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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effect of Outsourcing on The Performance of Organizations: A Case Study of Uganda Breweries

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION , .. ., . ., .............. ., ...................... ., ........................... ., .. .,., ............... ., . ., ..................... ii APPROVAL, .,., .................................. ., ...................... ., ............................................... .,., .... .,., ....... iii DEDICATION ............ ., .............. ., . ., .................... ., . .,., ................................................................... i,&n...

Provision of Counselling and Rehabilitation Services to Female Prisoners: A Case Study of Kampala District.

ABSTRACT Studies of incarcerated women Uganda's Prison System has found inadequate access to rehabilitative psychosocial counseling and mental health services as well as the widespread dissatisfaction with over-reliance on-psychotropic. drugs. The use of pharmaceuticals to respond to women's mental distress was perceived to be a way to cover up their problems instead of addressing them. In addition, there are concerns that it could lead to dependence and addiction. Hence, most women express a...

Role of Functional Adult Literacy on Socio Economic Development in Kasheri Sub County, Mbarara District, Western Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSLIST OF TABLESTABLE OF CONTENTSCFIAPTER ONETHE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE1 .0 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Purpose of the Study1.4 Research Objectives1.4.1 General objective~1.4.2 Specific objectives1.6 Scope 41.6.1 Geographical scope 41.6.2 Content scope 41.6.3 Time Scope 41 .7 Significance of the Study1 .8 Operational Definitions of Key Terms SCHAPTER TWO 6REVIEW OF R...

Effects of Tax Incentives On Growth of Manufacturing Firms in Uganda at Hima Cement Limited in Kasese District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of tax incentives on the growth of manufacturing firms in Uganda; a case of Hima Cement Limited in Kasese. The study adopted the use of quantitative descriptive design. For the purpose of the research, the population constituted of 50 respondents of which only 38 responded. Data collected was analyzed using correlation coefficient to establish the relationship between tax incentives and growth of manufacturing firms in Uganda espe...

Employee Rewards And Employee Performance In Organisations: A Case Study Of Roofing's Uganda Limited.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to establish the effect of employee rewards on employee performance at Roofing's Uganda limited. It was guided by three research objectives which included the effect of employee promotion on employee performance at Roofing's Uganda limited. Examining the effect of wages on employee's performance in Roofing's Uganda limited. And to explores the effect of employee training on employee performance in organizations. The study adopted a cross sectional research...

Decentralisation And Service Delivery In Moyo District, Northern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION............................................................................................APPROVAL........................................................................................................DEDICATION................................................................................................ ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................. vLIST OF TABLES...............................

Investigating the Factors Affecting Share Prices of Capricorn Group A Company Listed on Namibia Stock Exchange (NSX)

This research thesis pursued to find examine the factors influencing the share prices of Capricorn Group, a company listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. The independent variables were dividend yield, return on Assets, asset growth and earnings per share. The population was 1 company listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange namely: Capricorn group. A positive approach method was used in this study. This study used secondary data o...

The Current Impact on Manufacturing Sector and How to Deal with It

The Decreasing Demand and the Increasing Challenges for Manufacturing SectorThe COVID-19 pandemic has struck many sectors of the manufacturing process directly (Norouzi & Zarazua 2020). Cai & Lou (2020) argue that this is an opportunity to understand and better evaluate the ongoing issues facing the manufacturing sector. Doing this by assessing and evaluating the impact ofthe increase in challenge and the decrease in demand, aids the overall supply chain to remain viable in the long term. Thi...

The Impact of Decentralisation on Service Delivery A Case Study of Nyakagyeme Sub~ County, Rukungiri District Western Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was be carried out in Nyakagyeme Sub- County which has eight Parishes that is to say, Kabwoma, Kahoko, Kigaaga, Kitimba, Masya, Nyakinengo, Rushasha and Rwerere Parish. Historically, the people of Nyakagyeme sub- County came together with the rest of the people of Rukungiri dIstrict from the present Kabale through Kigezi land to the present Nyakagyeme Sub- County. The Sub- County is generally a plain iand. The climate of Nyakagyeme Sub- County is characterised by two seas...

The Role of Material Resource Management in Organisations Effeciency. A Case Study of Pilgrim Organisation in Soroti Municipality.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the roles of material resource management and how it leads to efficiency of an organization. Besides that it was also aimed at highlighting the indicators of efficiency. The study was carried out among the staff of various departments of the Pilgrim NGO. The study was carried out using questionnaires and interview guides which were administered to staff of Pilgrim NGO. After the data collection exercise, it was then descriptively analyzed and ...

Tariffs And Government Revenue Productivity In Southern Sudan: "A Case Study Of Nimule Border"

ABSTRACT The research examines and establishes the relationship between tariffs and government revenue productivity in Southern Sudan. In achieving this, the researcher also found out forms of tariffs collected at Nimule, contribution of tariffs for the people of Southern Sudan and challenges facing the custom officials at the border. In the literature review, theories were used to support the study and concepts linked and analyzed to bring out and understand the objectives. In the research m...

SSA Research 55 PAGES (11287 WORDS) Economics Project
An Analysis of the Role of Planning On Urban Development. A Case Study of Musoma Municipality in Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Urbanization is a phenomenon which is laking place at a faster rate that ever before. This has resulted into rapid urban transfom1ation in man's way oflife. The growth of towns leads to social, environmental, economic and other senous problems. Amongst social problems are overcrowding of areas and homes, a pancity of social and health services. increased robbery, crime. violence. prostitution and conflict between ethnic. political or special interest groups of people. Economically. t...

The Impacts of Training and Employee Retention in Organizations: A Case Study of Concern Worldwide Uganda - Nakulabye

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of training on employees retention in Concern World wide Uganda. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between training and retention of employees, to examine the impacts of training on retention of employees in organization, to examine the training methods used in Concern world wide Uganda. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews and observations as research instruments. The data collection comprised b...

An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Human Resource Development, Systems and Practices in Organizations in Uganda.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study. Human Resource development as defined by E. Flippo (1999) is the process of improving, molding and changing the skill, knowledge, creative ability, aptitudes, values, commitment etc. of employees based on the present and future jobs and organizational requirements. This functions includes • Training: Which is the process of imparting the technical and operating skills and knowledge to the employees concerned? • Management development: ...

Financial Planning and Accountability in Manufacturing Companies in Uganda, A Case Study of Mukwano Industries Ltd

ABSTRACT The study focused on assessing the financial planning and accountability in manufacturing companies in Uganda, a case study of Mukwano Industries Ltd. The following hypotheses were tested Ho 1. There is no relationship between financial reporting mechanisms and financial accountability; Ho2. There is no relationship between budgeting and forecasting and financial accountability and Ho3. There is no relationship between internal controls and financial accountability. The study adopted...

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