Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Role of Micro-Finance On Poverty Alleviation in Somali Land: A Case Study of Hargeisa

ABSTRACT he study was carried to examine the role of micro-finance on poverty alleviation in Sornaliland sing a case study of 1-largeisa. The study objectively sought to determine economic activities ndertaken by borrowers, to assess the impact of micro credit services on poverty reduction mong smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs and to establish the challenges and respective )iution to the micro-finances in 1-Iargeisa. The study adopted case study design. The study pproacb was qualitative ...

The Effect of record Keeping On Financial Performance of Small Scale Enterprises: A Case Study of Shalom Enterprises

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................ iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...........................

Job Design and Employee Satisfaction (A Case Study of College of Economics and Management, Kamapal International University)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iiiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................

Effect of Salary Schemes On Employeees' Productivity • A Case Study of Sony Sugar Company, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEDECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... iACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ...................................................................................................................... iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................

Assess The Impacts of Environmental Health Practice in Kawempe Division in Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the impacts of environmental health practice in Kawempe Division in Kampala district. Other purposes included; finding out how to improve on waste management in Kawempe division, carrying out food control and hygiene in Kampala Kawempe division,~ finding out environmental health control and sanitation, improving on air quality management in Kawempe division, finding out methods of improving water resource management and sanitation and finding epidemiologi...

The Impact of Credit Policy and Loan Recovery in Commercial Banks: A Case Study of Centenary Bank

TABLE OF CONTENTSDEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... IDECLARATION ................................................................................................................... 2APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................... 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................................

The Impact of Inventory Management On Performance of Kagadi Hospital Kibaale District Mid Western Uganda a Case Study of Kagadi Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................................... 11APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................ iiiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................

Multiple Taxation and Profitability of Small Scale Business Enterprises in Hoima Municipality Mid-Western Uganda

ABSTRACT rhe purpose of the study was to examine multiple taxation and profitability of small scale business in Hoima Municipality, Mid-Western Uganda. The study was based on three specific bjectives; to find the effect of multiple taxation policy on the profitability of small scale businesses in Hoima Municipality, Mid-Western Uganda, to find out the effect of tax ~dministration on small business businesses Hoima Municz~ality, Mid-Western Uganda and to ~xamine the relationship between multip...

Unemployment and Crime rates in Uganda, case study: Fortportal city

This research was part of my requirements for the award of Bachelors Degree of Economics and Statistics, Kyambogo University.The main purpose of the study was to examine the effect of unemployment on crimes among the youth in Uganda, A case study of Fort port city, Western Uganda. The literature was obtained from different journals, Google magazines and books as stipulated by other scholars.The study used a cross sectional survey research design and comprised of a sample of 50 respondents who...

The Impact of Small Scale and Medium Enterprises On Employment Creation Case Study: Ndeeba Trading Centre in Rubaga Division

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. !APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... IIDEDICATION ............................................................. : ................................................................ IIIACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................

An Investigation of HIV/AIDS Infections and Poverty Among Households in Tegeres Parish, Kapchorwa District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABBREVIATIONS vTABLE OF CONTENT viLISTOF TABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: 1INTRODUCTION 11.0. Introduction 11.1. Background to the Study 11.2. Historical Perspective1.3. Contextual Perspective 51.4. Conceptual Perspective 61.5. Statement of the Problem 71.6. Objectives of the Study 71.6.1. General objective 71.6.2. Specific objectives 71.7. Research Questions 81.8. Significance ofthe Study 81.9. Scope of the Study 81...

Inventory Control and Customer Satisfaction Case Study: Monitor Publication Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARA TJON ·················v··············································-~·-·························································· iAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................... iiDEDJCA TION ...............................................................

Contribution of Functional Adult Literacy On Community Development in Mpumuddesui3 Cocnty, Lyatonde District, Central Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL nDEDICATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vLIST OF TABLESABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTS viiiCHAPTER ONE 1THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Statement ofthe Problem 31.3 Purpose ofthe Study 31.4 Research Objectives 31.4. I General objectivrI .4.2 Specific objectiver 31.6Scope 41.6.1 Geographical scope 41.6.2 Content scope 4I.6.3TimeScope 41.7 Significance ofthe Study1.8 Operational Definitions ofKey Terms 5CH.A.P’1~ER F~~’O 6REVIEW ...

Microfinance Institutions and The Development of Small Scale Businesses in Tororo District~Tororo Main Market

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL IDEDICATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ~ vLIST OF TABLES xiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiiABSTRACTChAPTER ONE:~~. n o nu~nINTRODUCTION. nwuu~un. ,nnn~Nenu~n~nt, nøg~n~ nfl,1.0 Introduction; 11.1 Background of study; 11.2 Statement of the Problem; 41.3 Purpose of the study; 41.4 Objectives of the Study; 51.5 Research Questions; 5V1.6 Scope of the Study; ~1.6.1 Content Scope; 61.6.2 Geographical Scope; 61.6.3 Time Scope; 61.7 Significance of the study;...

Working Capital Management and Organizational Performance of Manufacturing Industries; A Case of Uganda Baati Limited, Tororo

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENT vLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ixABSTRACT XCHAPTER ONE 1GENERAL INTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction1.1 Back ground of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31 .3 Objectives of the study 51.3.1 General objective 51.4 Research questions 51 .5 Scope of the Study 51.5.1 Content scope 51 .5.2 Geographical Scope 61 .5.3 Time Scope 61.6 Significance of the Study 61.7 Justification 71.8 Definitions of key terms 71.9 Fig. 1.1...

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