Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Time-Varying Volatility Modeling of Stock Returns During COVID-19: The Nigeria Empirical Evidence

Abstract This study models time varying volatility in the Nigerian stock exchange (NSE) investigating whether it has been affected during the Covid-19 periods. We examined the persistence of volatility and the presence of leverage effects in Nigerian equity market before and during the period of Covid-19. It wad found that there is GARCH effects in the stock market before and during the Covid-19 periods. However volatility was pooling and spiky more during the Covid-19 giving the verdict that...

Analysis of the Opportunities and Challenges of Businesses Towards the Establishment of Operations in Different Countries With a Logistics and Supply Chain Approach

INTRODUCTION    Globalization is a strong engine room that transformed the world from its old method of transaction to a modern one without stress. Globalization has made companies to grow wider, bigger and better in size, length, purchasing power and affluence and it is in a logistically method to match each culture and tradition for result oriented reason. Porcile (2020).  Globalization is playing a role of supply chain management by transferring businesses from a location to city, sta...

Students Perception on Career Choice in Office Technology and Management

ABSTRACT This research project was carried out student’s perception on career choice in Office Technology and Management, using the Taraba State Polytechnic Suntai as case study. Categories of students were used to gather information on above topic. Questionnaire and interviews were methodology adopted. It was discovered that student’s perception of their career can be exposed personally to the various opportunities due to the availability of modern technological resources. The students s...

Naads And Economic Development Among Women In Ngora District. A Case Study Of Kapir Sub-County

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of NAADS on economic development of women in Kapir sub-county, Ngora district. The objectives of the study were to examine how new agricultural technology affects economic development of women in Ngora district, to determine how new breeds of animals, birds and crops affect economic development of women, to find out how NAADS training promotes economic development among women and lastly to identify the challenges NAADS programme are ...

Banking Services And Growth Of Informal Sector In Uganda: A Case Study Of Makindye Division Kampala

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was banking services and performance of the informal sector in Makindye division, Kampala. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) determining the extent of banking services; ii) level of performance of informal sector; iii) the effects of banking services on performance of informal sector in Makindye division, Kampala. This research employed descriptive correlational design to describe the relationship between credit financing and p...

Motivation And Employee Performance In Kampala City Council Authority

ABSTRACT This study set out to determine the degree of effectiveness of Motivation on employee performance in Kampala City Council Authority. The study was based on five specific objectives: (i) to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, level of education, position in the organization, length of service, (ii) to determine the extent of Motivation among KCCA employees, (iii) to determine the level of employee performance in KCCA (iv) to determine if there...

The Effects Of Capital Budgeting Decisions On The Firm's Profitability: A Case Study Of Manufacturing Companies In Hargeisa, Somalia

ABSTRACT fhis study was entitled "The effects of capital budgeting decisions on the firm's profitability: a ;ase study of manufacturing companies in Hargeisa, Somalia" was presented after a study :onducted in eight selected manufacturing companies in Hargeisa, Somalia in the year 2012. mong the objectives of the study were to assess how acquisition of long term assets affect the >rofitability of manufacturing firms, to assess how replacement of long term assets affect ,rofitability of manufac...

The Effects Of Taxation On The Income Of Small Business Community: Case Study Of Bundibugyo Town Council Bundibugyo District Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the effects of taxation on the income of small business community case study ofBundibugyo town council Bundibugyo district western Uganda, the problem of the study was to have proper tax structures in Bundibugyo town council Bundibugyo district western Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between taxation and the income of the small Business community in Bundibugyo town council Bundibugyo district western Uganda. The objective...

The Impact Of Tax Defaulters On Collection Of Revenue In Nakapiripirit Town Council "A Case Study Of Nakapiripirit Town Councilnakapiripirit District Local Government

ABSTRACT TillS research thes1s focused on the topic, "The impact of tax defaulters on the collection of revenue in Nakapiripirit Town Council, was interested in finding out the impact of tax defaulters on revenue collection. The objecl!ve of the study was to determine whether there are other factors that influence revenue collection other than defaulting and to tind out the impact of the tax defaulters on the collection of revenue in Nakapiripirit Town Council. The research question to guide...

Problems Faced By Street Children In Tanzania A Case Study Of Ilala Distict (Kariakoo Area) In Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study examines the problems faced by street children in Tanzania. Specifically, the study focused on the socio-economic situation of street children, the causes of street children problem, the extent in which children are at risk on streets, problems they face on streets and possible solutions to those problems. The major finding of the study is that, most street children come from poor families, and poverty in their families is the major factors that make them to leave their h...

The Effects Of Information, Communication, Technology On Customer Retention In Banking Industry. (Case Study: Kotido).

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of Information, Communication and Technology on customer retention in the banking industry in Kotido that is Stanbic and Centenary Banks as Case study. Fifty Respondents which included Customers and management of both Centenary and Stanbic banks respectively. The objective of the study was to establish the effects of E-Fund transfer technology on customer retention in the banking industry, to identify the effects of telephone banking technology on c...

The Role Of Micro Finance Institutions On Poverty Eradication In Uganda A Case Study Of Finca Uganda

ABSTRACT Is an attempt to give both theoretical and practical analysis of micro finance institute on poverty eradication in Thinker Uganda This project was an attempt to find out a possibility of eradicating poverty among Ugandans. Determine the relationship between Micro finance and the financially institutions/ .. Assess the effects of micro finance institutions in Kumi. The findings are intended to benefit future academies especially KIU business studies, help the organization on how to d...

Job Evaluation And Its Effects On Organizational Performance Case Study: First Merchant International Trading Company

ABSTRACT The main aim of the study / research was to investigate the effects of job evaluation to the performance of an organization. During the practical field wo/1111 in First Merchant International Trading Company within Kampala District, the research was conducted freely and successful. The research found out on close analysis that there are quite many effects of job evaluation to the performance of the organization which are both positive and negative to the organisational success. The ...

Communication And Strategic Market Planning In Pride Microfinance In Kamp Ala Central Division

ABSTRACT The study "Communication and Strategic Market Planning in PRIDE MicrofinanceKampala City Center with specific aims of finding out the different communication modes used in strategic market planning; the role that communication plays; the challenges of strategic market planning that arise as a result of poor communicated messages: Literature was reviewed on existing facts on the major variables to comprehend the study in order to enrich the study findings. The study relied on a q...

The Impact Of Counterfeiting On Consumers Buying Behavior ' Case Study: Nabuti Village-Mukono District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDEGMENT ..................................................................................... v CAHPTER I 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............

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