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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Women Empowerment And Poverty Eradication In Central Uganda Case Study: Katabi Sub-County, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT This research dissertation is about the study of women empowerment towards poverty eradication in Katabi sub-county, Wakiso district in the three villages of Kitubulu, Lunyo and Katabi. The researcher was motivated to carry out this study basing on the significant changes being experienced by women in the social, economic and political spheres of life as a result of being empowered. The main objective of the study was to critically analyze the importance of empowerment towards effec...

Factors Affecting Project Sustainability Of Community Managed Water Supplies In Laikipia East Sub-County, Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya with support from multilateral and bilateral financing agencies has implemented many rural water projects to address the pressing need of water supply and improve on local sanitation conditions. Many rural projects fail to deliver the goods and services as planned and operational costs increase exponentially making them unsustainable to run. The main objective of the research was to establish the factors affecting project sustainability of community managed water supplies with...

The Role Of Decentralization Policy In The Promotion Of Socio-Economic Development In Kayunga District Case Study Kangulumira Sub County

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the role of decentralization policy in the promotion of socio-econornic development in Kayunga district where Kangulurnira Sub County was used as the case study. The study objectives included to examine the ways through which decentralization policy was being practiced in Kangulumira Sub County, to assess the contributions of decentralization policy towards socio economic development of Kangulumira Sub County and to examine the challenges that the decentr...

The Impact Of Communication On Employee Performance. A Case Study Of International Hospital Kampala.

ABSTRACT The study on the impact of communication on employee performance in International Hospital Kampala. The researcher deployed uses and gratification theory, symbolic interaction theory, and communication accommodation theory, which gave a guide to the study. The study had a problem statement of increase in accidents, low moral of the employee, high labor turnover and poor customer care. The study was directed by the objectives of the study which included: to establish the forms of com...

Centralized Purchasing Strategies And Organizational Performance In The Manufacturing Industry: A Case Of Mabati Rolling Mills

ABSTRACT In the current global business environment formulating and implementing the best strategies is essential for organization success. One of the key units in the manufacturing industry is the purchasing department. The major share of the organization costs are utilized within the purchasing department hence finding and employing the best purchasing strategies is key to fostering organization performance. Despite the central role of the purchasing department there is minimal scholarly l...

Learning Organisation And Employee Performance Of Equity Bank In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Competition in the banking sector has been increasing globally, hence, implementation of learning organization becomes a key focus in any organization. Research indicates that employees play a major role in the banking sectors and they are the determinants of customer retention. Hence employee performance is a key issue that most banking sectors look upon. Studies have indicated that most banks perform poorly in terms of ensuring that the performance of their employees is high hence...

Bank Regulation And Level Of Non Performing Loans In Commercial Banks In Nakuru County Kenya

ABSTRACT The non-performing loans ratio among Kenyan lenders rose to a 10-year high in the third quarter of the year 2018 as commercial banks struggled with loan defaults in a tough economic environment. The rise has mainly been driven by business borrowers and has affected largely banks in tier 2 and 3, a research report by Standard Investment Bank showed. Businesses in the country have struggled with a tough operating environment this year as credit growth ground to a halt on the back of a...

Edu Frontiers 102 PAGES (23656 WORDS) Finance Project
An Assessment Of Existing E-Waste Management Systems In Institutions Of Learning In Ruiru Subcounty, Kiambu County

Abstract The usefulness of ICT has led to an overwhelming elastic demand for electronics most computing devices such as mobile phones and computers. Individuals, learning institutions and government institutions worldwide are adopting ICTs at a fast pace. Widespread consumption has resulted into huge amounts of Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) or e-waste generated from non-usable or old electronics. E-waste management in developing countries is one of the least revised env...

Internal Audit Function And Fraud Detection In Government Agencies A Case Study Of Naads Kumi

Internal Audit Function And Fraud Detection In Government Agencies A Case Study Of Naads Kumi

Project Management Practices And Implementation Of Projects In Manufacturing Companies In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Achievement of a project means that a number of its perceived factors were attained. It is not guaranteed that project management practices will result to proper implementation of projects by manufacturing companies. However, the success of projects largely depends on the way it is managed and controlled. The challenges met during the implementation of project management practices has been during project planning, exceeding the set budget and going beyond its set schedule and poor q...

Corporate Branding Strategies And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

Abstract Banks in Kenya continue to record decreased profitability due to face stiff competition from non-bank institutions. Corporate branding strategy provides direction and scope an organization takes in its journey to identify itself uniquely to its customers to ensure customer loyalty. It’s not just enough to create a brand since that will not help the company attain sustainable advantage. In order to have a brand development that is a success it’s important to have effective market...

Working Capital Management And Profitability Of Sembule Steel Mills Ltd, Kampala- Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between working capital management and profitability of manufacturing firms and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational qualifications, and years in the present position; (b) to determine the current level of working capital management of the firms; (c) to determine the extent of profitability; and (d) to establish if there is a significant r...

The Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Alleviation In Uganda Case Study: Brac Microfinance Bugiri Branch, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................

Decentralisation And Education Service Delivery In Apac District. The Case Study Of Apac Town Council

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between decentralization and education service delivery in Apac Town Council, with the view of generating sustainable ways to improve decentralization programmes to enhance education service delivery in the district. The general objective of the study was to find out the extent to which decentralization has influenced education service delivery in Town Council. A co-relational research design was employed. A sample of 136 respondents part...

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