Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Buyer-Supplier Relationship on Supply Chain Performance A Case Study of Byeyogere Steelworks Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTAPPROVAL iDEDICATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT iiiLIST OF TABLES ivLIST OF ACRONYMS vABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11 .Olntroduction 11.1.lBackground of the study 11.1 .2Historical background 11.1 .3Theoritical perspective 11.1.4. Conceptual perspective 2Definition of terms 21.1.5. Contextual perspective 31.3 Statement of the problem 31.4Objectives of the study 31.4.1 General objective of the Study 31.4.2 Specific objectives of the Study 31.5 Research questions 41.5.lScope of t...

Multiple Taxation and Profitability of Small Scale Business Enterprises in Hoima Municipality Mid-Western Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION . iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLES vLIST OF FIGURES viLIST OF ACRONYMS viiTABLE OF CONTENTS viiiABSTRACT xiiiCFIAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTiON 11 .0 Introduction 11 . 1 Background to the study 11.1 .1 Historical background Perspective 11 1 .2 Theoretical perspective 5.1 .3 Conceptual perspective 51.1.4 Contextual perspective 71.2 Statement ofthe Probleim 71.3 Purpose of the study 81.4 Objectives of the study 81.5 Research questions 81.6 Research...

Occupational Stress and Organization Performance in Uganda A Case Study of Mukwano Group of Companies (U) Ltd Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................

The Impact of Accounting Information System in The Performance of the Non Governmental Organizations (Ngos)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................................

Corporate Social Responsibility and Company's Profitability an Equity Bank Kenya Case Study

ABSTRACT Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an issue that is receiving top attention in most organizations in Kenya today. Many organizations have taken CSR as a competitive tool and they are using their social responsibility repo1is to market themselves and gain more market share. In contrast some organizations today still believe that the only corporate social responsibility and that is to maximize profits within the law. They argue that CSR costs money and is not good business. This ...

Effect of Credit Policy on the Performance of Commercial Banks; A Case Study of Equity Bank,Kakamega Branch, Kenya

ABSTRACT THE study aimed at assessing the effects of credit policies on the performance of commercial banks in Equity bank of Kenya. And to propose measures to improve credit policy in equity banks. For the effectiveness of the research, the researcher used a research design.of a cases study of Equity bank Kakamega branch Kenya. Data collectioh · and analysis were used to arrange the information in such a way that erlabled the researcher to come up with the reliable recommendations and concl...

Budgeting and Service Delivery in Local Governments; Case of Industrial Division Local Government Council, Mbale Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page ...................................................................................................................................... i Title Page ........................................................................................................................................ ii Declaration ...................................................................................................................................... iii Approval .......................

Women Emancipation and Participation in Elective Politics in Uganda. ‘A Case Study of Kampala District’

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .APPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF FIGURES xLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1fNTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Purpose of the Study 41.4 Specific Objective 41.5 Research Questions 4 1.6 Scope of the Study s1.6.1 Content Scope 5 1.6.2 Geographical Scope s 1.6.3 Time Scope s 1.7 Significance of the Study s1.8 Definition of Key Terms 6CHAPTER...

The Role of Local Leaders in the Implementation Of Government Programs: Case Study of Rubaga Division, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii ABSTRACT,..... ixCHAPTERONE~1BACKGROUND STUDY,. 1 1,2 Back ground of study “,~. ,,~. 1 L3 Statement of the problem~.~. ~ ‘“‘““3 L4,lGeneral Objective ~ ,,“,“, ~ L4~2 Specific Objectives ~,,“‘. ““““ ~“,,“ 4 L5 Research Questions ,~,. ,,,,,‘,. ““ ,~,““ 5 L6 Scope of the Study ~ ,~““,, ““‘“,“‘“,“, 5 17 Significance of th...

Determinant’s of Unemployment in Uganda a Case Study of Kansanca Town

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ivLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION 11.1 Background Information 11.1.1 Historical background 11.1.2 Theoretical Scope 31.1.3 Conceptual background 31.1.4 Contextual Background 41.2 Problem Statement 41.3 General Research Objective 51.4 Research Questions 51.5 Research Hypothesis 51.6 Scope of the Study 51.6.1 Geographical Scope1.6.2 Time Scope 61.7 Significance of...

Culture And Its Influence On Domestic Violenci£: A Case Study Of Nagon(;j~ra Town Council, Tororo District.

ABSTRACT The study topic was "culture and its int1ucnce on Domestic Violence." The case study was Nagongera Town Council. This topic was chosen due to the need to improve on the livelihood ur people in Nagongera Town Council in relation to Culture in the area, It was against this background that the study attempted to; find out the "Culture and its influence on Domestic Violence" in Nagongera Town Council. Tororo District. The conceptual framework of the study su...

Credit Risk Management And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Study Of Barclays Bank W Andegeya Branch

ABSTRACT The study assessed the role of credit risk management on pe,formance of commercial banks in Uganda; the spec/fie objective of the study was to determine the relationship between credit risk management on performance of commercial banks. However, there is a concern high level of defaulters due to ineffective credit risk control mechanisms. The conceptualization of the study was based on the fact that commercial banks need effective credit risk management policies to achieve the set go...

The Impact of Outsourcing on Organisational Performance: A Case of Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL. ............................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL. ............................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................

Talent Management and Job Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry: The Roles of Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Perceived Support

Table Of Contents    Acknowledgement Ii Table of Contents Iii List of Tables X List of Figures Xiv List of Symbols Xv List of Abbreviations Xvi List of Appendices Xvii Abstract Xviii Abstract Xx Chapter 1 Introduction 11.1 An Overview 11.2 Background of the Study 11.3 Problem Statement 61.4   Research Objectives 101.5 Research Questions 111.6 Significance of the Study 121.6.1 Theoretical Significance 121.6.2  Practical Sig...

The Relation of Procrastination with Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Hope

Table of Contents List of Tables ......................................................................................................................3List of Appendices .............................................................................................................4Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………….5Chapter IIntroduction ........................................................................................

Aafia Ijaz 59 PAGES (12451 WORDS) Psychology Thesis

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