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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Assessment of National Primary Health Care Development Agency in The Rural Development (A Case Study of Gwagwalada Area Council)

ABSTRACT  This research work examines the Assessment of National Primary Health Care Agency in Gwagwalada Area Council of Ahuja, it contains five chapters. Chapter one examines the introduction. Chapter two deals with literature review and theoretical framework, chapter three deal with research methodology, chapter four deal with data presentation and analysis where research is conducted in field work with 100 respondents selected randomly from selected area in Gwagwalada but which 80 respon...

Assessment of Housing Policy On Housing Deficit in Nigeria: A Case Study of Federal Housing Authority Abuja

Abstract Nigeria the most populous nation in Africa, estimated to have 198 million people (NPC 2018), is faced with the problem of a huge housing deficit. As a result, many s /urns have emerged thereby distorting the growth and development of towns and cities. This study accessed housing policy on housing deficit in Nigeria with particular focus on Ahuja, within the framework of the Elite Theory of Public Policy. The implementation of housing policy in Nigeria by Federal Housing Authority ap...

Assessment of Federal Character Principle and Service Delivery in The University of Abuja Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT The study assessed the Federal Character Principle and Service Delivery in the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH). The main objectives of the study were to examine the extent to which the Federal Character Principle is strictly adhered to in the utilization of human potentials in UATH and to examine whether the Federal Character principle has improved the utilization of manpower and service delivery at UATH. Due to the nature of this research) the descriptive research meth...

Appraisal of Accounting System in The Public Sector (A Study of Board of Internal Revenue of Enugu State)

ABSTRACT This research aims at providing an insight of the accounting system in the public sector, a study of Board of Internal Revenue of Enugu state. The purpose of this research is to examine the Board whether it is efficient and effective. The method employed for data collection in this study is survey method which include: questionnaires direct interview and the methodology used to determining the sample size is sample percentage. The statistics were employed to analyze method employed f...

Edu Frontiers 33 PAGES (10665 WORDS) Accounting Project
Assessment of Indigenous Entrepreneurs in International Business (A Study of Coal- Camp), Enugu

ABSTRACT This study is on performance of indigenous entrepreneurs in international business in Coal Camp Enugu. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 171 (one hundred and seventy one) was gotten using Taro Yamani formula. Questionnaire were administered to the respondents and 50 was returned, which was used for the analysis. The data for the study was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics of SPSS. Hypotheses were tested using the Chi-square. The study revealed tha...

Assessing The Role of Small Business Enterprises for Sustainable Development (A Case Study of Hians Technology Enugu Urban)

ABSTRACT The topic of this research work is geared towards the impact of small business in Enugu Urban Area of Enugu state. The aim of this study is to examine and identify in detail the problems, prospects, effects and the importance of the development of small business in the area under study. This work has five chapters, with each chapter focusing in a specific objective. Chapter one talks on a brief history of small scale business, chapter two highlights other researcher’s work on small...

Analysis of The Impact of Commercial Bank’s Loans On the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the Impact of Deposit Money Banks Loan on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria, between 1990 and 2014. The variables used for this study are secondary data generated from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin, Volume 26, December 2014 and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). These data include the Gross Domestic Product, deposit money bank loans to small and medium enterprises, deposit money bank loans to the Agricultural s...

An Evaluation of the Privatization Policy in Nigeria, A Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (Phcn)

ABSTRACT This research study is an evaluation of the privatization policy in Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). The objective of the study is to assess the privatization policy administration as the existing solution to the problems of public enterprises, with a view a identify problem areas for possible policy review. Three hypotheses were formulated, the first was on efficiency and effectiveness, the second on funding issues and the third was on policy interest. The methodology adopt...

An Assessment of the Implementation of Housing Policy in Nigeria: A Study of Federal Housing Authority (Fha), Abuja- 1991-2013

ABSTRACT  In Nigeria. access lo decent and affordable housing is a big issue as housing deficit is estimated to be 16 mil1ion. It is against this background that this study assesses the implementation of housing policies in Nigeria focusing on the Federal Housing Authority (FHA). The study used elite theoretical framework of analysis to investigate the extent to which the policies of the FHA reflect the interests of the low-income earners which constitute a core aspect of its mandate. The st...

An Assessment of causes and consequences of corruption on Nigeria Economy(1998 -2009)

CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1   INTRODUCTION 1.2    All state whether benevolent or repressive control the distribution of valuable benefit and the imposition of onerous costs. The distribution of the benefit and cost is generally under the control of public official who possess discretionary power. Private individuals and firms who want favourable treatment may be willing to pay to obtain it. Payments are corruption if they are illegally made to public agents with the goal o...

An Assessment of the Mediation Role of Strategic Orientation On Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Business Value Nexus: Evidence from Multinational Companies in Ghana

ABSTRACT The issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy is gaining significant attentions among scholars in this millennium. It is seen as a new approach for companies, particularly, multinational companies (MNCs) operating in developing countries to independently take actions that lead to better levels of societal development while simultaneously creating business values. This study therefore examined the nexus between CSR strategy and business values of MNCs in Ghana. The stud...

Understanding Brand Journalism and Its Role in Marketing Communications: A Study of Selected Firms in Ghana

ABSTRACT Marketing communications is losing its effectiveness because audiences have become disillusioned with marketing communications messages. Brand journalism has been identified as possessing qualities capable of countering marketing communications’ slumping effectiveness. However, more is yet to be known about brand journalism, due to its status as a nascent field of academic inquiry. This study, therefore, seeks to enhance understanding of brand journalism by exploring its dimension...

Performance Management in Ghana’s Local Government: A Case Study of Ada East District Assembly.

ABSTRACT  There has been an increasing interest in public management about the performance of local governments in contemporary times. It has become necessary to implement performance management policies as a way of improving performance in the public sector in general and local governments in particular. It is recognized that Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) play very pivotal role in the socio-economic development of areas under their jurisdictions. The first objectiv...

Career Development Trajectories Among University of Ghana Students

ABSTRACT This study delved into the career trajectories of final year Sociology students of the University of Ghana, with 120 students (main respondents) responding to self-administered questionnaires, and 7 secondary respondents interviewed for the study. The study produces mixed findings. It was evident that whilst all study respondents have certain career choice aspirations and goals, many do not undertake or embark on any career development activities throughout their lives and years of ...

Political Economy Analysis of Elections in Ghana's Fourth Republic (1992 To 2016)

ABSTRACT This study analysed the determinants of participation in voting and electoral choices by citizens, and established the relationship between national presidential elections and the performance of the economy in Ghana's Fourth Republican era from 1992 to 2016. The study proceeds within the theoretical framework of political economy which looks at the interplay between economics and politics using macro-micro approach. The study conceptualised political economy as an approach focusing ...

3961 - 3975 Of 19638 Results