ABSTRACT This assessment was commissioned by Faculty of social sciences (KIU) as pati of a paiiial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of a Degree in Public Administration at Kampala International University. The study envisaged at providing useful data and information on cattle rustling and their socio-economic impacts on partial economies in Karamoja region of Uganda. The study sought among other things, to determine the impacts of cattle rustling on social service delivery, agric...
ABSTRACT Work scheduling includes establishing the possible route or path to be followed by a particular piece of work. Wok schedules should help employees to balance work, free time and personal life. Work schedules can cause tension and pressure on employees if not well implemented. Thus whether intentional or not the administration of work schedules as a control device often seems to be attended by pressure and threats rather than by satisfaction of employee desire, thus communication is ...
ABSTRACT This is a study on effect of Information Communication Technology on Inventory management. This is a case study of Kenya Ports Authority, Mombasa County. The study seeks to bring out the importance of Information Communication Technology on the organisation. Many organizations in the business world today choose to ignore or are not aware on the importance of Information Communication Technology on enhancing organization performance. With the increasing globalization of economic acti...
This study was carried out to investigate on the impact of budgeting on the performance of small scale businesses. It aimed at achieving the following objectives, to establish the impact of budgeting on organization performance to identify indicators of perfmmance in organization and to establish the relationship between budgeting and performance of organization. The study was carried out to establish the reasons why many organizations have continued to perform poorly despite management effmi...
ABSTRACT This study was set to find out the influence of influence of sex education on premarital sex among adolescents in selected private secondary schools in Makindye East. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) sex education programmes; ii) premarital sex knowledge; iii)) the relationship between sexual education programmes and premarital sex knowledge among adolescents. The study comprised of a population of 200 adolescents. The study employed a descriptive correl...
The research therefore, found out that, poverty, children are forced into sexual practices by their parents, information technology, exposure to video shows, discos and music stages, corruption, domestic violence, restriction on children to express their views and lack of counselling prograimnes in schools. The study also found out that school drop outs, children die during pregnancy, children become helpless, children abandon their homes and subjection to sexually trai1smitted diseases are t...
This study was to establish the relationship between income tax administration and profitability of small-scale business enterprises in Kampala Capital City, Kampala district. The study aimed at assessing the profitability of business enterprises in Kampala Capital City; finding out if taxpayers are aware of all their tax obligations, know how income tax is administered, policies and problems affecting them as well as their businesses. The study was guided by the following research objectives...
Training is important in building and improving skills and knowledge of people. In the US, 40% of adult are functionally illiterate, and experts have defined literate as individuals who have acquired a sixth grade education or level (Bihlander, et al: 2001). According to Sierra & Rico (1996), performance of primary school teachers in Spain who acquired specialty training in mathematics, music and foreign language improved. In the UK, newly qualified teachers serves probationary period of one ...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out within the Headquarter and county as whole and it was carried on the effects of leadership style on employee's performances. The study was basically on following styles below: Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their team members, even if their input would be useful. This can be appropriate when you need to make decisions quickly, when there's no need for team input, and when team agreement isn't necessary for a successful outcome. Howev...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the impact of motivation on the performance of employees in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in Juba, Southern Sudan The study was designed as a case study of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in Juba, Southern Sudan and a total of 30 respondents participated in the study. The respondents included; executive managers, human resource managers, line managers, and lower level employees. The analysis included both quali...
ABSTRACT This research was done with the purpose of the study is to examine the influence of absenteeism on employees’ productivity in Lira District Local Government, Production Department. The definition of both the independent variable and the dependent variable were discussed together with the factors affecting productivity of staff. The following were the specific objectives; to examine how motivation of workers affect productivity in Lira District Local Government, to assess the ext...
For many years, procurement has been advancing day by day due to technology changes .the manual system of direct buying and selling is being sized out slowly with the improvement in technology “electronic procurement” coming on board in the procurement sector Karehka (2008) explains Electronic procurement as the business to business purchase and sale of supplies and services over the internet. An important part of business to business sites E procurement is also referred to by other terms...
The study assessed the impact of motivation on employee job performance in the health sector mainly in Kapchorwa main hospital involving the hospital administrators, medical personnel and the patients. The study intended to sample 100 respondents; however, 60 of them participated in the interview making it a success. The study objectives were to find out the various tools/ways of motivation in the health sector, the impact of motivation on employee performance, the challenges facing motivatio...
The purpose of the survey was to find out the impact of electronic commerce on retail performance of Nakumatt supermarket Kampala (Uganda). To achieve this, objectives were formulated which guided on examining the general objective of the survey. The specific objectives formulated were: first, to find out the type of e-commerce applications used in Nakumatt supermarket; second, to find out the efficiency ofNakumatt supermarket; third, to find out the relationship between e-commerce and retail...
ABSTRACT The study on the "the role of live stock husbandry in economic development" was carried out in Puntland State of Somalia, with specific aims of; examining the role of Livestock; in improving people's standard of living; improving the economic development of Puntland State of Somalia and tracing the challenges and problems facing livestock husbandry in Puntland State of Somalia. A review of related literature was carried out on already existing information on the specific aims of thi...