Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Impact Of Industrial Disputes On The Performance Of An Organization A Case Study Of Kenya Power And Lighting Company Kenya

The purpose of the study was basically to establish the Impact of industrial disputes on the performance of Kenya Power and lighting company. The key objectives were to establish the relationship between proper handling of industrial disputes and performance of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample. 70 respondents were randomly selected, data collection was done by the researcher herself, questionnaires were given to respondents to fill'wi...

Financial Statement Analysis And Decision Making Process A Case Study Of Centenary Rural Development Bank In Kampala Town Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was aiming at assessing the effectiveness of financial statements in decisionmaking process. The information or data was taken from Centenary rural development bank (CRDB) Entebbe branch. The research identified different things from Centenary rural development bank (CRDB) management in making decision using financial statement. Also it identified the role of financial statement within the organization and to the users and how it has helped them in all the proper manageme...

SSA Research 59 PAGES (10907 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Use Of A Mobile Phone As An Aid To The Growth Of Agriculture In Uganda A Case Study: Logoba Village In Moyo District

ABSTRACT Mobile phone emerges as a great tool to enhance the system of transfer of infonnation in agriculture, so an effort in this study has been made to enumerate the uses of mobile phones in growth of agriculuture in Logoba village in Moyo district which is based on combination of ICTD and diffusion theories to understand mobile phone adoption in a holistic mam1er. In doing so, the presented findings provide insight into why individuals within resourceconstrained environments can adopt mo...

Stress Management And Employee Effectiveness In Uganda A Case Study Of Crane Bank, Wakiso

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between stress management and employee effectiveness in Uganda: a case study of Crane Bank, Wakiso. The study objectives were; to identify the causes of stress among employees at Crane Bank, Wakiso branch, to establish the factors that affect employee effectiveness at Crane Bank, Wakiso branch and to examine the relationship between stress management and employee effectiveness in Crane Bank, Wakiso. A cross sectional survey was used in th...

Supply Chain Management And Competitiveness Of A Firm A Case Study Of Ntake Bakery Company Limited

After noticing certain constraints like inconsistent quality, poor customer service, poor terms of delivery and escalating costs prevalent at Ntake Bakery Company, with the presence of supply chain management, a study was taken up to establish the relationship between supply chain management and competitiveness of a firm. The first objective was to identify the major supply chain performance driver that can in tum provide solutions to the constraints if good decisions about them are made...

The Impact Of Internal Control System On Rganisations Profitability Acase Study Of Standard Chartered Bank (Uganda)

This report carries the information collected by the researcher during his research. The study was to assess the effects of computerized accounting on customer service delivery a case study of Standard chattered bank. Standard chattered bank was selected to form the basis of the research study. The main objective was to investigate the effects of computerized accounting on customer service delivery in business organization especially Standard chattered bank. The methodology used by the ...

Consumer Relationship Management And Longterm Survival Of A Firm: A Case Study Of Chania Flour Mills Thika- Kenya

In today's highly competitive environment business needs to better understand their customers their customers who are the most profitable, and how to best retain those customers. This understanding through important channels which one is CRM. CRM helps companies make sense of customer needs and helps the companies manage these relationships more intelligently and help predict the future. Such knowledge provides a crucial competitive differentiation for companies to gain market share and ...

Teamwork And Employee Performance A Case Study Of Kampala International University Main Campus

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Background of the study ................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Statement ofthe problem ................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Purpose of the study ....................................................................

Effect Of Training On Employee Performance A Case Study Of Observer Media Company Limited

The study on the effect of training on employee performance was carried out from Observer M~dia Limited to establish the various types and methods of training carried out and why performance assessment is observed in order to establish the' relationship between training and performance assessment. To comprehend this, the study reviewed literature from various scholars for qualification of the findings through use of a descriptive study analysis administered on a sample of 50 employees bo...

The Impact Of Reward System On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Uchumi Supermarket Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between reward systems and employee perfmmance in organizations a case study of Uchumi supermarket from 2010-2011. Objectives that guided the study included; Established reward systems that boost employee performance, assessing the performance of employees in uchumi in regard to reward systems in pland and establishing the relationship between reward systems and employee performance. The study is both descriptive and analytical in nature where ...

Impact Of Corporate Governance On Tiie Performance Of Comercial Banks Inkenya

This survey was conducted between the months of February and June 2010. It is set to examine the extent of the application of Corporate Governance practices in the banking sector in Kenya. The survey was founded on the premises that Corporate Governance is a vital ingredient in maintenance of a dynamic balance between the need for order and equality in society. Corporate Governance is an integral part of the banking sector, considering the role played by the banking and financial institu...

Impact Of Financial Management On The Performance Of Organizations A Case Study Masaka District Administration Finance Department

The research was carried out on the impact of Financial Management on the performance of organiza~ions case study of Masaka District Administration Literature reviewed that Financial Managements promote sound financial discipline It was also observed that new accounting techniques by the local government are responsible for the increased productivity on service delivery The study was cross sectional , descriptive and designed to collect data from respondents like the district treasurers, chie...

The Effect Of Credit Management On The Sustainability Of Financial Institutions In Centenary Rural Development Bank

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of credit management on the sustainability of financial institutions in CERUDEB-Centenary Rural Development Bank Ltd. The specific objectives of the study were to evaluate the relationship between pre-credit disbursement process and financial institutions sustainability, to establish the relationship between credit terms and clients' needs' satisfaction and to evaluate the relationship between credit delivery and repayment process....

Child Marriage And Its Impact On Development A Case Study Of Paya Sub County In Tororo District, Uganda.

This report presents the fmdings of the study on "Child Marriage and its impact on Development" which was carried out in Paya Sub County, Tororo district, Eastern Uganda. The research developed a conceptual model to illustrate the causes-effect relationship of Child Marriages. The study had four objectives; to verify whether child marriages take place in Paya Sub County, to examine the conditions and factors that lead to child marriage and also establish the extent to which child marriage...

Automated Teller Machines And Financial Service Delivery A Case Study Of Backlays Bank

The Auto111ated teller 111achine (ATM) is one of the technological advances that brought about chnnge in the way banks provided a service to their customers. The ATM was introduced with the view to automate the operations of the banks and thus reduce the need for bank tellers and in the long run reduce costs. The view of automating the services of a bank tel ler eventuall y culminated into new and improved deli very systems for other bank products. With the introduction o f A TM charges,...

5236 - 5250 Of 19638 Results