Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Traditional Beliefs, Practices and Maternal Health in The Sekyere South District of Ghana

ABSTRACT The research studies the traditional beliefs and practices about pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum periods in the Sekyere South District of Ashanti Region. Its objectives are to document the social meanings attached to pregnancy and childbirth, to examine the beliefs and practices about pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum periods and to interrogate the practices that promote maternal health in the community. Applying principally a qualitative approach, a total of thirty five res...

Edu Frontiers 163 PAGES (43251 WORDS) Sociology Project
The Influence of Facebook Usage On Sales Performance: The Mediating Role of Employees’ Service Behaviors

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Facebook usage on sales performance and explore whether an employee's service behaviour has a mediating effect on the relationship between Facebook usage and sales performance. This study employed an explanatory research design to explain the cause-and-effective relationship among Facebook usage, an employee's service behaviour and sales performance. Self-administered questionnaires and the use of a uniform resource locator (U...

Edu Frontiers 142 PAGES (34035 WORDS) Marketing Project
Official Development Assistance and Agricultural Fixed Capital Formation in Africa: Evidence from A Panel of Countries

ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has attracted substantial amounts of Official Development Assistance (ODA) over the years. General ODA flows to the continent currently stands at around $80 billion per annum and the figure is projected to be well above $125 billion due to the Sustainable Development Goals. Over the last five decades, SSA has received about $1 trillion in foreign aid for sector-specific (agriculture, health, etc.) development. Even though the impact of aid on economic growth...

Edu Frontiers 125 PAGES (27127 WORDS) Finance Project
Antecedents and Consequences of Board Interlocks: Evidence from The Ghana Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of board interlocks on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The study looks at how factors such as the auditor network, industry network, foreign or local ownership network, gender effect, age effect, gender homophile and age homophile could influence the formation of interlocks between firms. The study also examined the relation between interlocks and Return on Assets, Return on Equity and Profitability among the firms. Data for the stu...

Edu Frontiers 119 PAGES (26986 WORDS) Finance Project
The Impact of Import Duties On the Automobile Spare Parts Industry in Ghana

ABSTRACT Studies on the impact of import duties on the spare parts industry and Abossey Okai market to be specific are limited. Most of the available studies conducted in this subject area have focused attention on the challenges of the automobile industry. It is in this regard that this study sought to evaluate the impact of import duties on the Abossey Okai spare parts dealers. The specific objectives were to evaluate the impact of import duties on the sales, employment and quantity of goo...

Engendering National Public Policy through Global Governance: An Assessment of Ghana’s Domestic Violence Legislation as a Trans-Sovereign Transnational Issue

ABSTRACT This research examines the relationship between global governance, global public policy and Ghana's national public policy in reference to the passing of the Domestic Violence Bill. It further assesses to what extent global governance can address the trans-sovereign transnational issue of violence against women, specifically domestic violence. The independent variables in this research project are global governance and global public policy with political environment and the “secon...

Healthcare Branding and Consumer Patronage in Ghana

ABSTRACT Healthcare is a very personalized and important service that is globally used which considerably affects economies and the quality of daily lives. In most parts of the world and Ghana, healthcare is experiencing unprecedented growth with changing cost structures and healthcare laws are also evolving. As a corollary, healthcare providers are experiencing increased competitive pressures providing consumers with a lot of options and making them active decision makers in their healthcar...

Edu Frontiers 147 PAGES (39047 WORDS) Marketing Project
Corporate Branding and Consumer Attitude: The Mediating Role of Brand Positioning

ABSTRACT The reforms introduced in the banking sector since 2006 by the central bank in Ghana has changed the sector significantly. The changes include deregulation and minimum capital requirement. These have seen an influx of foreign banks into the Ghanaian market. The influx of more banks in Ghana have paved way for consumers to have multiple choices of banks to select from. Studies have indicated that trust is a key ingredient consumers’ use in their brand selection. Meanwhile, other st...

Edu Frontiers 115 PAGES (24817 WORDS) Marketing Project
Volunteering for Health Services in Kintampo, Ghana: In Whose Interest?

ABSTRACT To address the challenge of health worker’s shortage, Ghana like many African countries, uses community volunteers to assist in the provision of certain health services to rural and hard-to-reach communities. However, few studies have been done in the country to ascertain the motivation for volunteering and the retention of these volunteers. Adopting the Homan’s Social Exchange Theory as its theoretical perspective, this study examines the motivation for volunteering and the ret...

Edu Frontiers 138 PAGES (32337 WORDS) Sociology Project
Population Pressure and Social- Economic Development in Uganda: A Case Study of Kisenyi Parish Kampala Central

ABSTRACT The research on “population pressure and social- economic development in Uganda” was conducted in Kisenyi parish Kampala central. The study was guided by three objectives which included; to examine how high birthrates affect economic development in Kampala city, to find out the causes of high birthrates in Kisenyi Kampala city and to establish ways of curbing high birthrates in Kampala city. This study employed the descriptive survey design. Descriptive studies are no experiment...

The Risk, Trust and Usefulness of Internet Banking Adoption in Uganda: A Case Study of Global Trust Bank Kampala Branch

Abstract The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship perceived risk, trust, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and internet banking adoption. The study adopted a cross sectional design which was quantitative and qualitative in nature. It involved descriptive and analytical research designs. The study sample comprised of 384 bank customers in the Kampala, who were selected through simple random sampling. The data was tested for reliability, analyzed using SPSS and res...

Sales Promotion and Productivity of an Organization: A Case Study of Century Bottling Company Limited Namanve- Mljkono (U).

ABSTRACT The research presents the impact of sales promotion on the productivity of the organization in particular Century Bottling Company Limited. The research that was undertaken was conducted to identify sales promotion activities use din Century Bottling Company Limited. The research was also conducted to examine the relationship that exists between sales promotion and productivity. It was also conducted to establish other factors other than sales promotion that leads to productivity in...

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Early Childhood A Case of Home Care of Nsambya Hospital. Makindyl Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DEDICATION APPROVAL DECLARATION . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTOFTABLES ix LIST OF ACCRONMyS ABSTRACT CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.0. Introduction 1.1 Background of the HIV 1 .2 Problem statement 6 1.3 General objective 7 1.4. Specific objectives 1 .5 Research questions 7 1.6 Scope of the study 8 1.6.1 Content scope 8 1.6.2 Geographical scope 8 .6.3 Time scope 8 .8 Significance of the study 8 .9 Operational definitions of key terms 8 v CHAPTER TWO .10 LI...

The Impacts Of Food Insecurity Among The Residents Of Endebes Division In Trans-Zoia County

ABSTRACT The analysis of food insecurity and coping strategies of rural people during food insecurity in Endebess division , Tranzoia district was examined between May and October 2012. The ultimate objectives ofthe study were to: (i) Examine the causes of food shortages in rural households of Endebess division (ii) document the coping strategies of the people during food shot1ages; (iii) to examine people's opinions on the mitigation of food shortage in their area. The data were collected us...

Costraints Facing Women Small Scale Enterprenuer In Accessing Formal Micro-Credit Case Study: Isiolo District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................ i APPROVAL. ............. : ................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................

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