Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effects Of Devolution On Employee Performance In The Health Care Sector In Kenya: A Case Of Kakamega County

ABSTRACT Devolution of health care, as other types of decentralization, immensely changed governance structures and relations in the healthcare system. Devolution was seen by its proponent as a way to improve services delivery and performance of the health system by transferring responsibilities and authority to locally elected governments with an aim to creating a more intense community involvement in order to adjust service to communities’ specific needs. However, there is no clear assura...

Strategic Planning And Implementation Of Constituency Development Funded Projects In Njoro Constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Njoro constituency fund caters for six wards namely Mau Narok, Mauche, Kihingo, Nesuit, Lare and Njoro Wards. The CDF project implementation has had diverse challenges. For example, the auditor general noted that the failure to utilize budgeted funds during the financial year negatively impacted on the project implementations at the constituency level. This study aimed at examining the impact of strategic planning on the project implementation in Njoro constituency. Amongst the ...

Leadership Styles And Strategy Implementation In Selected Stima Saccos In Kenya.

Abstract This study examined the effects of leadership style on strategy implementation in selected Stima Sacco Kenya. Organizational leadership is about relationship of an individual’s ability to influence and be influenced by a group in the implementation of a common task. Strategy implementation is an action phase of the strategic management process which involves the operationalization of the formulated strategies. The general objective of this study was to investigate the effect of lea...

Determinants Of Success Of Constituency Development Projects In Mbooni Constituency, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Constituency development fund (CDF) was established in 2003 through the CDF Act in the Kenyan Gazette Supplement No. 107 (Act No. 11) of 9th January, 2004. It was established as an attempt to balance development among regions in the country by devolving funds proportionate to the poverty index in each constituency. The fund was designed to support constituency-level, grass-root development projects. It was aimed to achieve equitable distribution of development resources across region...

Entrepreneurial Culture And Growth Of Micro And Small Enterprises; A Case Of Nairobi City County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Micro and Small Enterprises growth plays a critical role within social, political, and economic pillars of development in the Less Developed Countries. They have a primary role in providing employment opportunities, enhancing income distribution, and alleviating poverty in Kenya, particularly, in the Jua Kali sector. Contrary to their significance in society, majority of Micro and Small Enterprises are prone to failure as early statistics point to the fact that three out five start-u...

The Relationship Between Contraceptive Use And Risky Sexual Behaviour Among Secondary School Students In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The effective use of contraceptives among adolescents remains a challenge for most developing countries. Therefore, adolescents, both unmarried and married, are faced with many risky sexual behaviors. Many teenagers are faced with the risk of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, unplanned pregnancies, and illegal abortions and even dropping out of school. This study evaluates the relationship between contraceptive use and risky sexual behavior among adolescent. This stud...

Effects Of Marketing Strategies On Growth Of Registered Real Estate Iffrms In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to investigate the effects of marketing strategies on growth of real estate firms in Nairobi County. The study was therefore guided by the following specific objectives: to establish how price as a marketing strategy affect the growth of real estate firms in Nairobi County, to assess the effect of promotion strategy on the growth of real estate firms in Nairobi County, to assess the effect of place on the growth of real estate firms "in Nai...

Determinants Of Devolved Service Delivery In The Public Health Sector In Marsabit County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In 2010, a new constitution was promulgated in Kenya. This introduced the concept of devolution of resources and power from the national government to 47 counties formed after the March 2013 general elections. Health service delivery was devolved and is now a function of the county governments Counties are responsible for hiring staff and the assignment of healthcare workers to the counties has been concluded. This study aims at investigating the determinants of devolved service deli...

Strategic Responses And Competitive Advantage Of Commercial Banks In Kenya: A Case Of Equity Bank Branches In Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT When there is an increase in competition of an industry, the profits by the members reduces. The banking sector in Kenya is no exemption, and thus, the commercial banks are formulating strategies to survive. The main objective of the study was to establish the effect of strategic responses on competitive advantage of commercial banks in Kenya focusing on Equity bank while the specific objective of the study wereto examine extent to which strategic positioning, strategic outsourc...

Availability And Utilization Of School Resources On Students’ Academic Achievement In Public Day Secondary Schools In Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate the relationship between availability and utilization of school resources on students‟ academic achievement in Public day secondary schools in Kisii County, Kenya. The concern was why the decline in students‟ academic achievement in public day secondary schools in Kisii County when the government of Kenya is funding all public secondary schools through the Free Day Secondary Education(FDSE) program. The study was guided by the following objective...

Effect Of Board Composition On Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Many organizations around the world were currently facing corporate governance issues and challenges including poor risk management, corporate fraud and unreliable financial reporting. This is despite having corporate board of directors who are mandated to oversee ethical running of the business. The link between the composition of corporate board members and the financial performance of firms has attracted the attention of scholars around the world. However, some of the studies have...

Project Management And Effective Implementation Of Donor Funded Development Projects In Busia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of project management on effective implementation of donor funded projects in Busia County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: Evaluation of the influence of monitoring and evaluation, managerial factors, empowerment of primary stakeholders and factors attributed to donor behavior on effective implementation of donor funded development projects in Busia County in Kenya. Descriptive research...

Analysis Of Determinants Of Dividend Payout By Agricultural Firms Listed On The Nairobi Security Exchange.

ABSTRACT Agriculture has been a major source of the country’s food security and a stimulant to offfarm employment but agricultural production is on decline. Most firms in the agricultural sector have not lived to their expectations and have led to shareholder apathy thereby contributing to the decline of the rural economy due essentially to unstable and low dividend payout. The dividend policy is one of the most debated topics in finance literature. One of the different lines of resear...

SSA Research 82 PAGES (16299 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Financial Management Practices And Financial Performance Of Registered Micro And Small Enterprises In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Micro and Small Enterprises have a huge responsibility of promoting economic development of many nations in the world today. However, in third-world countries, sector has recorded poor performance even though they take a huge fraction of local businesses. It has been established that approximately 80% to 90% of MSEs collapse their operations within a decade. However, studies from developed nations find financial management practices to contribute immensely to MSEs’ unfavourable bus...

Organizational Resources And Performance Of Kwale County Government, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kwale County government is among the counties that have experienced several performance challenges. The County’s Fiscal Strategy Paper notes that even though the county had bright growth prospects, this was constrained by among other factors, resource challenges. Nevertheless, scholarly studies assessing how county resources affected the county’s performance were scanty. The study aimed at assessing the effect of organizational resources on performance of Kwale County government....

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