ABSTRACT: The research investigated the relationship between leadership styles on organizational performance as its Main objective and how it contributes to the organization performance. The research was conducted within a public service organization situated in the Rift Valley province of Kenya. The leadership styles forms the foundation which the research was based, as it suggests the various leadership styles within the leadership bracket of leaders that affect /effect performance of...
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was teamwork and employee performance in Punt land State University in Somalia, the problem was failure to encourage teamwork among the employees, students and the lecturers of Punt land State University in Somalia for better performance; The purpose of the study was to establish the effects of teamwork on performance of punt land state university in Somalia The objectives of the study were; to finding the types of teamwork in punt land state university i...
ABSRACT The study sought to investigate the effect of outsourcing on organizational performance. The study was guided by the following research objectives, to investigate whether the company undertakes outsourcing of projects/services, to establish whether outsourcing programs at the company achieve their stated objectives of improving organizational performance, productivity, market share, and quality and to investigate the factors that are associated with the success or failure of outsourci...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................
ABSTRACT. In Uganda, commercial banks are !mown for their consequent and extraordinary profits that they generate at the end of their accounting periods. The entrance of the foreign banks in the local industry within the region posses a high level of competition that has made banks to constantly come up with several and different financial products and services in order to maintain market leadership or to take over the market leadership. This research takes an investigative study of bank...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the factors affecting women in small-scale enterprises in Mpumudde Sub county Lyantonde district. The study was carried out in Mpumudde Sub county Lyantonde district The variables under investigations were accessibility to credit facility, availability of infrastructure, the level of education and availability of family support. The main respondents for the study were women in small-scale enterprises. Sixty five respondents formed the sample size of the s...
ABSTRACT This research investigated the effect of village banks on rural development from 2006 to the year 2010. The specific objectives of the research were to determine the role of village banks in development of clients in Midia, discover the social and economic achievements of the clients of the village banks and identify some of the challenges facing the village banks in developing clients' socio-economic life in Midia Sub-County. In the literature review, different concepts and opinion...
ABSTRACTS The topic was based on the effects of taxation on small scale businesses. The objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between taxation system and Performance of the small scale businesses, to investigate the effects of taxation on the Performance of small scale businesses, The research design used was descriptive in nature because the study was aimed at describing the effects of taxation on small scale businesses .Both qualitative and quantitative research desi...
ABSTRCT The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of drug abuse among students in the selected secondary schools in Kaliro town council, Kaliro district and this was achieved through the three research objectives and these included the following; To examine the causes of drug abuse among the students in the selected secondary schools in Kaliro town council, Kaliro district, To examine the effects of drug abuse among students in the selected secondary schools in Kaliro town council, ...
ABSTRACT Phe study was carried out to find out about the Workplace Environment and Performances in the health sectors of Mulago Hospital. It was to help the management of Mulago hospital in devising mechanisms to provide an improved working environment to its employees, which is conducive in terms of ~cilities, equipments, drugs, better interaction opportunities and good ~freshment. General aim of this study was to identify the workplace -wironmental factors that influence performances in the...
ABSTRACT Internal control is one of the major challenges facing managers to day. Particularly in less development country like Tanzania .This is because of manager resource. government has to operate with to satisfy wants or needs for the people .Cash being very fast moving among the asset of an organization, there is a need to design management system to ensure its safe custody. This control should not only be inward looking. It must take care of both cash receipts and that being used o...
ABSTRACT This Study Analyses the Effects of Leadership Styles on Staff Performance in World Vision. The major areas of concern to the researcher were to find out the effects of leadership styles on staff performance in world vision. The different leadership styles used in World Vision were established and the attitude of staff towards different leadership styles. The methodology of this study is basically qualitative and quantitative The findings of this study are that not all staff has got ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 6 1.3 Objectives of the study 7 1.4 Research Questions 8 1.5 Scope of the study 8 1.6 Significance of the Study 9 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 11 2.0 Introduction 11 2.1 Cultural leadership and socio-economic transformation in Uganda... 11 2.2 Role of cultural leaders to socio—economic development 16 2....
ABSTRACT The study was on the topic "the effect of working capital management on the financial performance of SMEs (a case study Mbale Municipality). The study objectives were; to identify the various working capital management practices of SMEs, to assess the level of financial performance in SMEs, to establish the relationship between working capital management practices and the level of financial performance. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research design. Data was c...