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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Effectiveness Of School-Based Life Skills Training On Knowledge, Attitude And Assertive Behavior For Prevention Of Sexual Abuse Among Secondary School Adolescents In Pemba: A Quasiexperim

ABSTRACT Background: It is estimated that almost 6% of female and 9% of males have experienced abuse in Zanzibar before 18th year of their birthday. Child sexual abuse and health risk issues among adolescents are alarming and have been reported in a wider extents. This study aims to determine the effect of life skills based training on (LSBT) improving knowledge, attitude and assertive behavior for the prevention of sexual abuse among secondary school adolescents of Pemba Island in ZanzibarT...

Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Lactating Mothers Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Associated Health Outcomes Of Infants In Southern Highlands Regionstanza

ABSTRACT Background: There is no other better way proven to safeguard an infant's health in the first six months of life than exclusive breastfeeding. Mother's breast milk is valuable in all aspects of an infant's physical and mental growth as well as immune development. This study assessed factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding among lactating mothers infected with HIV and its associated health outcomes of infants. Method: A hospital-based analytical cross-sectional study was conducte...

The Effect Of Female Genital Mutilation On Perineal Injuries Among Labouring Women In Dodoma Region: A Case-Control Study

ABSTRACT Background: Although modern obstetrics have made child birth remarkably safe from life threatening event in the western world, there are still some challenges in the middle income countries including Tanzania. This study intended to determine the association between Female Genital Mutilation and the perineal injury among Laboring women in Dodoma. Methods: A matched case-control study of 364 random selected laboring women was conducted in three districts and one Regional hospital. C...

Prevalence And Predictors Of Hospital Malnutrition Among Under-Five Children In Zanzibar: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study

ABSRTACT Background: Hospitalized children are vulnerable to developing malnutrition due to the interaction of disease process, food and nutrition. Albeit this risk and evidence of its existence, little attention has been made to understand its determinants and status of hospital malnutrition among hospitalized children. Consequently, there is a gap in knowledge that this study has managed to address successfully Objective: The study intended to assess the prevalence and predictors of hospi...

Improving Pregnant Women’s Knowledge On Danger Signs And Birth Preparedness Practices Using An Interactive Mobile Messaging Alert System In Dodoma Region, Tanzania: A Controlled Quasi Experim

Abstract Background: Unacceptably high maternal and perinatal mortality remain a major challenge in many low income countries. Early detection and management of danger signs through improved access to maternal services is highly needed for better maternal and infant outcomes. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of an interactive mobile messaging alert system on improving knowledge on danger signs, birth preparedness and complication readiness practices among pregnant women in...

Prevalence, Etiology, Sensitivity Profile And Factors Associated With Bacterial Diarrhea Among Individuals Aged 5 Years And Above In Dodoma

ABSTRACT Background: Diarrhea is still a major cause of disease burden worldwide. Very limited information is available about the burden, etiology and factors associated with bacterial diarrhea in individual aged 5 years and above in Tanzania. Therefore this study was conducted to fill this gap. Methods: Across sectional analytical study was conducted among individuals 5 years and above presenting with diarrhea at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital and St Gemma’s Hospital from February 201...

Implementation Of Maternal And Perinatal Deaths Surveillance And Response System Among Health Facilities And Associated Healthworkers’ Factors In Morogoro

ABSTRACT Background: Maternal and Perinatal Deaths Review and Surveillance (MPDSR) is a technical system which was issued by the World Health Organization in 2013 to help developing countries improve maternal health. The major purpose of the system was to reduce the ongoing high numbers of maternal deaths and perinatal deaths from avertable causes. Tanzania adopted MPDSR system in 2015. The system was intended to generate useful information by ensuring that all pregnancy related deaths of wo...

Contribution Of Bushmeat To Household Food And Income And Factors Influencing Household Dependence On Bushmeat In Western Serengeti

ABSTRACT Bushmeat is an important source of household (HH) food and income in western Serengeti although information on the frequency of consumption and income earned is unknown due to the illegal nature of the activity. This study was intended to determine the contribution of bushmeat to HHs and factors influencing bushmeat dependence. The study was conducted in three villages (Robanda, Rwamkoma and Kowak) selected purposely based on distances from the western boundary of Serengeti National...

Prevalence Of Chronic Rhinosinusitis At Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar Es Salaam

Introduction: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) affects people of all ages worldwide and has significant socio-economic impact. Data on chronic rhinosinusitis are scarce. Objective: To determine the prevalence of CRS among patients attending the Otorhinolaryngology Department at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH). Method: This was a hospital based descriptive cross-sectional study where 56 patients with CRS were recruited from July to December 2015 after meeting the criteria set by American Acade...


ABSTRACT Background T.B score chart is a major diagnostic measure for diagnosing T.B in children, even though T.B score chart used there is gradual increase of T.B case among children. The objective of the study was to assess health care provider‟s knowledge, attitude, and perceived skills on diagnosing tuberculosis using tuberculosis score chart in children aged 0-59 months Dodoma region. Methods: Hospital-based analytical cross-sectional study was conducted between June and July 2020 in 1...

Prevalence and etiological agents for chronic suppurative otitis media in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania

Abstract Objective: Chronic suppurative otitis media is among the most common otological condition reported in otorhinolaryngology practice commonly attributing to preventable hearing loss. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and etiological agents for chronic suppurative otitis media in our department. Results: A total of 5591 patients were recruited in this study and only 79 (1.4%) had chronic suppurative otitis media. A male preponderance 43 (54.4%) was noted in this stud...

Predictors Of Stillbirths Among Post- Delivery Mothers In Pwani Region

ABSTRACT Background: Stillbirth is a silent traumatic canker that is a major concern of various individuals, health institutions, and the country as a whole. All over the world researchers are fighting tooth and nail to unravel the mystery surrounding the high prevalence of stillbirths. This study was carried out in Pwani region with the aim of finding the predictors associated with stillbirth among post-delivery mothers. Methods: A matched case-control study with a ratio of 1:2, conducted in...

Health facility service availability and readiness to provide basic emergency obstetric and newborn care in a lowresource setting: evidence from a Tanzania National Survey

Abstract Objective This study used a nationally representative sample from Tanzania as an example of low-resource setting with a high burden of maternal and newborn deaths, to assess the availability and readiness of health facilities to provide basic emergency obstetric and newborn care (BEmONC) and its associated factors. Design Health facility-based cross-sectional survey. Setting We analysed data for obstetric and newborn care services obtained from the 2014–2015 Tanzania Service Provis...


ABSTRACT Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is still a major cause of morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to determine the prevalence, risk factors, microbial and sensitivity configuration at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital. Objective: To identify the incidence, risk factors, common microorganisms causing surgical site infection and antimicrobial sensitivity at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital Methods: A prospective hospital based study was conducted at Dodoma Regional Hospita...

In-Vivo Antidiabetic Activity and Safety Profile of Fruits Extract and Fraction of Solanum Terminale Forsk (Solanaceae)

Abstract: Background: Majority of people opt the use of traditional means of treatment especially medicinal plants on the notion of being safe since they are naturally derived. Objective: The study aimed at evaluation of the antidiabetic efficacy of extract and fraction and safety profile of Solanum terminale fruits extract in mice. Methods: Mice were induced diabetes by intraperitoneal injection of freshly prepared alloxan monohydrate 170 mg/kg BW.The diabetic mice were treated once daily wi...

3376 - 3390 Of 6406 Results