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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Role of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (Smes) in the Provision of Employment to Labour Force; A Case Study of Namayingo Town Council, Namayingo District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the nature of small scale businesses that provide employment to the labour force in Narnayingo Sub-County, Narnayingo District. The objectives of the study were the to identify the different activities of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME5) in which the labor force is employed. The second objective was to identify how the SSBs contribute to development and growth of developing economic. Last objective was to identify the size of busin...

Tax Administration and Revenue Generation in Tororo District Local Government a Case Study of Malaba Town Council

Abstract This study focused on Tax Administration and Revenue Generation in Tororo District Local Government A case study of Malaba Town Council The objectives of the study include; to establishing the level ofTax Compliance among Ugandan Tax payers. to assess the performance of domestic revenue collection in Uganda and to establish the relationship between Tax Compliance and Domestic Revenue Collection. Thefindings ofthe study revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between Tax...

Effects of Microfinance On Standards of Living a Case Study of Katebwa Sub County in Kabarole District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the correlation between microfinance and standard of living of the people in selected microfinance institutions in Katebwa Sub County, basing on the following objectives; to examine the impact of micro finance on living standards of respondents in selected microfinance institutions in Katabwa Sub County, to establish if there is a relationship between microfinance and attainment of quality education of respondents in selected microfinance ins...

Purchaser-Supplier Relationship and the Performance of the Purchasing Department

ABSTRACT This study was set to determine the contribution of Purchaser-Supplier relationship to the effective performance of the Purchasing Department. The Study looked specifically to the contribution of this relationship to requirement specification, profit leverage, quality assurance and better deliveries and lead time reduction. The study used a survey approach in research design. Data was gathered using questionnaires. The questions were also used as interview questions where questionnai...

The Impact of Audit Quality On the Performance of Financial Institutions in Makindye Division. A Case Study of Centenary Bank Kabalagala Branch.

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to find out the impact of audit quality on the performance of Financial institutions in Makindye Division using a case study Centenary bank, Kabalagala branch and the specific objectives were;to establish the effect of competence on the performance of financial institutions in Makindye division ,to determine the effects of independence on the performance of financial institutions in Makindye division and to determine the effect of integrity on t...

Inventory Control and Financial Performance of Private Health Institutions. A Case Study of Nsambya Hospital, Makindye Dwsion Kampala, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The general purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between inventory control and financial performance of private health institutions in Uganda and the specific objectives were; to examine the effect of material handling on financial performance of Nsambya hospital, Makindye division, to establish the effect of purchase orders on the financial performance ofNsambya hospital, Makindye division and to determine the effect of reverse logistics on the financial performanc...

Participatory Development And Pov Alleviation In Bududa Town Council Bududa Uganda

ABSTRUCT The study was carried out in Bududa Town Council, Bududa District with the focus on relevancies of Participatory Development to poverty alleviation. Therefore, chapter one gives the over view of the topic of the study in the background at International, Regional, National and finally at the Local context. However the general objectives of the study may include; analysis on the relevancies of Participatory Development to Poverty Alleviation in Bududa Town Council, however it was revea...

Resource Utilization And Education Infrastructure Development In Beled Wein-District Somalia

ABSTRACTThe purpose study was to establish the relationship between resource utilization and education infrastructure development in Beled-wein district - Somalia. The study was guided by three specific objectives that included I) todetermine the level of resource utilization in Beled-wein District Somalia. ii) to determine the level of education infrastructure development in Beled-weinDistrict Somalia. and (iii) . To analyze whether there is relationship between resource ...

SSA Research 58 PAGES (12533 WORDS) Economics Report
The Effect Of Initial Public Offer On The Stock Exchange Market In Uganda A Case Study Of National Insurance Corporation ( Nic) Ltd

ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to establish the effects of Initial Public Offer to the stock exchange market in Uganda. This study was specifically looking at a case study of National insurance Corporation Uganda (NIC) LTD, The management of public offers is significant to investors, issuers and the government, which in this case represents the interests of the masses and Welfare improvement, in the process of analyzing the pricepatterns, to proactively manage the...

The Socio-economic Impacts Of Hiv/Aids On Youth Livelihood In Uganda: Acase Study Of Makindye Division

Abstract The main concern of the study was to investigate the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS among youth livelihood in Makindye division — Kampala district. It targeted both the I-IIV/AIDS infected and affected youth and youth leaders The research talks about both the areas, the year Aids was known, the approximate number of people affected by the epidemic since it was known by different scholars. It show s the area of study in Kampala district where by a study of 80 people were selected...

Service Quality And Business Growth Of Kenya Commercial Bank (Kcb) South Sudan Limited In Juba

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between service quality and business growth in of Kenya commercial bank (KCB) South Sudan Limited in Juba. The study was guided by four objectives, determine (i) profile of the respondents (ii) level of service quality (iii)) level of business growth and (iv) whether there was significant difference in the level of quality and business growth of Kenya commercial bank (KCB) South Sudan Limited in Juba (v) whether there was significant relationsh...

Assessing The Contribution Of Family Planning To Baganda Women: A Case Study Of Busukuma Sub County- Wakiso District.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration .. ................................................................................................. -iApproval ..................................................................................................... .iiDedication .................................................................................................. .iiiAcknowledgment ......................................................................................... ivTable of Content ................

Human Resource Practices And Employees Performance In Iganga Municipal Council

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION~&CKNOWLEDCEMFNTLIST OF TABLESLIST OF ACRONYMSTABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction1.1 Back ground 11.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Objectives of the study 41.5 Research questions 51.6 Significance of the study 51.7 Scope of the study 61.7.1 Content scope 61.7.2 Time scope 61.7.3 Geographical scope 61.8 Justification of the studyCHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72,0 Introduction 7VII2.1 Human resource Pra...

Credit Financing And Performance Of Micro-Enterprises In Mpigi District Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study sought to establish the relationship between credit financing and performance of micro-enterprises in Mpigi district, Uganda. The study was guided by three specific objectives. that included i) determining the extent of credit financing: ii)level of performance of small and medium enterprises; iii) the relationship between credit financing and performance of micro-enterprises in Mpigi district. This research employed descriptive correlational design to de...

Automated Accuonting Systems And Performance Of Small And Midium Enterprises. (Case Study Of: Entebbe Municipality, Division B)

ABSTRACTThe study is aimed at to find out the relationship and comparison between automated and none automated small and medium enterprises in Entebbe municipality Division B.Automated accounting systems were designed to ease and improve the pe1formance of small and medium enterprises and large entities at large through automatic calculations of financial statements and reports.The research objective that this research was based on were;To identify the small ad medium enterpris...

2881 - 2895 Of 19638 Results