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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Critical Evaluation Of Accounting in a System in Non Profit Making Organization (A Case Study of Kwara State Water Cooperation Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Pages Certification Dedication Acknowgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1      Background of the study 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objectives of the study 1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope and limited of the study 1.6      Defination of terms   CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1      Accounting information report 2.2      Objective of an enterprises 2.3      Conflicting objec...

Planning Implementation and Control in the Public Sector. (A Case Study of Kwara State Bureau of Economic Planning)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction          The main essence at any development planning is to organize the priorities of government in such a way as to quicken the pace of development. With in the last two decades, most countries of the third world nation,  have drawn  up national development plans with the objective at accelerating the economic growth and the rate at which the standard of living of the populace can be raised in addition to sustaining an increased rate of economic grow...

Planning as a Function of Management in an Organization (A Case Study of Kwara State Ministry)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                               i Certification                                                                           ii Dedication                                                                   �...

Cost Control and Reduction Techniques in a Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Property Development Cooperation)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                              i Certification                                                                                           ii Dedication                                    �...

The Impact of Cost Control on Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria (A Case Study of Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents 1.0     CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objective of the study 1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Research Question 1.6      Scope of the study 1.7      Limitation of the study 1.8      Plan of the study 1.9      Definition of terms 2.0     CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ...

Liquidity and Profitability Management in Commercial Banks (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc, Ilorin, Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents 1.0   CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.0    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the problem 1.3    Objective of the study 1.4    Scope of the study and limitation 1.5    Significance of the study 1.6    Plan of the study 1.7    Definition of terms 1.8    Research Methodology 2.0   CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1    Historical overview of commercial bank 2.2   ...

Local Government Administration as an Agent of Development at the Grassroot (A Case Study of Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State Nigeria)

TABLE OF CONTENT  Chapter One General Introduction and Background 1.1          Introduction                                                                       1-2 1.2          Statement of the Problem                                                 2-3 1.3          Purpose/Objective of the Study                         �...

The Importance of Cost Accounting

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pages Certification Dedication Acknowledgements Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0      Introduction 1.1.    Background of the Study 1.2.    Problem of the study 1.3.    Aims and Objectives of the study 1.4.    Plan of the Study 1.5.    Organization of the study 1.6.    Significance of the study CHAPTER TWO 2.0      Literature Review 2.1    Cost Accounting Definition 2.2    Development of Costing Accounting 2.3    The S...

Treasury Single Account

CHAPTER ONE 1.1     INTRODUCTION Treasury Single Account is a public accounting system under which all government revenue, receipts and income are collected into single account, usually maintained by the country’s Central Bank and all payments done through this account as well. Also treasury single account come into existence in Nigeria on 15th of September 2015 by the new elected government president Muhammed Buhari in other to utilize public fund and maximize corruption in the country...

Revenue Generation

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   INTRODUCTION          Revenue Generation simply means raising funds in the most economic and suitable manner. The history of revenue generation in Nigeria is traceable to the eighteen century before the coming of the British, when the Fulani Empire was in place, when the emirates were divided into districts and villages and when the hakim's districts heads were made tax collectors. Hakims is were to collect different types of taxes such a Jangali...

Edu Frontiers 67 PAGES (7152 WORDS) Taxation Seminar
The Impact of Fund Management and Corporate Survival in Developing Nigerian Banking Institution. (A Case Study of Central Bank Nigeria, Ilorin.)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Proposal Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE 1.1     Introduction                                                                       1 1.2     Background of the Study                                                   4 1.3     Statement of the Problem                       ...

The Impact of Insurance Companies to Economic Development in Nigeria (A Case Study of Standard Alliance Insurance Company Plc)

ABSTRACT This study is aim at critically examine the impact of Insurance Companies to economic development in Nigeria. It was discovered that insurance companies provided meaningful contributions to economic development. We can say that insurance company indemnity their client when a problem in ascertained. Also, the insurance company provides assistance to the entrepreneur when the problem is happen. Finally, an insurance company contributes greatly to the development of the nation by p...

Open Market Operation as an Instrument of Monetary Policy in Nigeria. (A Case Study of Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N))

ABSTRACT          The topic of this research effort is open market operation as an instrument of monetary policy in Nigeria. A case study of Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N). As the title suggest the overall object of the research is to critically examine the Open Market Operation as an Instrument of Monetary Policy in Nigeria growth of economic taking into cognizance. Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N). The caller co-operating body (private and public) have detained Open Market Operatio...

Political Parties and Public Orientation in Nigeria: A Case Study of People's Democratic Party (PDP), Lagos State

  TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certificate Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objective of the study   1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope of the study 1.6      Statement of hypothesis 1.7      Limitation of the study 1.8      Definition of operation terms 1.9      Historical background of the organisation   CHAPTER TWO     2.1   �...

Local Government as an Instrument of Rural Transformation (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.0    General introduction or background of the study 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the study 1.3    Purpose / objective of the study 1.4    Significant of the study 1.5    Research of the study 1.6    Scope and limitation of the study 1.7    Organization of the study / plan of the study 1.8    Definition of terms or operational terms CHAPTER TWO 2.0 ...

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