Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Bank Liquidity Risk and Bank Credit Risk: Implication on Bank Stability in Ghana

Bank sector crisis across the globe is largely blamed on the joint effort of bank liquidity and bank credit risks. And so, the twin concepts of liquidity and credit risks have come under keen academic scrutiny, especially in investment finance. Contributing to extant literature on these developments, secondary data were obtained from the websites of nine banks in Ghana, spanning 2008 to 2018, to determine how liquidity and credit risks separately and interactively impact bank stability in Gha...

Challenges Faced In Supply Chain Management A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited Company

The study was conducted to identify the roles of Total Quality Management in procurement, to identify the methods used in applying total quality management, challenges faced, and find out the solutions to the problems faced, and how other departments recommend procurements activities The study was undertaken in the procurement department and other closely related departments; Quality Control, Stores, Production and Finance. Participants were all members of the department since they were ...

To Examine The Problems That Hinder Community Development; Case Study Osukuru Sub County, Tororo District

A lot of problems hinder community development in different areas and in this particular study Osukuru sub county in Tororo district used as the case study. A lot of efforts have been put in by the community workers for example schools constructed and teachers employed, roads have been constructed, easy access to market areas but the people have few income generating activities and some of them can not afford to maintain their children in school even after the introduction of UPE. The AI...

Causes Of Failures Of Small Business A Case Study Of Smes In Kabalagala And Kansanga

This studv was carried out to find the causes of failures of small and medium businesses at Kabalagala and Kansanga. Findings of this study show that the causes of failures of small scale businesses was because of shortage of capital, premises, competition, limited (seasonal) market/ holidays and limited (seasonal) market/ holidays. It was found out that capital is the major problem to most entrepreneurs ofKabalagala and Kansanga. As a result, it is noted that more concerted effort is ne...

Political Decentralization And Social Service Deli Very In Wamala Sub-county, Wakiso District Uganda

The study titled “Political decentralization and social service delivery” aimed at investigating the influence of Political decentralization on social service delivery in Wamala Sub-County -Wakiso District. The objectives of the study were, to determine the role ofPolitical decentralization on the social service delivery in Wamala Sub-County -Wakiso District, to determine the problems facing Political decentralization while delivering services to the service delivery, to identify strat...

The Contribution Of Women Emancipation To The Socio-economic Development In Uganda. A Case Study Of Kanungu District

The research on "the contribution of women emancipation to the socio-economic development" was carried out in Kanungu district, central region Uganda. The research involved 100 respondents, of which 61% were women. The research was however guided by research objectives. Objective one sought to find out how women emancipation brought socio-economic development in Kanungu district, Uganda. It was however found that; increase in women representation, increased women employment, increased i...

The Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On The Economic Empowerment Of Women A Case Study Of Wajir County, Kenya

This study was conducted in Wajir County to examine the impact of microfmance institutions on women empowerment. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of microfmance on women's incomes, to fmd out other economic benefits of microfinance to women and to identify the challenges hindering microfinance as a tool ofwomen empowerment. A review of relevant literature was done and compared with the study fmdings.  The study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design and the ...

Loan Recovery Management And The Level Of Poverty Among Beneficiaries (A Case Study Of Centenary Development Bank Lira Branch).

We need a loan every time we face a situation where we can not meet the ends and we need some kind of financial injection that will cure the problem especially in emergencies, getting a loan can really help and once the emergency is over, repaying that loan never feels like a burden. The origin of credit dates back to the early 1950s in India and early 1960s in East Africa when cooperatives societies used to give loans to their members (Dewees 1993, Pulley 1989). The management and repay...

Commercial Banks Lending Policies And Financial Performance Of Small Scale Businesses. A Case Study Of Owino Market In Kampala City

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between commercial banks lending policies and financial performance of selected small scale businesses in Kampala City. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to examine the lending policies used in Commercial Banks by Small Scale Businesses, to establish the factors influencing the financial performance of Small Scale Businesses and to examine the relationship between Commercial Banks lending policies and financial per...

The Quality Of Financial Reporting On Access To Donor Funds In Non Government Organizations. The Study Was A Survey Research On Friends Of Children Association (Foca).

ABSTRACT The study was undertaken with the main purpose of establishing the effects of the quality of financial reporting on access to donor funds in Non Government Organizations. The study was a survey research on Friends of Children Association (FOCA). The objectives of the study were to investigate and establish the quality of financial reports, accessibility to donor funds in case of Friends of Children Organization and to establish the relationship between the quality of financial report...

Supplier Management Techniques And Operational Efficiency Case Study: Regal Paints Limited Kampala

ABSTRACT The ma:in purpose of the study was to establish the Impact of Management techniques on Operational Efficiency and the objectives were to; Determine the relationship between supplier management techniques and operational efficiency of an organization. Asses the effects of Supplier Management techniques on operational Efficiency in Regal paints Ltd. The findings are intended to benefit future academicians especially Kampala Intemational University business studies, help organization on...

Conflict Management And Employee Performance In Xlusive Cumng(U)Limited, Busukuma Subcounty, Wakisodistrict

Abstract The study was about conflict management and employee performance as perceived employees in Xclusive Cuttings Uganda Limited . The purpose of this study in this connection sought to investigate the effects of conflict management on employee performance and to offer a comprehensive review on the management. By scanning the existing literature on conflict ,there are still identified gaps within ,this review will thereby serve as a starting point for analysis in the conflict management r...

Training And Employee Performance Case Study: Ropani International Company, Ltd Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The research was about "the impact of training on employee performance". A case study of Ropani International Company Ltd, Juba Southern Sudan. Despite the fact that emphases were put on training in southern Sudan, there was lack of sufficient training in Ropani International Company which resulted into untrained employees joining higher positions in the company resulting into reduced efficiency, poor human relations, reduced employees' morale, and increased rate of supervision. The...

Outsourcing And Service Delivery A Case Study Of Uganda Police Force

ABSTRACT Outsourcing is the buzz word of the new millennium while companies are increasing moving jobs offshore to cut clown costs. The public is feeling cheated that their jobs are being stolen by cheat foreign labour. In this study aims at investigating the impact of outsourcing on service delivery at Uganda Police Force. The study was guided by the following specific objectives to establish the influence of outsourcing on quality :efservice deli• ~ry at Uganda police. to find out tlw eff...

Marketing Strategies And Performance Of Telecommunication Companies: A Case Study Of Uganda Telecom

ABSTRACT In every organization there are certain marketing strategies that should be considered. This is because the performance depends on the strategies chosen. This has always been a problem to some organizations that choose poorly those Strategies. The aim of the objectives is to solve the problems concerning the strategies. Those objectives are as follows. i. To investigate the various marketing strategies offered by Uganda telecom so as to establish a clear picture on the ground. ii. E...

5101 - 5115 Of 19638 Results