (15 – 49), selected from each of the 10 communities in the area. A structured questionnaire was used as instrument to collect data. Information obtained from the question...

Assessment of Amniotic Fluid Volume in Sudanese Pregnant Women in Second and Third Trimester by Ultrasound Imaging

Table of Content Abstract. .......................................................................................... .IV Table of content. .................................................................................. V-VII List of figures ....................................................................................... VIII List of tables ........................................................................................... VIII List of Abbreviations ............................

Assessment Of Dietary Compliance And Physical Exercise Among Hypertensive Patients Attending Medical Outpatient Clinic In University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozalla

ABSTRACT The management of hypertension is tripartite in nature: medication, physical exercise and dietary modification. While medication is curative, physical exercise and dietary modification are both preventive and curative. Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of health complications, although treatment with medication is still often necessary in people for whom lifestyle changes are not enough. Physical exercise regimes which are shown t...

Atherogenic Lipids Profile among Sudanese Females with Skin Tags in Khartoum State

Abstract Skin tag is one of the most common skin disorders that affect different populations and it associate with atherogenic lipid profile, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hypertension and atherosclerosis. This case control study was done in Khartoum state during March to December 2017 among Sudanese females with skin tags to evaluate the relationship between skin tags and lipids. Eighty Sudanese females were included in this study (40 with skin tags were selected as test group and 40 wi...

Assessment of Testosterone , LDL and HDL Cholesterol among Females with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Abstract Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome is a heterogeneous endocrine disorder which affects 5–15% of the general population, depending on the ethnicity and the applied classification system, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age It is characterized by polycystic ovaries, oligo-amenorrhea, and hyperandrogenism. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess testosterone, HDL-c and LDL-c in patients with polycystic ovary syn...

Assessment of Knowledge Attitudes and Practices among the Workers of Atbara and Aldamer Slaughter House in River Nile State - Sudan

Abstract The Dim of This research to study The ineae processing houses and how they follow the approved premises which registered by the controlling authority for hygiene management of meat products for human being consumption . The hare chosen 150of the slaughters workers Atbara and Aldamer Localities River Nile State to evaluate The levee of knowledge, attitude and practice of hygiene in slaughter houses workers . The methodology of semi - structured questionnaire is taker to assess the ...

Association of Placental Thickness and Estimated Fetal Weight in pregnant Women in Gezira state

Abstract The purpose of this descriptive study is to investigate the relationship between the placenta thickness and estimated fetal weight in normal pregnancy women in Gezira state .The data collected in Wad Wadni Teaching Hospital and Abo osher Teaching Hospital from May 2016 to November 2016 .Fifty pregnant women in second and third trimesters were scanned by ultrasound machine Toshiba -Power . Fetal weight was estimated by measurement of biparietal diameter (BPD) and abdominal circumfere...

Comparison Of The Pathogenicity Of Quinapyramine Sulphate Drug-Resistant And Drug-Susceptible Trypanosoma Evansi In Experimentally Infected Mice.

Abstract The pathogenecity of two stabilates of Trypanosoma evansi isolated from camels in El-Gedarif and North Kordofan States, to study and evaluate the biochemical and microscopical pathology of camel strains of T. evansi in vivo in experimentally infected Albino mice. Total of 36 adult male outbred Albino mice, weighing between 133-137g were used in this study. The mice were divided into 6 groups of 6 mice per group (A, B, C, D, E and F). Group A and B were infected, intraperitoneally, wi...

2206 - 2220 Of 6406 Results