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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Corporate Social Responsibility Andthe Performanceof Commercial Banks In Kenya: A Case Of Equity Bank

Various attempts have been made with the aim of to exploring the significance of Corporate Social responsibility across numerous organizations throughout the world. However, there is limited literature that exists about the significant influence of corporate social responsibility on organization performance in Kenya. The goal of this study was to explore the influence of Social Corporate Responsibility on organization Performance. It specifically sought to establish the influence of phil...

Roles Of Stakeholders In The Implementation Of Re-Entry Policy Guidelines On Adolescent Mothers In Secondary Schools: Case Of Machakos County-Kenya

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education developed the Re-entry policy on Adolescent mothers in 1994. The policy allowed adolescent mothers to go back to school after delivery. It was intended to reduce pregnancy-related school dropout rates amongst girls. This study sought to examine the roles that stakeholders were playing in implementing the Government Re- entry policy guidelines on adolescent mothers in secondary schools in Kathiani Sub- County, Machakos County. ...

Financial Innovation And Performance Of Microfinance Banks In Nairobi City County Kenya

These innovations by microfinance have increased efficiency of doing business. It remains largely unclear whether microfinance banks are adequately innovative in their operations given that the number of branches and their clientele base are continuously limited in growth and expansion in Nairobi County. Performance and growth are related in that a firm cannot grow if it fails to post sound performance. The general objective of the study was to determine financial innovation and perform...

Effects Of Prudential Capital Regulations On Systemic Risk And Financial Stability In The Banking Sector In Kenya

ABSTRACT The prudential regulation's main objective is to mitigate financial instability's threat and macroeconomic costs. In the last decade (2007 to 2018), the banking sector in Kenya has expanded rapidly, making some banks operate within thin capital margins, while others have begun regional operations exposing themselves to cross-border country risks. The country needs to be cautious about risks to the financial system and spillovers of these risks to the economy. The aim of this research...

SSA Research 199 PAGES (45374 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Itax Adoption Determinants And Value Added Tax Compliance Among Large Corporate Taxpayers In Kenya

i-Tax is the new system that has been developed by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to ensure online submission of tax returns and other taxation related transactions. Despite the increasing need to raise the level of revenue collection and enforcement so as to provide public services, developing countries still face the challenges of low tax compliance. This leads to frequent tax reforms aimed primarily at closing short-term revenue gaps. The Kenya Revenue Authority presented the i-tax...

AfroAsia Research 108 PAGES (24075 WORDS) Finance Thesis
An Assessment Of The Determinants Of Growth Of Savings And Credit Co-Operatives In Dagoretti District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The researcher carried out research on the assessment of determinants of growth of Savings and Credit Co-operatives in Kenya: A Case of Dagoretti District in Kenya. The research focused on challenges that face co-operatives as they grow and the effect on quality of services offered to the members. The research established how organizations grow and identified growth strategies for business entities that do apply to Saccos in Dagoretti also. The researcher mainly looked at growth thro...

Microfinance Services And Financial Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Kitui County, Kenya

Small and medium enterprises globally have donated to macroeconomic visions of nations and their development is important for markets that are competitive and competence, absorption of labor and produce. Some elements are supposed to be connected through working efficiencies and other segments interventions like formation of an enabling lawful and approach framework, facilitation of access to markets, investments of capital, offering trainings, development of infrastructure, building cap...

Effects Of Corporate Acquisitions On Non-financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya: A Case Of The Acquisition Of Giro Bank Ltd By I & M Bank Ltd

With increasing competition and the economy heading towards globalization, the trend on acquisitions are expected to rise at a much larger scale with the aim of achieving a competitive edge in the financial industry in Kenya. The study aimed at investigating the implications of acquisitions on non-financial performance of the acquisition of Giro bank ltd by I&M Bank Ltd. The study was guided by specific objectives: to establish the influence of Synergy effects on non-financial performanc...

Project Organisation Framework And Implementation Of Road Construction Projects In Kisumu County, Kenya

Most of the road contractors in Kenya have been unable to provide effective services specifically in the maintenance of road. There have existed a sharp criticism against their performance where the Government has come up with strategies like performance contracting, setting up state authorities like KeNHA, KURA, KeRRA and KRB so as to solve this sad state of affairs and also to oversee Contractors performance. The research aimed at developing the impact of project organisation framework...

Effects Of County Bursary On Completion Rates Among University Students In Kwale County, Kenya Between Academic Years 2014/15 To 2017/18

Access to higher education world over has been a preserve of the affluent few since they can cater for the costs of the education. Majority of the developing countries in Africa are yet to address the issue of subsidizing higher education to enhance completion rates. The general objective of this study was to determine the effects of County bursary on the completion rates of university students in Kwale County. Therefore, the study focused towards attaining the following specific objecti...

Microfinance Services And Financial Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Sekondi-takoradi Metropolis, Ghana

Small and medium enterprises are generally regarded as the primary driver of national development in developed and developing economies; contributing both to their sustainable growth and the creation of employment. In Ghana, SMEs constitute about 92% of enterprises, fund about 70% to the country’s gross domestic product and absorb about 60% of the labour force. Owing to this, the Ghanaian government showed its commitment to ensuring that SMEs performed better as a result of the support...

Change Management Strategies And Organizational Effectiveness In Public Universities In Kenya; A Case Of The University Of Eldoret

ABSTRACT Given the turbulent nature and unpredictable environment facing many organizations today, management of change must be critically put into consideration by managers of any organization and form important component of strategy-making. In universities, the pressure for change comes from all sides, government initiatives, the need for efficiency, improving the quality of student learning, intense competition and ever-changing environment make change a permanent condition in all ins...

Equity In Utilisation Of Health Care Services In Kenya

Access to better health care services is a primary need to every individual in the world and rightfully Kenya. A healthy nation plays a significant position in strengthening growth and development. However, presence of horizontal inequity in utilization of healthcare services hinders these. The project’s main purpose was to estimate the magnitude of horizontal inequity in Kenya and subsequently estimate the variables that affected utilization of health services and give appropriate rec...

Cash Management Practices And Profitability Of Star Rated Hotels In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, successful operation of the firm is dependent on sound management of cash receipts, payments and balances. The study sought to establish the effect of cash management practices on profitability of star rated hotels in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Hotels in Kenya have been performing poorly due to dwindling profitability that has been blamed on cash management problems. However, few studies have been carried out to establish whether cash management is leading to dwindling pro...

Fear Of Cancer Illness And Its Influence On Self-disclosure Among Adult Patients At Kenyatta National Hospital Cancer Treatment Center In Nairobi City County, Kenya.

Despite the rapid increase in the number of cancer patients in Kenya, the immense physical and psychological challenges that this diagnosis brings both during and after treatment remain largely unaddressed. Literature shows that cancer illness is greatly feared. The fear may influence self disclosure by patients regarding the effects of cancer illness to people they interact with in their day-to-day living. Self-disclosure involves expressing personal experiences on emotions, thoughts, a...

6091 - 6105 Of 19638 Results