Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Competitive Bidding And Service Delivery In Public Procurement: A Case Study Of Adjumani Distric

Abstract In pursuit of the topic competitive bidding in public procurement and service delivery management, this chapter brings fotth the introduction to the research paper as it tackles the background of the study, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, study objectives. research questions, the scope of the study in terms of geography, content/variables and time, and eventually the significance of the study. 1.1 Background of the study The background has four dimensions or persp...

Recruitment And Selection Practices And Performance Of Front Desk Office At Sheraton Hotel

ABSTRACT  This study set out to establish the effect the recruitment and selection practices in Sheraton Hotel and how they affect performance of Pont Desk Officers. The study was carried out along a number of objectives, which included; to identify the methods used in the recruitment and selection processes, to evaluate the role of effective communication in the success of an interview exercise in selection of front desk staff and to examine the challenges affecting the recruitment and sele...

Computerised Accounting And Financial Reporting A Case Study Of Stanbic Bank Garden City Branch

ABSTRACT this study was based on computerized accounting and financial reporting at Stanbic Bank, irden City Branch. The objectives of the study were; to determine the uses of a computerized counting information system, to find out the pros and cons of computerized accounting to tancial institutions, and to establish the qualities of financial reports generated by computerized counting system. The researcher used qualitative and quantitative research designs with a mple of size 15 respondent...

Finance Management And Service Delivery In Local Governments In South Kivu, Democratic Republic Of Congo A Case Study Of Bukavu Town

ABSTRACT  The study investigated finance management and service delivery in local governments in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, a case study of Bukavu Town. This study was guided by the following research objectives: to determine the level of finance management in Bukavu local government, to establish the level of service delivery in Bukavu local government and to establish the effect of finance management on service delivery in Bukavu local government. This study employed a cross...

The Rate Of Infant And Child Mortality Among The Illiterate Communities Of Nebbi District

ABSTRACT ~his research report under the topic “The rate of infant and child Mortality imong the illiterate communities of Nebbi District.” Was aimed at the main bjective of finding out the relationship between illiteracy and child mortality n Nebbi District. It had the specific objective as follows; to find out the causes f child mortality in Nebbi District,to find out the possible solution to the )roblem of the infant and child mortality in Nebbi. The researcher used a ample size of 52 ...

A Situational Analysis Of Living Conditions Of Child Mothers In Bungatira Sub County In Gulu District In Northern Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to find the conditions of living of child mothers, case study of Bungatira Sub County, Gulu district. The research was based on child mothers who faced vigorous and dehumanizing experience, acts which led to social, political, psychological and economic suffering. The patriarchal values and conditions that lead to causes, challenges placed on child mothers for the sexual fulfillment of men and its reinforcement to make it an abuse and violation of Human rig...

Financial Management Practices And Profitability Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Kampala District A Case Study Of Barak Bakery

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on financial management practices and profitability of small and medium enterprises in Kampala district; a case study of Barak Bakery. The objectives of the study were to establish contributions of financial planning and control on profitability of Barak Bakery in Kampala District; to identifY the financial management practice; to identifY the relationship between financial management and profitability of SME and to examine how the working capital managemen...

Prolonged Conflicts And Women's Socio-Economic Development: A Case Study Of Goma Drc

ABSTRACT The research on "the impact of prolonged conflicts on women's socio-economic development" was conducted in Goma- DRC The research was conducted in line with the research objectives which included; finding out the impact of prolonged conflicts on women's socio-economic development in Goma- DRC , DRC; establishing the roots causes of conflicts in DRC; and finding out the post war intervention strategies needed to foster women's socio-economic development in Goma- DRC,- On the impact o...

The Effect Of Taxation On Small Scale Businesses A Case Study Of Small Scale Businesses In Namuwongo Market, Kampala

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Namuwongo Market Kampala. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of taxation on small scale businesses. The research adopted the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection among the study population consisting of a adolescents and adults between 18-45 above years old. The research instruments used have been questionnaires, interview, observation and report documentation containing records of tax authorities within Namuwongo ma...

The Impact Of Training On The Performance Of Organisations

Abstract This research was concerned with review of the impact of training on the effective perfonnance of an organization. The focus was on training of the workers and fi.mctional managers. Different scholars have defined the term training differently in different ways but with one concept of getting skills and knowledge to perform a job. Training therefore cuts across from workers to top-level managers, from new corners to incumbents of the job. Flippo (1984) suggests that, "Training is the...

An Assessment of the Impact Of Non-Governmental Organisations In Improving Economic Welfare Of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAS) A Case Study of Health Need Uganda In Nadunget Sub Coun

Background HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection has now spread to every country in the world. Statistics show that approximately 40 million people are currently living with HIV infection, and an estimated 25  million have died from  this disease.  The scourge or HIV  has been particularly devastating in sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa, but, infection rates in other countries remain high. In the  United  States. approximately  1 million  people are currently infected.  Her...

The Effect Of Motivation On Employees' Performance In Sugar Corporation Of Uganda Limited (Scoul)

Abstract This chapter comprises of the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study. According to Daft (1998), Motivation is referred to as the forces either internal or external to a person that a rouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Heinz and Koontz (1993), defined motivation as a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires needs wishes and related forces. Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guide...

Corporate Governance And Organisational Performance Of Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Of Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited

ABSTRACT The pmpose of the study was to investigate the influence that corporate governance has on organizational performance in Stanbic Bank. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; effect of transparency on organizational performance; contribution of accountability on organizational performance; and effect of board composition on organizational performance at SBUL. The study adopted a case study design and a sample size of 97 respondents comprising staff was selected usi...

Constraints To Rural Household Savings A Case Study Of Kajiado District

ABSTRACT A research study on the constraints to rural household's savings was carried out in the rural areas ofKajiado districts. The main objective was to identify and explain the constraints to rural household savings in Kajiado districts. The study also specifically aimed at identifying the informal forms of savings used by the rural people of Kajiado district, the problems associated with the forms of informal savings used and also to identify the level of awareness of the importance...

Employee Commitment And Organizational Performance In Selected Manufacturing Organizations In Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The study to determine the relationship between employee commitment and organizational performance in selected manufacturing companies was guided by three objectives that included assess the effect of affective commitment on performance, effect of continuance commitment on performance examine the normative commitment on performance selected manufacturing companies . The study adopted a descriptive correlation survey design under quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data was ...

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