ABSTRACT The study was to establish the relationship between financial credit and business performance in selected business entities in Kisenyi -Kampala district- Uganda. It was guided by four specific objectives, which included; i) to determine the level of financial credit; iii) to determine the level business performance and iv) to determine the relationship between financial credit and business performance. The study used a descriptive correlation design that use both qualitative and quan...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECL/\RATION ii APPROVAL ............................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ......................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... v CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .....................
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the legal framework on local revenue generation in Wakiso District local government. Local revenue collection generates income for the local government organization to finance the social services. Local collection source supports the performance of Wakiso District. The study was guided by the objectives which include: examining the nature of the local revenue sources, analyzing the trends of local revenues in Wakiso District Local Government i...
Abstract This research is about tbe provision of quality services by banks and its effect on customer retention. Almost all of the services being offered by banks are the same or slightly differ which in turn makes the banks to compete for customers. Thus the provision of quality services comes into consideration and basically concentrates on the issues tbat produce a negative effect on the services received by the customer. Therefore are the banks doing what it takes on providing the quality...
ABSTRACT Due to the declining performance of loan clients and their performance which has been dilapidating over years despite the decentralization process by the government which has brought financial services nearer to people, there has been a drastic decline of people borrowers from banks. The process of client evaluation and capability to pay back through identification, measurement and other administrative concerns are emphasized. Whether this is the cause of poor performance of loans an...
ABSTRACTThis study was to establish the relationship between income tax administration and profitability of small-scale business enterprises in Kikuubo B. Kampala Central. The studyaimed at assessing the profitability of business enterprises in Kikuubo B. Kampala Central; finding out if taxpayers are aware of all their tax obligations, know how income tax isadministered, policies and problems affecting them as well as their businesses.The study was guided by the following research o...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to establish the effect of initial Public Offer (IPO) on performance of the stock margent in Kenya. This study will specifically look at a case study of safaricom Ltd. The management of public offers is significant to investors, issues and the government, which in this case represents the interest of the masses and welfare improvement, in the process of analyzing the price patterns, to proactively manage their pmifolio and develop strategies that lead ...
ABSTRACTDomestic violence refers to acts of violence that occur between people who have, or have had, an intimate relationship in domestic settings. Over the recent years, recognition of the scope and significance of domestic violence globally has increased. Domestic violence can impact anyone regardless of their gender, race, age, culture or religion, however, most often women andchildren are the victims of domestic violence. The purpose of the study was to establish the ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to determine the effect of government incentives on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda and the specific objectives were; to determine the government incentives given to small and medium enterprises in Uganda, to determine the level of performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda and to determine the relationship between government incentives and performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda. The study used a survey research des...
ABSTRACTThe study was set to establish the effect of recruitment policies on employee productivity in public organizations with special attention to National EnvironmentalManagement Authority (NEMA) Kampala Uganda. The study background traced the existence of recruitment policies across the globe, Africa and Uganda on employee productivity. It was based on three research objectives which included the effect ofinternal recruitment policies on employee's productivity in organizat...
ABSTRACTThe success of any organization depends largely on the motivation of the employees who are essential to the prosperity, productivity and performance of any company. Motivationis the key to creating an environment where optimal performance is possible. There are several approaches to how employees can be motivated. Some are motivated by financial(monetary) incentives whilst others are motivated by non-financial (non-monetary) incentives.The purpose of this study was to d...
ABSTRACTThe concept of organizational culture has drawn attention to the long-neglected, subjective or 'soft' side of organizational life. Many aspects of organizational Culturehave not received much attention.it was against this background that research was carried out under the title "The effect of organizational culture on employeeperformance and growth"'a case for Speke Resort Munyonyo. The study was guided by objecti~;es mainly to establish the relationship between organiz...
ABSTRACTThis research report set out to investigate the impact of population increase towards forest conser\ ation in ~\ajir county. North Eastern province of Kenya. Its main objectives were to find out the causes of population increase; to identify the effects of population increase to forests; to explore the population control measures within the nearby communities and to suggest suitablesolutions to the problem of population increase and forest conservation.The research stud...
ABSTRACTThis research was about the socio-cultural .factors that increase HIV prevalence among Youth in Nyahuka town council- in Bundibugyo District. The study had three objectives and these included; to identify and explain the perpetuating factors to HIV infection among the youth in Bundibugyo District, to explain the socio-cultural factors leading to increased HIV prevalenceamong youth in Bundibugyo District, to suggest remedies to HIV infections among the youth in Nyah...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the research study was to assess the impact of the Procurement Function and the performance ofNGO's a case study of Medical Research Council and objectives of the study were to assess the effect of disposal of stock, to explore how supplier management affects perfonnance and to establish the effect of sourcing on perfonnance in Medical Research Council and the researcher used simple random and purposive sampling method to collect data. f-listorical procurement used to ...