Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Assessing The Nature And Extent Of Hrm Practices In Judiciary System, A Case Study Of The High Court Of Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study examined the human resource practices at the High Court. It based on the following objectives. 1. To docwnent the natme and extent of HRM practices carried out 111 the High Court of Uganda. u. To detennine the challenges facing the implementation of HRM practices in High Court of Uganda. 111. To identify and analyze mechanisms for sustainable implementation of HRM practices in Judiciary system Primary data was obtained directly from the field by use of data collection i...

Corporate Response Strategy And Performance Of County Pension Fund, Kenya

ABSTRACT The interaction between the firm and its environment determines how the established goals and objectives are to be attained. Through aligning to the changing environment, organizations are able to come up with products and services that meet the changing customer needs hence be competitive and post better performance. Pension funds are very instrumental in the mobilization of the funds from employees and employers. Despite this crucial role, the county pension funds in Kenya are gra...

Analysis Of Buoyancy And Elasticity Of Income Taxes In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya, just like many developing countries is currently confronted by huge fiscal deficits, declining external assistance and huge debt service charges that are adversely affecting the country’s development process. The tax revenue in Kenya keeps performing poorly and unsteadily. The revenue collected from tax does not match the target which creates budget deficits. Increased spending needs and weakening revenue-raising capacities have together created structural budget deficits t...

Analysing The Effects Of Discrimination Of People Living With Hiv/Aids In Tororo District (Case Study: Tororo Municipal Council)

TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE DECLARATION ..................................................................................... .i APPROVAL. ......................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ .iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................

Constraints Faced By Head Teachers In Instructional Supervision: A Case Of Secondary Schools In Matungulu, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary schools have experienced problems due to lack of adequate trained teaching staff, undisciplined students, inadequate physical facilities and failure to set educational objectives in curriculum and instruction delivery. These problems have jeopardized the head teacher‟s instructional supervision programmes in the concerned schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the constraints faced by head teachers in instructional supervision in Matungulu, Machakos County...

Microfinance And Socio-Economic Development Of Customers. A Case Study Of Pride Uganda Limited.

ABSTRACT Poverty is an increasing problem and a major concern worldwide. By extending financial services to the poor we encourage self employment, decision making and sustainable growth, allowing beneficiaries to fulfill their personal as well as their professional goals by accessing a financial system, to obtain the essay funds in order to achieve personal objectives. As a result, the tools used in microfinance sector are the key to remove the threat of poverty permanently. 20 respondents we...

Effects Of Value Added Tax Reforms On Household Welfare And Collection Efficiency And The Determinants Of Its Compliance Gap In Kenya

ABSTRACT The study evaluated the Value Added Tax reform process in Kenya, and established its effect on welfare of households and collection efficiency of Value Added Tax. In addition, the study estimated the Value Added Tax gap in Kenya and evaluated its determinants. The study made use of the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System model to assess the effects of Value Added Tax reforms on household welfare, Value Added Tax efficiency was measured using the Collection-Efficiency model and Valu...

Edu Frontiers 159 PAGES (37433 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Health Hazards And Working Conditions On The Safety Of Housekeeping Staff In Budget Hotels In Eastern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study explored the health hazards and working conditions of housekeepers in Budget Hotels in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It was carried out with the aim of improving occupational health and safety in the study area. Many studies globally have classified hotel housekeepers among the high risk group based on the International Labor Standards on Occupational Safety and Health. To address these concerns, the study explored the risk and hazard factors affecting the health and safet...

Determinants Of Current Account Balance In Kenya

Abstract Current account is one of the components in the Balance of Payment of a country. It covers all the transactions that involve the real sources (goods, services, income).It comprises the international balances of transactions in trade of goods and services, factor income and current transfers. Current account balance is significant because it is key economic indicator of country’s external performance. Despite this voluminous literature, there is hardly any consensus as regards the ...

Edu Frontiers 75 PAGES (14568 WORDS) Economics Project
The Effect Of Procurement Process On The Procurement Performance In An Organization Case Study: The Uganda National Bureau Of Standards (Unbs)

ABSTRACT The research report 1s structured into the background to the study, literature review, methodology, the study findings and finally discussion, conclusion, summery and recommendations. This study was carried out at the Uganda national bureau of standards (UNBS) The specific objectives of this study were to; To establish the different steps or procedures in the procurement process. To examine the Key Performance Indicators of purchasing performance. To establish the relationship betwe...

Internal Control System And Performance In An Organization A Case Study Of Manafw A District Local Government Head Quarters

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .. .. ....................... . ...................... ...... ... . .. .... ................................ .. .iii Approval ............. . ....................... .......... ...... ............................................. ... . .iv Dedication... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ ..... ............................... v Acknowledgment ......... . ..................... ........ .. ... . .... ... ...

Internal Control System On Management Of Cash In Road Transport Service Providers A Case Of Gaaga Bus Company Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was concluded at Gaaga Bus Company Kampala branch in Kampala city located at Arua Park Wilson road, under the topic the impact of internal control systems on the management of cash in transport service providers. However, it is evident that there existed the problem of fraudulent transactions and frequent mismanagement and misappropriation of cash .since it is difficult for the company owners to know when bills came in and payments were received. The main objectives of ...

The Challenges Of Implementing Universal Primary Education By Local Governments In Uganda: A Case Study Of Rakai District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges of implementing universal primary education in Rakai District. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the problems of primary education in Rakai District, determine whether UPE is sustainable in the face of increasing costs of education and to get procedures that can help solve the challenges of primary education. The study revealed that the implementation of UPE is hindered by Class size and Shortage of te...

An Assessment Of The Challenges Facing The Girl Child Education: Case Study Mafubira Subcounty

ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess challenges facing the girl child education of Mafubira sub-county in Jinja district of eastern Uganda. a small number of girls have been enrolled at primary level yet a considerable number of them have dropped out leaving a small ratio of girls to boys to complete their studies especially as they advance to higher levels of education. This has necessitated the intervention of the government and other concerned stakeholders like NGO'S in the country i...

Budgetary Controls And Financial Management In Local Governmet: A Case Of Mbale Municipal Local Government Council

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background to the Study 2 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study 3 1.4 Objectives of the Study 4 1.5 The Research Questions 4 1.6 The Significance of the Study 4 1.7 The Scope of the Study 5 1.7.1 Subject Scope 5 1.7.2 Geographical Scope 5 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Budgets and Definition of Budget 6 2.2 Budgeting 6 2.3 Purpose of a Budget 7 2.4 Budgetary Powers 7 2.5 Stakeholders Involv...

5701 - 5715 Of 19638 Results