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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Impact Of Village Savings And Loans Association On People’s Welfare Case Study Lapul Subcounty, Pader District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Lapul sub county, pader district Northern Uganda under the topic “impact of village savings and loans association on the rural household welfare. The research considered a population of 80 people out of which a sample size of 70 respondents was equally selected from the total population to give them an equal opportunity to participate in the study. The study had three major objectives which were; to evaluate the contribution of VSLA on household’s educa...

SSA Research 49 PAGES (10504 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Impact Of Inventory Management On The Profitability Of An Organisation: A Case Study Of Bugisu Cooperative Union Mbale - Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................................... iii Dedication .............................................................................................................................................. iv Ackno,.vledgen1ents .....

SSA Research 61 PAGES (10254 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Impact Of Cash Control System In The Pastoralist Societies: (A Case Study Of Ngo:Rongo Pasto:Ralist Council -A:Rusha Tanzania)

ABSTRACT This research studies the impacts of cash control system on pastoralist societies. Cash is a vital resource for a not-for-profit organization. To maintain financial viability, the organization must have enough cash to pay its bills. Accrual basis financial statements can report an excess of revenues over expenses but this does not necessarily mean that there is cash in the bank. Cyclical and seasonal fluctuations also have an impact on an organization's cash. Cash inflows and outflow...

Public Private Sector Partnership In Health Care Service Delivery In Semuto Sub-County Nakaseke District - Uganda

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to identify, how can governments reap the potential benefits of publicprivate partnerships (PPPs) in the provision of health service delivery? Private sector involvement in the provision of public goods is long-standing, often relying on franchises or concessions. More recently. public-private partnerships (PPPs) have risen in prominence, promising innovative solutions and a better allocation of inputs than traditional procurement with separate concessions. ...

Conflict Transformation And Service Delivery: A Case Study Of Matany Sub-County In Napak District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.0 General introduction 1 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 General objective 4 1,3.1 Specific objectives 4 1.3.2 Research Questions 4 1.4 Scope of study 4 1.5 The conceptual framework 6 1.6 Significance of the study 7 1.7 Definition of Operational terms 7 CHAPTER TWO 8 LI...

Team \Vork And Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the relationship between team work and employee performance in selected organisations in Kampala District. Specific objectives of the study were: to find out the nature of team work in selected organisations, effect of team work and employee performance in selected organisations and suggest ways in which organisations can ensure that team work enhances employee performance. An explanatory survey design was used with qualitative and quantitative approache...

Outsourcing And Organizational Performance. A Case Study Of Apa Insurance Uganda Limited

Abstract Outsourcing is the strategic use of outside resources to perfonn activities that are usually handled by internal staff and resources. This study was designed to explore the relationships between outsourcing and organizational perfonnances at AP A Insurance Uganda Limited. The major objectives of this study therefore were to find out; the relationship between outsourcing and organizational perfonnances, Reasons for outsourcing in the organization, the impact of outsourcing on organiz...

Buyer-Supplier Relationship On Supply Chain Performance A Case Study Of Byeyogere Steelworks Ltd

A BSTRACT The study investigated “The impact of a buyer-supplier relationship on supply chain perforniance, a case study on steelworks LTD.” The study was guided by three res~earch objectives which were; To find out the impact and benefits of the buyer-supplier relationship on supply chain performance, to establish the relationship between buyer and supplier on supply chain perfonnance and lastly to identify the type of buyer-supplier relationship that exists at Bweyogerere steel works. T...

Vocationalisation Of Secondary Education Case Study: Menyenya Sda Nyandaura High School Mutuma High School

Table of Contents Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... .ii List of Tables and Chart ........................................................................................................... iv List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. v Executive Summary .................................................

Microfinance Services On Women Entrepreneuship In South Western Uganda: A Case Study Of Kisoro District

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the Microfinance services on women entrepreneurship in South Western Uganda: A case study of Kisoro District. The study objectives were; to assess the effects of microfinance services on women entrepreneurship in Kisoro District, Uganda, to investigate the business challenges facing microfinance services on women entrepreneurship in Kisoro Distric4 Uganda and to examine the variousfinancial strategic practices that micro finance institutions use to influen...

Youth Participation And Poverty Reduction In Makindye Division, Kampala District-Uganda

ABSTRACT The novelty in aim of this study was set in its grapple to analyze the potential of Uganda's populous youth in relation to the county's strategy to reduce·• the levels of poverty. Using ' Makindye sub-county in Kampala as the case study, the basic features of this work are presented in a chronology of five chapters. Chapter one sets the base for the study. It contains the background to the research, statement of the problem, purpose, objectives of the study; research question...

The Effect Of Credit Management On The Financial Performance Of A Company (A Case Study Of New Vision Printing And Publishing Company)

ABSTRACT Finance is the lifeblood of a business. All business needs cash to operate efficiently. However, companies may not have all the cash they need to finance their operations. On the other hand, companies need to maintain and get more clients in their business. Though not all clients have cash to pay for what they need, credit is offered to them and they pay at a later date. In this study, the researcher wanted to establish the relationship between credit management and performance. The ...

The Role Of Micro-Credit On Poverty Eradication: A Case Study Of Brac Sudan Limited In Bor County, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to assess the role of micro-credit on poverty eradication in Sudan using Brae Sudan limited in South Sudan. The study sought to; assess the activities offered by micro-credit facilities among the family households, establish the implications of the major detivatives which related to poverty eradications and micro-credit establishments and establish the relationship between Brae Sudan Ltd and poverty reduction strategies in Bor County, Southern Sudan....

SSA Research 63 PAGES (13202 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Impact Of Human Resource Management On Employee Performance A Case Study Of Medical Stores Department (Msd)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................

The Role Of The Central Bank In Economic Development Of Rwanda A Case Study Of National Bank Of Rwanda (Bnr)

Abstract This work was about "the role of the Central Bank in the economic development of Rwanda, case study of National Bank of Rwanda. This research was to investigate the vital role played by the bank in regulating and supervising financial institutions in Rwandan economy, also to analyze how central bank cont1ibute in economic development through bank supervision and regulations, assess its interventions to facilitate private investment and give recommendations to the central bank on how...

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