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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effects Of Outsourcing On Organizational Performance: Case Study Of Mukwano Industry, Kampala, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. .i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

Rewards And Employee Performance. A Case Study Of Hima Cement Factory Kasese District, South Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on reward and employee performance in Hima cement factory, Kasese district .The study was intended to find out the effect of reward on employee performance, to establish the reward policies used in improving workers performance and challenges encountered in rewarding employees in Hima cement factory. The study was carried out within the period of three months. The study used and explanatory research design for the collection of qualitative data using questi...

Capital Budgeting Techniques And The Management Of Financial Resources In Oil Industrjes. Case Study: A Look At Kenol-Kobil Petrol Stations In Kenya

ABSTRACT This paper will look at capital budgeting techniques employed by the oil firms in Kenya. It will look at six major oil firms in Kenya based on their market share. Capital budgeting or investment decision is a very critical area in the success of any firm Long term investment aid a firm in determining the future of firm since the outlay is undertaken today with the effect running into the unforeseeable future. This paper will be based on a survey study and the findings will show the ...

Electronic Procurement Practices And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Spear Motors Limited, Kampala

Electronic Procurement Practices And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Spear Motors Limited, Kampala

Compliance With The Public Procurement Disposal Of Public Assets Act. A case Study Of National Social Security Fund (Nssf)Uganda

ABSTACT The study focused on compliance with the procurement procedures and public sector performance. The study was initiated as a result of poor accountability, lack of value for money and poor quality management in the public sector despite the availability of procurement procedures. The researcher used the following objectives to guide the study: to establish the benefits of compliance with the procurement procedures, to identify the factors affecting the compliance with the procurement ...

Impact Of Non Governmental Organisations On Poverty Alleviation In Soroti District: A Case Study Of Temele Development Organisation, Arapai Sub-County

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out in Arapai sub-county, in Soroti district with a major focus on the impact of TEMEDO as an NGO on poverty alleviation in Soroti district, a case study of Arapai sub-county. The general objective of this research was to find out the impact of TEMEDO as a local NGO on poverty alleviation in Arapai sub-county; with specific objectives include; to investigate the socio-economic impact of TEMEDO on alleviating poverty in Arapai sub-county, to find out the challe...

Procurement Processes And Service Delivery In Local Government: A Case Study Of Bundibugyo District- Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study was set to establish the role of the procurement Processes on Service Delivery in Local Government: A case study of Bundibugyo district- Uganda. it was guided by three objectives which included establish the challenges encountered by local governments in the procurement process that hinder service delivery, examining factors that affect service delivery in local government of Uganda and finally establish the effect of public procurement process on service delivery in loca...

Community Conflict On Academic Performance In Secondary Schools In Djiboutl A Case Study Of Balho District.

ABSTRACT This study was done to investigate community class conflict on academic performance. The research used largely qualitative depending on actual observations of behavior and the qualitative analysis of data. Communal class is a personal matter that was not openly discussed by the subject. The researcher adopted the strategic sampling. This was where the population was divided into groups and random samples was taken from within each group bearing the populations as a whole. The researc...

The Impacts of Receivable Management on Profitability of Enterprises; A Case Study of Coca Cola Company Namanve plant, Kampala, Uganda.

ABSTRACT  Receivable management is one of the most receivable constraints and has become so rapid especially in the last 10 to 20 years. According to this study, receivable management refers to money which is owned to a company by a customer for products and services provided, it becomes receivable management when it is occurring at a faster rate compared to the payables within the company. This study focuses on the impacts of receivable management on the profitability in Coca Cola Company b...

An Assessment of a New Technology on the Productivity of a Business Organization in Uganda. The Case Study of Stanbic Bank Gulu Branch

Abstract This section highlights the background, statement of the problem, purpose, objectives of the study, questions, scope, significance, limitation of the ste~dy and the conceptuAl framework. 1.1 Back ground to the study. The Banking sector in Uganda has experienced a rapid transformation. Just about a decade back, this sector was limited to the nationalized and co-operative banks. Then came the multi-national banks, but these were confined to serving an elite few. "Banks are in...

The Role of Microfinance Institutions on the Economic Empowerment of the Rural Women in Ibakara Community, Korosub County, Gulu District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the role of FINCA micro finance institutions on the economic empowerment of the rural women in Ibakara community, Koro sub-county, Gulu, Uganda. The study objective were to, tina -&m whetA. ~ iw:al uz.ornf'A .in Thakar.a .community haY~ aC..Q.~ to FINCA microfinance institution services/ activities, to find out the level of benefits/ satisfaction from FINCA microfmance institution among members of lbakara community, to determine whether there is insignificant ...

The Effects Of Internal Control Systems And Efficiency Of Non Government Organisations: A Case Study Of Compassion International Assisted Projects In Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated and sought to establish the effects of internal control system on efficiency in Non-Government Organizations majoring on Compassion International Assisted projects in Kampala district. Internal controls were looked at from angles of control environment, control activities, information and communication,· risk assessment, and monitoring and evaluation. The research was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data was collected using Quest...

Credit Management System And Performance In Private Enterprises Case Study: Tem Gumi Comp Any Limited

ABSTRACT Credit Management system is a set of policy measures that are designed by each individual business entity to minimize costs associated with extension of credit while maximizing the benefits from it. The purpose of the study is to establish the effectiveness of credit management system in preventing financial resource loss through bad debts. With effect to increase in trade debtors and bad debts, the researcher sought to study and find out the relationship between credit management s...

The Impact Of Agricultural Modernization On Economic Development In Rural Communities Of Uganda A Case Study Of Apac District, Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The impact of Agricultural modernization on economic development” aimed at establishing the relationship between agricultural modernization and economic development in Uganda. The focus of the research also analyzed the modernization techniques in agriculture and how this would enhance and improve the lives of poor households. The investigation also based on the metrics relevant to economic development and the effective mechanisms required in establi...

Cash Management And Profitability Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Bugiri Town Council. A Case Study Of Dembe Enterprize (U) Limited

ABSTRACT The research report was caiTied out from Bugiri Town Council in Small and Medium Enterprises, case study: Dembe Enterprise with the purpose of finding impact of cash management on profitability. The rep01i contains information about cash management on profitability as the background, its position and functions, problem statement, objectives, research questions, scope of the study, conceptual framework and significances. The report also contains information about the achievements and ...

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