ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between the government policy and service delivery in selected local government in hargaisa Somaliland. the next step was to identify the research objectives , this objectives include: To correlate government policy and service delivery , To determine the profile of respondents in terms of Gender, Age, ,educational level , marital status , To determine the levels of government policy in selected local government , To determine the leve...
ABSTRACT The study is about credit sales management and profitability selected manufacturing companies in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The study examined the relationship between credit sales management and profitability. The specific objectk~es of the study were tO find out if there is a relationship between credit policy and profitability; to determine if there is a relationship between credit risk management and profitability and to examine if there is a relationship between credit collection pro...
ABSTRACT The research is all about the role of M.F.I. s in promoting economic growth among entrepreneurs in Vihiga district (Kenya) the introductory chapter introduces the role of M.F.I.s in influencing borrowing, shaping the attitude of entrepreneurs and the M.F.I. intervention activities. The second chapter deals with the review of literature on borrowing from M.F.I.s, the attitude shapers towards M.F.I and the literature on M.F.I intervention. The researcher used published books, journals,...
Abstract The Nigerian economy is at crossroads manifested through rising unemployment rates and low GDP growth rates as well as low investment cum savings rates. Hence the study sought to determine the effects of some macroeconomic variables on domestic savings, private investment and the economic growth of Nigeria during the period of 1981-2015. To achieve the stated objectives of the study, domestic savings, private investment and economic growth models were formulated on the basis of funct...
ABSTRACT The study looked at challenges of Human Rights Organizations in promoting Human Rights. It was carried out by Foundation for Human Rights Initiative, Kampala — Uganda. Its specific objectives were to find out the process through which the effectiveness of FHRI is evaluated, to identify the importance of impact assessment as far as FHRI is concerned and to investigate major challenges facing FHRI towards its effectiveness. It was also based on the views of various scholars through a...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine disaster management and prevalence of diseases in Central Uganda with special focus on AIC, Mulago and IHK. The specific objectives were to determine the: profile of the members of disaster team; level of achievement of disaster teams in incidences of diseases; level of prevalence of disaster diseases; challenges faced by disaster team in prevalence of diseases and the relationship between the levels of achievement in disaster management and prevalence ra...
ABSTRACT Tourism is a large industry with many operators such as hotels, companies involved in transportation and tours and because of its complexity; guidelines are required for its sustainability. Investment incentives and financing, capacity building and private sector federation’s participation are the strategies of Rwanda tourism policy. The services provided by the tourism industry are low compared to the number of tourist in Rwanda. The study found out the contribution of tourism pol...
ABSTRACT The study reviewed the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda, and was guided by three research questions: what legal procedures are adopted in vetting refugees who enter Uganda? What rights as guaranteed by the international instruments do the refugees enjoy while in Uganda? What roles have the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Government played in facilitating the realization of refugees’ rights in Uganda? Using a triangulation study design, and a Researche...
ABSTRACT Street vending contributes to the economic development of urban cities especially in developing economies as a source of livelihood. Street vendors lack identification in their forms and their roles are not well recognized in the economic development by city authorities. This study sought to assess the contribution of street vending towards the economic development of Kampala City. The study objectives were to uncover the forms of street vendors, their roles to the economic developme...
ABSTRACT his study examined the effectiveness of employees' performance appraisal in organizations: . case study oflgara Tea Estates. A survey was used to collect the data, whereby simple random m1pling was used to select 248 respondents of Igara Tea estates. The qualitative data was ollected through the use of questionnaires and face to face interview. The objectives of the tudy were to; 1 Investigate the effectiveness of employees' perf01mance appraisal m Igara tea estates. 2 Assess the met...
ABSTRACT The study Investigated effect of changes evolving in financial accounting on decision making of Government institutions in Zanzibar. A case study of Ministry of finance and Economic affair. Research question were, I. What is the budgeting in financial accounting on decision making in Government Institution of Ministry of finance and Economic Affairs of Zanzibar. II. What are the changes in reporting system of financial accounting on decision making applied by Ministry of finance and ...
ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the extent to which budgetary practice affect financial performance of selected private universities in Mogadishu, Somalia; specifically the study intended to establish the (I) profile of the respondents, (ii) level of which budgetary practice, (iii) level financial performance, (iii) whether there is a significant difference in the level of which budgetary practice and financial performance in selected private universities in Mogadishu Somalia. Th...
ABSTRACT The study set to investigate the impact of inflation on trade balance of Uganda from 1983-2014.The study was guided by one objective of established relationship between inflation and trade balance in Uganda. The study adopted a longitudinal research design involving quantitative approach. Time series analysis was adopted and regression analysis to analyze secondary data collected from International monetary fund, Bank of Uganda and World Bank data sheets. The findings were that the i...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between logistics management and the organizational efficiency in selected manufacturing companies in Somalia, Mogadishu. The study was based on three research objectives which included 1, to determine the role of packaging on organizational efficiency in selected manufacturing organizations, 2, to establish the effect of warehousing and transportation on organizational efficiency in selected manufacturing organizations in Mogadishu and 3,to de...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the Relationship between leadership and organisational performance in select NGOs in Bosaso puntland Somalia.This study was based on five objectives that were; 1) To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age qualification and experience. 2) To determine the level of effective leadership. 3) To determine the level of organizational performance . 4) To determine whether there is significant difference between effective lea...