Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Problems Of Food Insecurity Among The People Of Iganga District In Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research was designed focusing on the study of food insecurity on the people of Iganga district and a case study of Iganga district. In the collection of data both qualitative and quantitative method were used encouraged the researcher to present her information in statistics of a tabulation form or percentages. Several data collection techniques were used for stance questionnaire focused group discussions, in depth interviews, document analysis, observation, simple random were...

Impact Of Credit Policy Management On Performance Of Microfinance Institutions A Case Study Of Kitgum Sacco

Abstract The purpose of the study was to establish the effectiveness of credit policy management and performance in kitgum saving cooperative and credit society (Kitgum SACCO) and to establish the extent to which management contributes to the successful operation of the existing credit policy in kitgum district. The study sample size was 25 respondents from kitgum sacco. The study was carried out using questionnaires as a method of data collection. The secondary data used were internal docum...

Logistics Strategy And Performance Of Organization. A Casestudy Of Civil Aviation Authoritya

ABSTRACT: is research dealt with the effects of Logistics Strategy on of Organizations. This study was tducted through a descriptive survey Performance research design. The study involved the cfofCivil Aviation's Authority. This research was guided by research questions based on the iables fore mentioned. The data concerning Logistics Strategy was generated from Logistics I Procurement Journals and magazines. The study handled issues as cited fi·om the study ectives; to examine the challenge...

The Impact Of Micro Finance And The Entrepreneurial Development A Case Study Of Kenya Women Finance Trust In Kiritiri Town (Kenya)

ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship today has hit huge boost worldwide as individuals continuously seek to develop and achieve vast in different fields. This global interest has much been realized in the last decade especially in the developing countries. It also encourages use of local resources as well as self reliance and employment. In the view to generate entrepreneurship, Kenya government provides economic, social, financial and political support for the citizen. In this survey carried to establ...

The Impact Of Decentralization On The Performance Of Local Government Personnel In Makindye Division Kampala Uganda

Abstract The study set out to investigate the relationship between decentralization and the performance of local Government personnel. The study had three objectives: To examine the impact of decentralization on the performance of local government personnel in Makindye Division, to find out challenges of decentralization and the performance of local government personnel in Makindye Division and to find out solutions to the challenges of decentralization on performance of personnel and strateg...

The Impact Of Gender Based Violence On The Performance Of The Girl Child In Secondary Schools In Uganda: A Case Study Of Selected Secondary Schools In Bundibugyo Town Council

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impact of gender-based violence on the performance of girl child in secondary schools in Bundibugyo town council, Bundibugyo district. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) to identify the causes of gender-based violence; ii) to establish the forms of gender-based violence; iii) to identify measures that can stop gender-based violence. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The findin...

Tax Policy And Foreign Direct Investment In Rwanda Between 2008-2012: A Case Of Kigali City.

ABSTRACT This study determined the relationship between tax policy and foreign direct investment in Kigali City, Rwanda. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, three research objectives were formulated and these included: To determine effectiveness of tax policy in Rwanda; to determine the level of foreign direct investment in Kigali; and to establish whether there was a significant relationship between tax policy and foreign direct investment in Kigali city, Rwanda. The research ...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (12474 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Budgetary Control And Profitabilty Of Small Business Enterprise Case Study On Kenjoy Supermarket

ABSTRACT The study involved the analysis of the budgetary control and profitability of small business enterprises. The study considered kenjoy supermarkets variables showing budgetary control as independent variable and profitability as dependent variable. Budgetary control leads to profitability and government policy in small business enterprises as interviewing variable which helps in connecting budgetary control to profitability in small business enterprise. The study was setout to study t...

Microfinance Institutions And Poverty Reduction In Uganda A Case Study Of Makindye Division

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the extent to which Micro Finance intervention could be effective against poverty reduction in Uganda. The research was based on three objectives; to identify the various Micro Finance services provided by MFis in the division, to establish whether MFis provide entrepreneurial advice to their clients in the division and to examine the relationship between Micro Finance intervention and poverty reduction. The findings revealed that MFis provided insuranc...

Analysis Factors That Enhance Auditor's Independence. Case Study: Auditing Firms In Hass Petroleuivi

TABLE OF CONTENTS I>ECLARAT!()N ....................................................................................................... i AI'PROYAL ............................................................................................................. iii llEiliCATION ......................................................................................................... iv iCKNOvVLEGDEVJENT ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. '!'ABLE OF C I,IST OF TABLE...

The Impact Of Health And Safety Measures On Employee Performance In Organizations A Case Study Of Kiegoi Tea Factory Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................... ii APPROVAL................................................................................ iii LIST OF ACRONYMS ... ............................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................. v CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background.............................................................................. I 1....

Communication And Organizational Perfomance Case Study Of Nakapiripirit District Local Government.

ABSTRACT The study "'Communication and organizational performance" was carried out in Nakapiripirit District local government with specific aims of establishing the relationship between communication and Organizational Performance. The objectives of the study were; to examine the role of communication and employee performances; to investigate the barriers to effective communication; to investigate the barriers to efficient Organization Performance; and to determine the relationship between c...

Effects Of Inventory Management And Profitability Of Small Businesses. Case Study Maln.B General Hardware Uganda

This project report is about the effects of inventory management and profitability of small scale businesses. The major objectives were to examine the effects of inventory management on profitability of small businesses, to identify the roles of inventory management techniques on profitability of small businesses, to examine the features of profitability on small businesses, and the relationship between inventory management _ and profitability. The researcher revealed a wide range ofliteratur...

Technology And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Uganda; The Case Of Centenary Rurual Development Bank, Gulu Branch

ABSTRACT This study involved examining information technology and performance of Centenary bank, the case study of Gulu Branch. The objectives of the study were, to examine the extent to which computer usage affects productivity of Centenary Bank in Gulu Municipality., to assess the effect of ATM on the productivity of Centenary Bank in Gulu Municipality and to analyze how training staffs affect productivity of Centenary Bank in Gulu Municipality. A relevant review of related literature was c...

Advertising And Sales Volume: A Case Study Of Mtn Uganda Kampala District

The study was to establish the effects of advertising on sales volume of MTN Uganda Kampala district. It was guided by a number of objectives which were; to establish the effects of advertising on the sales of MTN Uganda, Kampala district; to determine other factors affecting sales volume of MTN Uganda, Kampala district, to determine ways of improving sales and to establish the relationship between advertising and sales volume. The data was collected from primary and secondary sources. The re...

4861 - 4875 Of 19638 Results